Yes the detail is really good on this picture, but although you have marco pictures every now and then, your forrest pictures are Olivia quality, except you show the big picture.
Guess what. It’s 33 F down here and we have frost. Ya Hoo! The grass will start turning brown soon and stop growing. 🙂
You can check with pet supplie places but their is a thing you can buy where you dig a hole and place poop in the holr with enzynes and it just goes away instead of filling the land fill.
It’s not, actually. The temp differential here is huge. In Cleveland it might be 10 or 20 degrees in a day, but here it’s often 35 or 40. In the winter Cleveland’s temps hardly move at all.
Morning FamilyMan!!!! I am doing good and getting some designs done this am. I have to start working on some holiday designs today also but wanted to share this one.
Morning all. Woke up to cat doo doo instead of dog for a change. Forgot to unlock the cat door out to the garage where we’ve placed the litter box. Oops. I had to race Hopeful to it before she ate it as it’s one of her preferred snack items.
Gorgeous, sparkling morning here heading toward 70 for the next several days. Will make my trip to Cleveland a big wake up call.
I wouldn’t mind her eating it except she knows she’s not supposed to so she takes it to other parts of the house to munch at her leisure. And then, well, you can imagine her breath.
We’re having an annoying little merry-go-round of car troubles. My van is doing some whacky thing where the power locks motor won’t go off, running down the battery. Colin’s old volvo blew a heater fan and has a big oil leak, so we got that fixed yesterday for 730 dollars. Now the battery is dead in the driveway.
Well, our mayor recently cut a plea deal and admitted to a misdemeanor in order to avoid trial on felony charges of carrying a firearm and acting under the color of law without proper authorization. His next trial will be about felony destruction of property and encouraging the delinquency of a minor. We’ll see how that one turns out. Mostly when people used to complain about the crime rate over here, they weren’t including our mayor as part of the criminal activity…
Also, there is a huge environmental destruction project (aka ‘economic development’ plan) in the works for the city that just might get approved someday soon. If they do that, I’m movin’ to the country fer sure.
So, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about life in the big city…
Life out in mundane is almost the same as the big city it seems like. The difference is you know everybody and when someone does something wrong you’ll hear, “Oh I knew he/she would come to no good.” As far as the ‘economic development’ plan, I don’t live too far from the largest solid hazardous waste dump in the U.S. At the time it was touted as bring prosperity to the county. Yeah, but at what price.
How was the walk? It’s nice and crisp out today, eh?
I forget exactly which day it was, but I finally blew some fog breath the other night. The colder temps are coming so late now it seems worthy of notice when that happens. We finally got our first overnight freeze here last week, also. It went down to 27F. I hope it killed off lots of baby mosquitoes.
Although I doubt we’ll see it, I really wish for a little dusting of snow this year. I think that’s the thing I miss the most after coming home and settling down.
The walk was pretty nice. I do like this time of year.
I’ll never forget, and I’ll always long for a repeat of, the night of my first serious snowstorm when I lived in the Boston area, over twenty five years ago. There was no wind to speak of and the snow was falling in large flakes and making that pfff, pff, pfff sound as it hit the snow that had accumulated underneath, and the snow hanging in the atmosphere muffled out all the other sounds of the city. Nothing to hear but that pff, pfff, pff…. BIG flakes, lots of ’em, like I’d never seen before in the worst of snows here in my town. I didn’t realize how rare it was to have large flakes and NO wind in Boston, so I’m glad I have it stamped in my memory. In the five winters I spent there that might have happened two more times. Boston is really quite a windy city, being on the ocean and all.
Having said that, I do remember how much I hated enduring the long winters and coooooold temps. All in all, I’m happy to be here in the south. But I hope to visit up north again sometime soon during the winter, sort of a reverse ‘snowbird’ thing…
And, btw, just for your info, and for what it’s worth (if anything at all) my amateur weather forecast for the midsouth includes at least one good snow storm this winter. For us that means two or three inches, right? Signs are favorable, I think for such a thing to happen. Here’s hoping we get it….
Hey you lived in Boston over 25 years ago. I lived in Portsmith, NH from 83-85. Honestly I loved it up there. That was my first exposure to heavy winters. I really do hope your amateur weather forecasting is right. It seems though that where I live there a cut off about 20 miles north of us and if snow is coming, they’ll get it and we won’t. The last snow I remember is when I lived outside of Columbus, MS. I drove around the little town I lived in and took pictures of all the snowmen people had made. Here’s a picture I think of the best one.
I was in and around Boston on and off between fall of ’80 and fall of ’86, so we were simultaneous transplanted southerners, and I think I ate some lobster in NH also. Probably saw both of you guys there, but just didn’t know it. 🙂
As for weather, I live in the weirdest little spot on the map for miles around. Sometimes the rain falls all around us for a radius of twenty miles, but not here. Tornadoes, which we have a lot of, never make it into my neighborhood. We’ll get a crack of lightning right on top of us when there is none for miles around. I think it must be a combo of the urban heat island effect and the microlocal geography conspiring to make this little circle on the map different.
Yep I ate a lot of lobster and clams while I lived there. Of course keeping with my slackerly manner, I never ordered a whole lobster. To much work doing the cracking. I loved lobster soup though.
One thing I always found funny was how my accent changed while I lived there. It seemed everywhere I lived in the states and in europe my accent would change. Just never could get rid of the ya’ll, not that I would want to.
It’s funny that even though I managed to extinguish the automatic ‘ya’ll’ after a couple of years, it came right back in no time flat when I returned to the south. It’s just easier and has a much nicer ring than ‘you guys, don’t you think? 🙂
I’ve got to go rake leaves. Perhaps I’ll catch up with all of ya’ll in the next FBC/L….
Are you still coughing? You and FMom may give this back and forth — so wash your hands a lot. And take vitamins.
Yep, Max — the part Rottweiler/part Chow — sounds scary but really a sweet dog. Because he’s incredibly well trained. I was happy to have him. And he enjoyed playing in my back yard. In chicago he lives in a loft condominium.
Yep still coughing a lot, but it’s now bronchitis, so I’m taking antibiotics and using an inhaler. I’ve been doing the hand washing all the time and I’ve taken multi-vitamins for years.
I used to have a part Rottweiler years ago and just like Max, Teddy was a sweet natured dog. Living in a loft condo, I bet he loved your backyard.
I’m VERY late to this thread, but I was there, too. And I did eat lobster in Portsmouth. Spent 85-86 in New Hampshire, with many weekends in Boston (actually squeezed into my bro’s tiny grad student apt. in Alston, but that counts). Must have been a “southern magnet” in place at the time. Second Nature, you just didn’t know what was in store for you then!
I do love ‘found abstraction’ as a subject for photos. Thanks for sharing that shot. I have seen lots of your photos that I really really liked, but this one moved me to make a specific comment. You can’t accidentally get a composition like that. I’m also a lover of detail shots, where we get a look at details of things we might notice if we just looked a little bit closer at the world around us…
Most of my ‘abstract’ shots are pretty accidental — something just catches my eye. I don’t post them that often because I’m uncertain about their appeal.
In this case, what caught my eye was how the frost was bringing out the details of the leaves and I started looking for a nice composition.
Abstract has to be really good to be worth looking at, but if you get the good shot, it is hard to beat. Thanks for sharing this one, and please do post more…
I just came back from voting. Yep I’ll be voting again and again and again. Olivia made it into round 2 for the best Canadian photo/art blog. Now I know with all the people who appreciate and love to see Olivia’s pictures/art that you all want to show her some love. So go Here, go to photo/art blog and vote for parvum opus.
and just so it wouldn’t look odd, also voted for “Jesus Drives an SUV” because I love the title, and “The Battle of Alberta” because hockey talk should be encouraged and praised far and wide… 🙂
For some reason way beyond me, I can’t read comments to diaries because the left part of the comment column is just.. gone. I can read from mid sentence on, but that’s it. Oh woe is me! What can be done?! I hear smart people hang out here: can anyone help?
download firefox Scribe, if you don’t have it, you can just google it…Lots of people seems to be having that problem lately, and I think they are on Explorer. Case you don’t know this firefox is another browser, I personally use Opera most of the time, but firefox is good too.
When it’s just me, it’s hard to use them all up. So I usually let people with families take them.
We had excitement yesterday morning, actually right around the time I was posting in the cafe. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood. Suddenly there were police cars with sirens going speeding down the streets and through the alleys and a police helicopter overhead. AFter a while, when it quieted down a little, we walked over to the next block to see what was going on and there was a crime lab van. Turns out there’s been a few cars stolen over the last few weeks and someone caught the guys in the act and called the police — high speed chase ensued and one of the police cars was involved in a crash. But the thiefs got away. I don’t think we’ve had so much excitement in … well in years.
made a pumpkin pie this year. She usually buys her pies because she comes down from Chicago. But this year she decided to bake and she found a James Beard recipe for Pumpkin Ginger Pie. Somehow she read the recipe wrong and thought it called for 1/2 cup of ground ginger. OMG — there was so much ginger in it – it burned the mouth.
Tracy I hate to hear that especially after your surgery. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself when you feel bad, but with the whole family down with it. I’m send all the good wishes I can.
I’m taking it very easy keeping in mind that this isn’t the very best for me to have a respiratory style infection. It really just clobbered me a few hours ago but the sinuses are working superb and the cold meds kicked in so I have this false sense that I’m fairly well right now.
I’m so sad. My daughter just bought her 2 year old beta a new bowl and plant and when she moved him into it he just sank. We hadn’t noticed that he looked pretty ragged beforehand. She’s 22 and in tears. 🙁
I love Betas and always have at least one but usually two or three around the house. A two year old is a much loved Beta, particularly if he was acquired fully mature and not just “almost” there. I had a female that made it three years once and even with all the Betas I’ve had I was heart broken to lose her.
I love them because I start my own houseplants from sprigs a lot or I share them when my plants get too large. You throw a Betta in a pretty bowl with some plant sprigs that keep the very clean for quite awhile and the betta nutures your cutting along with some “natural” fertilizers and swims in out of the sprigs and roots happily. Feed fish once a day, it’s great and very pretty on the eyes.
Morning Miss Andi!!!!! I wanted to share one of my new designs. LOL
Republicans Suck
Good design — I think it would be great on a nightshirt, not so sure about wearing it out and about. 😉
LOL I have worn worse out in public but then I am out spoken.
Yeah but you’re not 5’2″.
Yeah but I am 4’10 and in a very conservative county. LOL
I meant 5′ 10 LOL
When do you two plan to hit your growth years. Mine happened at 15.
LOL My growth spurts have been more out than up so I will pass on any more. LOL
We both live in very red places.
Hey, my favorite line about the folks around here:
You can always tell a level-headed hunter — the tobacco juice comes out of both sides of his mouth.
Good morning, Andi and rf.
I like your design, rf.
Morning Ask!!!! & Thank you!!!
Are you up early to do some more painting or just up?
Just up. Woke up early, even if I was up pretty late.
Back at my own place and picking up youngest asklet later.
Good morning Andi, Refinish and Ask.
How is everybody today?
Hi FM. Has your cold started receding?
It’s getting better. Still coughing all the time, but that even starting to calm down some.
That’s a great picture up top. With that marco it looks like you’re getting into the realm of Olivia.
getting into the realm of Olivia
Wow, that a huge compliment — thanks. The difference is that I take a picture or two like that every 3 months or so and Olivia does it day after day.
It was interesting how the light frost brought out all the details of the leaves.
Yes the detail is really good on this picture, but although you have marco pictures every now and then, your forrest pictures are Olivia quality, except you show the big picture.
Guess what. It’s 33 F down here and we have frost. Ya Hoo! The grass will start turning brown soon and stop growing. 🙂
What I like is that the poop in the backyard is getting crunchy. Much easier to pick up! 😉
Once it freezes, get some golf clubs and chip it over into your neighbors yard.
You can check with pet supplie places but their is a thing you can buy where you dig a hole and place poop in the holr with enzynes and it just goes away instead of filling the land fill.
I’ve looked at those but I’d have to hire a backhoe to dig a hole big enough through all of this clay!
LOL Okay!! I forgot about the clay in NC.
at your place than here. That’s got to be pretty unusual.
It’s not, actually. The temp differential here is huge. In Cleveland it might be 10 or 20 degrees in a day, but here it’s often 35 or 40. In the winter Cleveland’s temps hardly move at all.
must be really different I guess — that kind of temp difference is the way it is in the southwest.
Morning FamilyMan!!!! I am doing good and getting some designs done this am. I have to start working on some holiday designs today also but wanted to share this one.
Bible Thumpers
Hi Refinish. I like both designs I’ve seen today. Are you back to feeling your old self again?
I am back to almost 100% thank goodness. I hope you and FMom are feeling better.
I’m getting better, but FMom is still going through a rough time. It will just take time. Thanks.
Giver her a hug from me and the ponders!!!
Morning all. Woke up to cat doo doo instead of dog for a change. Forgot to unlock the cat door out to the garage where we’ve placed the litter box. Oops. I had to race Hopeful to it before she ate it as it’s one of her preferred snack items.
Gorgeous, sparkling morning here heading toward 70 for the next several days. Will make my trip to Cleveland a big wake up call.
Morning SN.
We’re having the same weather here. So HJ gave you a break huh. 🙂
Wouldn’t be easier to just let HJ clean it up for you?
It’s going to be in the 60s here for the next few days — a very late indian summer.
I wouldn’t mind her eating it except she knows she’s not supposed to so she takes it to other parts of the house to munch at her leisure. And then, well, you can imagine her breath.
I wonder if they make cat poop tasting dog treats?
to imagine her breath.
Anything exciting on your post-holiday calendar?
Thank you!!!
We’re having an annoying little merry-go-round of car troubles. My van is doing some whacky thing where the power locks motor won’t go off, running down the battery. Colin’s old volvo blew a heater fan and has a big oil leak, so we got that fixed yesterday for 730 dollars. Now the battery is dead in the driveway.
I hate it when there’s car trouble. Somehow you always feel so helpless.
You could always trade in the van for a good bicycle with big panniers. 🙂
If I knew what panniers were I might be tempted!
Hah! I’ve alread googled. So Andi wants you to ride a bicycle with big bloomers on. 🙂
Oh, my google said they were bags. 🙂
Reminds me, this is what the nature boy would like for Christmas.
I’ve seen those on TV before. They look like they would be fun.
Looks like an excellent way to break a neck.
Your google is right — but maybe FM is just suggesting appropriate cycling wear for Southern Womanhood™.
Of course I am. Plus it would be a hoot to see SN riding a bike in big bloomers. 🙂
LOL Never a dull moment with animals in the house.
At least the cat went where the litter box used to be!
Good morning!
Andi, is that your photo at the top? It’s awesome.
Morning blueneck.
G’mornin FM! how’s it goin’ over yonder?
It’s a little cold over here at the moment. I see we’re supposed to be up in the 70’s today though. How are things in the big city?
Well, our mayor recently cut a plea deal and admitted to a misdemeanor in order to avoid trial on felony charges of carrying a firearm and acting under the color of law without proper authorization. His next trial will be about felony destruction of property and encouraging the delinquency of a minor. We’ll see how that one turns out. Mostly when people used to complain about the crime rate over here, they weren’t including our mayor as part of the criminal activity…
Also, there is a huge environmental destruction project (aka ‘economic development’ plan) in the works for the city that just might get approved someday soon. If they do that, I’m movin’ to the country fer sure.
So, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about life in the big city…
I could use a little mundane…
Just got back from walking George.
Life out in mundane is almost the same as the big city it seems like. The difference is you know everybody and when someone does something wrong you’ll hear, “Oh I knew he/she would come to no good.” As far as the ‘economic development’ plan, I don’t live too far from the largest solid hazardous waste dump in the U.S. At the time it was touted as bring prosperity to the county. Yeah, but at what price.
There’s no escape! I’m dooooomed!
How was the walk? It’s nice and crisp out today, eh?
I forget exactly which day it was, but I finally blew some fog breath the other night. The colder temps are coming so late now it seems worthy of notice when that happens. We finally got our first overnight freeze here last week, also. It went down to 27F. I hope it killed off lots of baby mosquitoes.
Yep it’s everywhere. 🙂
Although I doubt we’ll see it, I really wish for a little dusting of snow this year. I think that’s the thing I miss the most after coming home and settling down.
The walk was pretty nice. I do like this time of year.
I’ll never forget, and I’ll always long for a repeat of, the night of my first serious snowstorm when I lived in the Boston area, over twenty five years ago. There was no wind to speak of and the snow was falling in large flakes and making that pfff, pff, pfff sound as it hit the snow that had accumulated underneath, and the snow hanging in the atmosphere muffled out all the other sounds of the city. Nothing to hear but that pff, pfff, pff…. BIG flakes, lots of ’em, like I’d never seen before in the worst of snows here in my town. I didn’t realize how rare it was to have large flakes and NO wind in Boston, so I’m glad I have it stamped in my memory. In the five winters I spent there that might have happened two more times. Boston is really quite a windy city, being on the ocean and all.
Having said that, I do remember how much I hated enduring the long winters and coooooold temps. All in all, I’m happy to be here in the south. But I hope to visit up north again sometime soon during the winter, sort of a reverse ‘snowbird’ thing…
And, btw, just for your info, and for what it’s worth (if anything at all) my amateur weather forecast for the midsouth includes at least one good snow storm this winter. For us that means two or three inches, right? Signs are favorable, I think for such a thing to happen. Here’s hoping we get it….
Hey you lived in Boston over 25 years ago. I lived in Portsmith, NH from 83-85. Honestly I loved it up there. That was my first exposure to heavy winters. I really do hope your amateur weather forecasting is right. It seems though that where I live there a cut off about 20 miles north of us and if snow is coming, they’ll get it and we won’t. The last snow I remember is when I lived outside of Columbus, MS. I drove around the little town I lived in and took pictures of all the snowmen people had made. Here’s a picture I think of the best one.
Heh, I ate the best lobster at a little wharf restaurant in Portsmouth, NH in 1985.
I think I saw you. 🙂
That is a good one!
I was in and around Boston on and off between fall of ’80 and fall of ’86, so we were simultaneous transplanted southerners, and I think I ate some lobster in NH also. Probably saw both of you guys there, but just didn’t know it. 🙂
As for weather, I live in the weirdest little spot on the map for miles around. Sometimes the rain falls all around us for a radius of twenty miles, but not here. Tornadoes, which we have a lot of, never make it into my neighborhood. We’ll get a crack of lightning right on top of us when there is none for miles around. I think it must be a combo of the urban heat island effect and the microlocal geography conspiring to make this little circle on the map different.
Yep I ate a lot of lobster and clams while I lived there. Of course keeping with my slackerly manner, I never ordered a whole lobster. To much work doing the cracking. I loved lobster soup though.
One thing I always found funny was how my accent changed while I lived there. It seemed everywhere I lived in the states and in europe my accent would change. Just never could get rid of the ya’ll, not that I would want to.
It’s funny that even though I managed to extinguish the automatic ‘ya’ll’ after a couple of years, it came right back in no time flat when I returned to the south. It’s just easier and has a much nicer ring than ‘you guys, don’t you think? 🙂
I’ve got to go rake leaves. Perhaps I’ll catch up with all of ya’ll in the next FBC/L….
Yes I agree. But it’s all in what you’re used to. Although she denies it, I know SN throws a ya’ll out there every now and then. 🙂
My condolences for the leaf raking, but it is a nice day for it. Hope to see you later.
whew Just saw off the my guests. Now I get to vacuum up all the dog hair 🙂
How are you FM?
Hi Mary. I’m feeling better.
Your guest bought a dog with them?
I read earlier you had a good T’giving. I was glad to hear that.
Are you still coughing? You and FMom may give this back and forth — so wash your hands a lot. And take vitamins.
Yep, Max — the part Rottweiler/part Chow — sounds scary but really a sweet dog. Because he’s incredibly well trained. I was happy to have him. And he enjoyed playing in my back yard. In chicago he lives in a loft condominium.
Yep still coughing a lot, but it’s now bronchitis, so I’m taking antibiotics and using an inhaler. I’ve been doing the hand washing all the time and I’ve taken multi-vitamins for years.
I used to have a part Rottweiler years ago and just like Max, Teddy was a sweet natured dog. Living in a loft condo, I bet he loved your backyard.
So did you get to bring any left over home?
I think we should move to the left. I’ll race you …
pfffffft. As if.
Hah! I knew that would get you out of lurking. 🙂
Even I start using lots of twangy sounding words when I head only as far south as Southern Mo. I bet you DO use y’all sometimes 🙂
I bet she does, but just won’t admit it. 🙂
I’m VERY late to this thread, but I was there, too. And I did eat lobster in Portsmouth. Spent 85-86 in New Hampshire, with many weekends in Boston (actually squeezed into my bro’s tiny grad student apt. in Alston, but that counts). Must have been a “southern magnet” in place at the time. Second Nature, you just didn’t know what was in store for you then!
Geeze I think I remember see all of ya’ll. 🙂
And how are you this fine morning?
I’m well, thank you, and you?
I do love ‘found abstraction’ as a subject for photos. Thanks for sharing that shot. I have seen lots of your photos that I really really liked, but this one moved me to make a specific comment. You can’t accidentally get a composition like that. I’m also a lover of detail shots, where we get a look at details of things we might notice if we just looked a little bit closer at the world around us…
Just fine, enjoying the long weekend.
Most of my ‘abstract’ shots are pretty accidental — something just catches my eye. I don’t post them that often because I’m uncertain about their appeal.
In this case, what caught my eye was how the frost was bringing out the details of the leaves and I started looking for a nice composition.
I am off to the dog park before the weekend men and their pit bulls show up.
Abstract has to be really good to be worth looking at, but if you get the good shot, it is hard to beat. Thanks for sharing this one, and please do post more…
George has started the whine, so I’ve got to take him out.
See ya’ll later.
I just came back from voting. Yep I’ll be voting again and again and again. Olivia made it into round 2 for the best Canadian photo/art blog. Now I know with all the people who appreciate and love to see Olivia’s pictures/art that you all want to show her some love. So go Here, go to photo/art blog and vote for parvum opus.
I voted for parvum opus. Thanks for the link.
Cool and thank you.
and just so it wouldn’t look odd, also voted for “Jesus Drives an SUV” because I love the title, and “The Battle of Alberta” because hockey talk should be encouraged and praised far and wide… 🙂
For some reason way beyond me, I can’t read comments to diaries because the left part of the comment column is just.. gone. I can read from mid sentence on, but that’s it. Oh woe is me! What can be done?! I hear smart people hang out here: can anyone help?
Scribe I really wished I could help, but don’t know what to do. I’d say just shut down and restart your computer and see if that helps.
Tried that. The thing is it is only happening on BooTrib, , not on any other web pages. ????
That’s for better minds then mine is. Hope you figure it out.
download firefox Scribe, if you don’t have it, you can just google it…Lots of people seems to be having that problem lately, and I think they are on Explorer. Case you don’t know this firefox is another browser, I personally use Opera most of the time, but firefox is good too.
I win.
No. No leftovers. They were offered but I refused.
Hey by the time I saw it, you were already here.
I never turn down holiday left overs. If for nothing else, a break from the normal stuff I cook.
When it’s just me, it’s hard to use them all up. So I usually let people with families take them.
We had excitement yesterday morning, actually right around the time I was posting in the cafe. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood. Suddenly there were police cars with sirens going speeding down the streets and through the alleys and a police helicopter overhead. AFter a while, when it quieted down a little, we walked over to the next block to see what was going on and there was a crime lab van. Turns out there’s been a few cars stolen over the last few weeks and someone caught the guys in the act and called the police — high speed chase ensued and one of the police cars was involved in a crash. But the thiefs got away. I don’t think we’ve had so much excitement in … well in years.
Gosh I miss the excitement of the city. I guess luckily they didn’t decided to come over to your street.
Yeah, although the police said that they are targeting Chryslers (why???) and I have a Toyota.
Since my guests are from Chicago they were unperturbed by all the commotion. I told them I arranged the show for their entertainment.
from my dating mother in law. They are delicious. What a vicious gift! Pumpkin pie breakfast.
Sounds like a good breakfast to me. 🙂
I won’t need the junk in the trunk implants for my Hollywood career. Just the boob job 🙂
I love pumpkin pie for breakfast. And it’s healthy, right? All that betacarotene?
And I’m sure the pie had nothing naughty in it or on it. (You’ve got a little whipped cream on your chin. Just there.)
made a pumpkin pie this year. She usually buys her pies because she comes down from Chicago. But this year she decided to bake and she found a James Beard recipe for Pumpkin Ginger Pie. Somehow she read the recipe wrong and thought it called for 1/2 cup of ground ginger. OMG — there was so much ginger in it – it burned the mouth.
Quite an expensive mistake.
1/2 C … oh my!
I just wanted to show off — I had 7 people for breakfast (so 9 with me and Jim) and I didn’t have a meltdown or anything.
Your family? Or Jim’s?
Mine. Sister/husband. Nephew/wife. Niece. Mother. Ex-brother-in-law.
Ex brother-in-law?
We keep people in our family too despite what their spouses desire 🙂
Both the exes (and their family members) come to our family gatherings. Plus my sister’s husband’s ex-wife.
What did you make?
if you could see my house.
We made a breakfast cassserole with salmon and aspargus.
The casserole sounds good.
kick your ass (oh well, a gentle nudge maybe).
It was delish.
gentle nudge
you’re trying to convince me NOT to call you martha, right … 😉
I’m trying convince you it’s safe to come visit me.
How about we continue this over in the new new cafe?
Find it here.
And BBCode is the best.extension.ever — it makes it so much easier to format blog posts, especially adding links…
that was biting everybody else last week and earlier. Mommy, daddy, babyboy down. Teen daughter first down first up and wandering the country today.
Tracy I hate to hear that especially after your surgery. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself when you feel bad, but with the whole family down with it. I’m send all the good wishes I can.
I’m taking it very easy keeping in mind that this isn’t the very best for me to have a respiratory style infection. It really just clobbered me a few hours ago but the sinuses are working superb and the cold meds kicked in so I have this false sense that I’m fairly well right now.
Oh yuck — right after your surgery too 🙁
I guess I open up a new lounge.
Back in a minute.
I’m so sad. My daughter just bought her 2 year old beta a new bowl and plant and when she moved him into it he just sank. We hadn’t noticed that he looked pretty ragged beforehand. She’s 22 and in tears. 🙁
Such a tender little girl.
I love Betas and always have at least one but usually two or three around the house. A two year old is a much loved Beta, particularly if he was acquired fully mature and not just “almost” there. I had a female that made it three years once and even with all the Betas I’ve had I was heart broken to lose her.
I know I’m slow, but what is a beta?
I love them because I start my own houseplants from sprigs a lot or I share them when my plants get too large. You throw a Betta in a pretty bowl with some plant sprigs that keep the very clean for quite awhile and the betta nutures your cutting along with some “natural” fertilizers and swims in out of the sprigs and roots happily. Feed fish once a day, it’s great and very pretty on the eyes.
Now I remember. It’s been over 30 years since I had a fish tank.
New cafe open. You know how to get there.