I just had Thanksgiving number two. I’m stuffed. And this time there will be leftovers. How is everyone’s weekend going?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just went to the store to “pick up a few things” (hint: I never pick up a few things) and found a fresh 32# turkey there in the poultry bin. So, it just went in the oven and sometime tonight we will start chowing down on it.
Wow. 32 pounds. I think that would be big enough to keep even Ralphie’s dad happy for a while.
32 lbs??? When’s the party??? You’re going to be talking turkey before you polish THAT off!
Yeah, I debated whether I should buy ground beef, pork chops or any other meat for the next week, but then decided that at some point we might want something other than turkey.
Let me quote my wife here, though: I never understood the magazine articles that talked about ways to minimize or disguise all those Thanksgiving leftovers. I LOVE Thanksgiving leftovers!
So for the next week we will probably be having turkey pot pie, turkey casserole, and just plain ol’ turkey-with-stuffing-and-mashed-potatoes. Then, when the carcass has been cleaned, we’ll make turkey soup. And if turkeys go back on sale, we’ll probably start the process all over again.
Well, it is incredibly healthy. Or maybe you’re a tryptophan junkie..? ;-D
I found a way back into my old free music file sharing network. It went down early last year after all the lawsuits from the industry. But some smart cookie worked out a patch and I stumbled onto it yesterday. Works like a charm :o)
Hi super what’s the name of the site, my son used to use one called BMX or something and I was trying to find one for Dena tonight.
re you doing tonight!
Hi Diane,
Does WinMX sound familiar? That’s what I found. I checked it months ago and there was an initial fee. Forget that. But last night, just digging around on Google I found a solution and it works great so far.
Here’s the download page. I’m not vouching for it’s security, but it’s working for me.
Otherwise, I’m good. My wife and youngest are out of town for a week, and my is playing a show with his band while my oldest daughter is working. Peace and quiet :o)
my son is playing a show, that is
Yes, that’s it, thanks so much. I have some peace and quiet here too. Kinda bored actually.

I just posted this on the open thread while I thought I was posting on cafe so I’ll put it here. My hummingbird and I consider it good luck so I want to share it.
Ok I am going dipsy now, I am still on the open thread, where I thought I was in the cafe, yikes.
over-stuffed too. This year we got smart – packed up the leftovers for guests to take home.
Reading European Sunday papers
Interesting week ahead as our chicken leaders continue to turkey talk. Brave Dick Cheney in Saudi Arabia today. And Bush double dares al Sadr on Thursday –
“Bush and al Sadr on collison course that could destroy the most tangible achievement of the US campaign in Iraq – its democratically elected government.”
some perspective, huh.
My weekend’s been just lovely, until now. Just stumbled across an online article about rendering plants & commercial poultry feed — guaranteed to inspire you to make some adjustments to your traditional Thanksgiving fare, at the very least.
I recommend Heritage Foods U.S.A.
Heritage Foods
They have organic turkeys and other meats and things that are from small producers, networked together to ship across the country. Their stuff is not cheap, but if you don’t have access to local free range/organic turkeys and other things, they are a very good alternative.
Hi, I wanted to share this new picture of my hummingbird friend, taken through my window, it hangs out on these vines in the second pic. Seems to be a daily visitor now and yesterday and today I managed to be fast enough to catch about 10 pics of it.

Beautiful, diane! You’ve been very lucky indeed. Aren’t hummingbirds the best?
According to certain spiritual beliefs, their presence reminds us to experience the pure joy of living. As for me, I’ve found it impossible to hold on to the darker feelings if they’re near — & especially if they’re circling ’round your red bandana, seeking out sweetness.
Thanks WW, just wish I had Olivia’s camera and ability….this guy at least I think it’s the same one visits every day and I’ve been trying to get a pic, but finally I got wish and have my camera right on my desk now so I can grab it fast, bird flys right in the window behind my computer screen, so I can watch it’s antics.
their presence reminds us to experience the pure joy of living.thanks for that too, I was trying to remember what their significance was, I could just remember it was good.
Great hummingbird pictures, Diane. Your camera must be fast, but you must be faster! We have the little hummers from time to time, but I’ve never been able to get a photo.
Camera is just a cheap Kodak, but yes I guess I was fast, I just jumped up and started to snap, didn’t think I’d get it, cause in a sec it was gone.

I got this one yesterday.
That’s a really great shot Daine. I’ve tried to catch a picture of hummingbirds around here and never could. Congrats.
Excellent work, diane! This is a great one, too. ‘Tis true, they’re exceptionally hard to capture visually. It took almost five years of continual summer visitations before I got a decent image.
Yours seem different than the ruby-throated type we have in the NE.
I’ve had one actually hover in front of my camera lens, curious — & I still wasn’t quick enough for the shot!
These are kind of iridescent emarld green on back fading into brownish. I wish I could get the colors, I tried to take a pic outside of it one day and just couldn’t sneak up on it. but I did get a close up view.
That’s an accomplishment in itself — they’re not likely to let you get close, unless (I think) you’re exceptionally gentle in your movements.
Their colors are quite something to behold, too — & you have to look closely to remember, since camera’s can’t seem to catch that magical shimmer very well.
Awww, he’s a cute li’l dude! Good shot.
Got a call from an old CIA agent frustrated with the lack of coverage of the assassination of President Kennedy. But then he proceeded to tell me nothing of interest, and when pressed twice, could not say who gave him my email address. Hmmmm.
So why do you report without qualification that it was an “old CIA agent” who contacted you?
He’s a known quantity – not well known. His brother has talked to several in the research community. Of course, he won’t confirm or deny being CIA, and didn’t want to talk to me anymore after I identified him as such. But after several hours, he hadn’t given me anything useful in any case. Ah well. He couldn’t answer the simple question of how he got my email. When he avoided the question the first time I let it go, but then asked him directly later, and he got offended. When he finally came up with the answer, it was a provable lie – he mentioned a specific Google search and I actually DON’T come up with that search. So that made me all the more suspicious. What a waste of a good day, darn it.
Why do you get emails from CIA agents? All I ever get is lunatic ex-soldiers who served with Boykin or polymaths from the old 9th directorate… it’s kind of funny, in a ha-ha and ironic way, how people think I’ve got the time to look into all that stuff… gosh I wish!
Or maybe I dont wish, ala Gary Webb style… sometimes its good to not follow the rabbit down the hole.
Yeah – be glad you don’t. If you started writing about the assassinations of the Kennedys, funny how the spooks come out of the walls and into your path….
If someone walked up to me with absolute, irrefutable proof of who was involved in Kennedy’s assassination, I would run away as fast as I possibly could. How’s that for pitiful?
Pitiful, but a super common response. Sigh indeed. We need more people with courage. Because really – no one in the research community has ever been offed. The only people who are offed are those who DON’T talk about what they know. If someone gives you info, spread it fast so you’re not the only one who knows it! That’s the trick.
I need a dose of sanity from my friends here at the pond. I’ve just finished spending 3 1/2 days with family that came up from Texas to visit for Thanksgiving – whew, am I exhausted. We steered clear of any discussion about politics or religion, except for one incident. My mom saw a Michael Moore book on my bookshelf and so I guess I’m now officially the family freak – you know, the kind of freak that actually reads Michael Moore. This from a woman who walks into a Barnes and Noble and wants to know where the “Christian Fiction” section is. Oh well, I’ll live. And the advantages of being a freak are that the kool-aid drinkers tend to keep their distance.
Dose of sanity coming right up….I know just how you feel, well not exactly, but I can imagine. I was just over on DK earlier and someone has a diary up about how they should all get to know each other and I kept thinking well they need a cafe there , but then I thought that would be insane, probably would need a new cafe every 5 minutes. Maybe they need a tell us about you. But whatever we have the place where people can and do get to know each other and we are so lucky..
Hope you feel better NL, take a deeeep breath and look at my hummingbird pic, you just gotta know he is a liberal.
Well, they do have a cafe there. Or they used to. It’s still around. It’s called Cheers and Jeers. But nobody goes there any more. It’s too crowded.
(Thank you, Yogi Berra.)
Back about three years ago most of the C&J irregulars knew each other, but that was before Bill in Portland Maine got a front page spot and C&J became famous.
You’re right, I don’t think anything like the FBC could survive over there these days. It would fill up too fast to serve its purpose.
The freak shall inherit the earth :o)