Last night, well, early this morning really, a strange idea came to me. We were talking in the 3rd cafe of the night about BTers we’d met and not met. About meetups that we’d been to and had to miss. And this really strange vision jumped into my brain. A bus. Some kind of tour bus/rv/van/or something. Pick a two or three or four week period and drive it from clusters of BTers to other clusters of BTers. A Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe on wheels. BooMan by Bus. A Moveable MeetUp.
Some people might ride a short way. They get off and make their way home however they might. Others might stay longer. Some people would meet the Traveling Pond along the way, and join them for that night. State campgrounds and national parks. The Ritz for Mary and the parking lot for others. Rest stops and mountain overlooks. Breakfast at greasy spoons and over campfires. Stopping to rest, shop, hike, take a break, whatever. And then, another meetup.
Flexibility is the key. See who’s interested and go from there. See what vehicles are available, or what we’d need to rent. Work on costs, routes, etc., after we see if I am the only person insane enough to even consider doing this.
With as many good writers and photographers as are in the Pond, I could see us producing a book from this adventure. Perhaps a series of articles. Maybe a film. Certainly some great blogging and podcasts. The technical expertise is here. The imagination is here. The country is out there. We’re scattered across it. What do you think?
Be honest. I’ve had looney ideas before and I’ll have them again. You won’t hurt my feelings. And to head off the obvious question, I am not drunk or in any way chemically altered. It is possible that I’m nuts.
if you come through Texas I will meet up with you guys at a restaurant. LOL
Very eeenteresting. I’m sort of a mix of numbers 1, 2 and 4. It would be really fun but the logistics sound complicated.
Very interesting.
If I got on that bus you’d never get me off. The rental company would have to sweep me off with the rest of the debris of a cross country frog fest LOL
I think it’s a great idea, but the logistics and money would be a great hurdle to overcome.
Hey get in touch with C-SPAN and have them finance it and send a crew to follow it around. Of course we would have to have Rubin Kincade (Boo) up there talking all the time, while the frogs party in the background. 🙂
BooMan could be the next Charles Kurault perhaps?
Well, if “you’re either on the bus or off the bus,” I’m on the bus, but definitely am not the driver.
As long as the wheels don’t “come off the bus”.
Like Bobby D said “we’re goin’ all the way ‘tll the wheels fall off and burn.” – it’s the best kind of trip.
We’d have to talk about, I doubt guns would be allowed.
Kidspeak did not make that comment. I have no idea how it got posted from her computer.
The hell you say!!!.
Guns might be NEEDED, in certain areas of the country.
You’re suggestion conjures up memories of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters for this geezer. There are some great hiking areas in our midwestern neighborhood (see AndiF’s photos here and in the morning cafe). Come by anytime 😉
That was my first thought as well, is this going to be something like The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test?
Sounds like fun, I’d certainly try to meet up and maybe ride along for a couple days 🙂
I tripped around the tubes for two hours after you posted that link :o) Kesy’s son is asking for volunteers to help restore the original 1939 Furthur Bus. I mean, how cool would it be to hang out on a farm in Oregon, painting a psychedelic bus from the 60’s? :o)
Bet there are some trickster spirits hanging around the area.
I thought the same thing – or a bunch of VW buses following the Grateful Dead around the country. I never followed the van, but we did go to a few concerts here in Michigan and the parking lot scene was always a lot of fun.
Smaller vans might work better. It would give us different environments. For example, prepare yourself, AG, I can’t stand jazz. I would certain travel in the jazz-free, philistine van.
A GREAT idea.
And not so logistically difficult, really.
I have spent a great deal of my life on band buses. It is the bottom-line cheapest way to travel. You simply hire a bus (A mainstream one…no fly-by-nights. They ALWAYS fuck up somehow.) for as many days as you have financially committed people. It would have to be an UP-FRONT commitment, of course. Cash (or credit card) on the barrelhead. Good motel rates are easy to get when you are dealing with a bunch of rooms, and 18 or 20 people on a bus? 10 on a smaller one? Financially MORE than feasible.
It would be very much LIKE a band bus. Which is where bands really bond and turn into something special.
The great jazz alto player Phil Woods once proposed the following idea as a way to each jazz music students the real deal about being a player. (As opposed to the usual, mostly jive academic approaches.) Assemble the group, put them on a bus, drive them around for a few days on fairly short money accommodations…with maybe a gig or two somewhere in there as well…and bring them home.
Lessons learned.
Relationships formed.
Real ones.
Bet on it.
Same thing would happen here.
Plus…if it were filmed by a really good, unobtrusive, fairly neutral documentary filmmaker, it could actually make some money AND distribute some real information if it were theatrically released.
(I’m seeing the Sundance Film festival, here…the IFC channel…)
I think that it is a BRILLIANT idea, Teach.
I mean…of all of us, how many spend probably more than they can actually afford on so-called “vacations” in the straight world? Vacations that are usually fairly disappointing.
This would be a BALL!!!
Even in Motel 6-type accommodations (My own personal low-buck motel favorite).
Even through some mainstream, usually considered fairly dull areas.
Ohio in February. November in the Dakotas. Buffalo ANY time of the year. (No offense meant, but…Awwwww, YOU know where you live….)
Let’s do it!!!
I’m in, if I’m not already booked for some really good work.
I had my doubts to Teach’s great suggestion – but the way you put it, AG – it seems feasible. Maybe a 4-5 week trip, with 8-10 regional meet-ups (east-to-west in the north, then to southern California and back east in the south). People would come and go, a 12-seater would probably be enough. Next spring? I’d participate for a week or two.
See, the problem for me is that I doubt I could get off the thing willingly, knowing that more frogs are just down the road apiece. Maybe when it turns left at the west coast someone could just toss me in the Pacific to clean up for a few and toss my soggy tail back on the bus for the ride back east. LOL
lol. I know what you mean, ss.
I guess the trick is to join after the half-way point. That would limit the damages.
See above.
Ok…see below!!!
No, super.
Not unless you could AFFORD to stay on.
I’m not sure about the bus, because I neither know the weekly rates nor do I know how many people will sign on. But…$100/day room and board bare MINIMUM. Bet on it. And that’s skimping.
Plus…oh, probably $100-200/day per person for the bus.
Maybe more.
Climbing up into the $1500-$2000/week range already.
Plus transportation to and from wherever you get ON the bus, if it isn’t in your immediate neighborhood.
Add money lost from missed work to that.
Only Republicans and jive Dems can afford THAT kind of money over the long haul.
P.S. Of course…if we made it a co-operative and bought shares in the filming, á la Melville’s whaling ships…we might make a fortune.
Buy a bus, paint it to look like Moby Dick, and awaaaaay we go!!!
The Great White Whale Tour!!!
Moby Booman!!!
The possibilities are endless.
Get Sacha Baron Cohen to drive…
Hell, as much money as he has made…get him to finance it.
The possibilities!!!
I don’t have to actually be in the bus :o)
Slow down, AG. The money and details need to worked out later. Those details are up to those who decide to go. Early days, AG, early days.
It’s cool Teach. Sometimes AG forgets to put down his horn…
The great jazz saxophonist John Coltrane was infamous for taking very long solos. He would sometimes explore one facet of his horn or the music for 5, 10, or even 15 minutes. Miles Davis, with whose classic post-bop sextet Coltrane worked for a long time, was equally famous for the sparseness and economy of his playing, and for the way he expressed himself verbally as well.
One day Coltrane was complaining, saying “I don’t know; once I get started playing, I just can’t seem to stop” and Miles growlingly replied (Miles had a very rough and gravelly voice) “Just take the goddamned horn outta your mouth !!!”
I think that this is an amazing idea. Bring the net-roots to the big screen, watch community building unfold in front of our eyes.
That reminds me of the Simon and Garfunkle lyrics
We’ve all come to look for America.
By jove, you are on to something.
It would be interesting to connect with other progressive bloggers who drop in here periodically. Build some face-to-face relationships with state and regional blogs. That would be helpful as we worked toward 2008.
The “Booman’s Brigade”, yes I think it is a great idea, some logistics to work out, but I think AG has put in some good tips. I think docu. is also good idea and cspan maybe or some young filmmaker who wants to gain some esperience. You know I bet you could find one in the ranks of Booman or DK. The Great American Meetup, it would sure be a first.
Boy those late night cafes sure spark some good ideas, Teach.
I like the idea, Teach. How many folks actually see the country by bus any more — let alone with a community of friends?
Noted: there are entire books listing the nation’s campsites — hundreds in New York State alone. I’m sure available space wouldn’t be a problem.
IMHO, once the basic logistics were laid down, the key might be to keep it very loose — so that everyone could take part as they can, with a collective ‘open mind’.
It’s not as if there isn’t instant communication these days, to keep everyone posted. That’s an advantage we have over travelers of days past.
In any case, I’m sure there are quite a few of us with experience in this sorta thing.
Here’s hoping, with no expectations.
Not sure how common that is in commercial/public set-ups — the junior a hockey team here in ottawa is equipped with w/ satellite for internet access … so you can blog while rolling down the road. 🙂
Hi Olivia, I’ve been looking for you the last few days to see my pic of the hummingbird I took….it’s on my ‘tell us’ diary.
I was going to mention that about satellite, I knew they had it available for rv’s.
I also wanted to tell you that I took Dena over to your site Parvum Opus last night, while we were chatting on phone and she was just blown away by your pics. She is into photography too, and was so jealous of your camera as I am too.
Yes … I saw your wonderful hummingbird photos as I browsed around the different diaries late last night! 🙂 I’m impressed that you were able to catch him so that you could share it with us all! They are such amazing creatures.
Tell Dena thank you … and that I am blown away by her story … 🙂 Maybe you could convince her to post some of her photos soon. She is a lovely woman too … 🙂
See above.
Posted in the wrong place, See above above.
In answer to supersoling’s thing about not being able to get off the bus.
Just noticed the vote! LOL … Yeah, to those that voted not to kidnap me: thanks. 😛 … And I’d be interested to hear what persuasions you have in mind … 😉
I was wondering when you’d notice, and I didn’t vote to kidnap you….but maybe you should be the one to go the whole trip and capture it in stills….
boy the ideas are growing on this thing.
Of all the macro shots of BooTribbers … especially maryb’s freckles … 😉
I guess that answers my question …
Yaa Hoo Olivia said yes to the trip, didn’t she? 🙂
…would allow everyone to remain anonymous, while highlighting their best features … 😀
Persuasions you say? Three words – Pimento Cheese Sandwiches. 🙂
… what persuasions mean … 😛
Gee I thought pimento cheese sandwiches would get anyone to come down south.
OK I’ll put on my thinking cap. 🙂
what about those of us who voted to kidnap you? what happens to us?
whaddaya have in mind … 😉
do you have any rich relatives? The kind that would say….buy a bus as ransom to get you back? LOL! That way we could have your company for a few days and not worry about the cost ;o)
And it might ease AG’s worries about freeloaders :o)
more like they might give you a bus if you promised to take me w/ you … 😉
Either way, we win!
btw Olivia,
sorry to admit it but I didn’t check out parvum opus ’till this past week, but boy was it worth the wait :o) Seriously, you take phenomenal photographs. It was wise to choose black as the backround color for the blog too because it makes the colors of the photos that much more vibrant and vivid. Beautiful art there, really.
I’m having fun w/ it … and ya, way back when I started out I had a white bkgrd, but changed it to black when I started posting photos … Thanks for popping by and hope you don’t wait so long for the next visit 😉
I was thinking of all the effort expended to get you to come to the Midwest MeetUp in October. Kidnapping seemed the only solution.
it might come to that … 😉
Think Cruise Liner!
How else are you gonna get here?
That’s great keres.
Boo must be holding out on us. Saying he’s in an apartment in Philly while crusing around the world.
That’s hilarious. I might be tempted by a cruise. Especially to Tasmania 🙂
It looks almost as good as the Ritz.
That’s funny!
I’ll bet those interested could get a group rate of some kind. I suspect the price is out of league.
Rather than touring the country, I’d rather go somewhere and do something together that’s helpful in community development. We’d have a lot of fun in the process, e.g. helping build a Habitat house or a women’s shelter or rehab a park or trail (like the Sierra Club projects).
Another great idea. Or people could gather by common interests, such as, gardens, architecture, genealogy, and hiking/biking, etc.
I’m in!
But will the tour come to Europe, too?
And BTW, in case you need a mechanic, just ask!
The Cruise ship could stop in Nice for a few days and BTer’s could be let loose on Southern France.
Marseille would be better. I would gladly join you there!
As long as we can stop in La Rochelle to see Cousteau’s Calypso :o)
Was going to say Marsaille, but I didn’t know how to spell it.
BTW, I always enjoy your pictures of Southern France. I had an advisor in college who spent half of every year there. I see why.
For the last time, I’m not a mechanic! 😉
Where’s the rim shot when you need it?
Well, I used to be one in a former life…
I think that it’s a very cool idea. I’d roll out a welcome wagon buffet, but I don’t think that I could get away to take a ride, unless the bus has a diaper pail.
See, here’s the problem (for me, anyway) . . .
Insurance is pretty much tying me to my job at the moment. By the time a Froggy Bottom Rolling Chautauqua and Permanent Happy Hour could get organized, that might change, but for now I’m chained to a desk.
Plus, having some time ago abandoned any sort of qualifying factors for spring chickenhood, I’m not sure I”m physically up to the trip. I don’t move as well as I used to and I”m not at all sure what a steady diet of road food would do to my diabetes.
This is a complete shame too, because if I were 30 years younger I would have jumped on the bus as it rolled by without waiting for it to slow down. Going out and bussing through America and playing the banjo and telling stories with a bunch of like-minded loonies . . .
* sigh *
That’s today’s answer. Ask me again in a few months and you might get a different answer. 🙂
Whew, got back in here just in time. (How was I to know upgrading to explorer 7.0 would mean I can’t read comments on Boo? Thank YOU, Boo, and Firefox!)
If it would turn out there was some way to AFFORD to get on that bus, I’d be ON it! Hell, even if there isn’t, maybe I could tie my electric scooter or a wheelchair to the back end and hitch a ride? (Now there’s a visual!)
I’m not setting policy here, this me as one person speaking. I’ve always liked : “From each according to his or her abilities, to each according to his or her needs.” In this case, see how many are interested, figure out the route, the costs, etc., then divide the cost equally. Once the per person cost is set, then collect the money. Everyone knows what it costs, but everyone pays what they can. Some more, some less. If not enough money is raised, return the money and cancel the trip.
Excellent idea… So long as you make another stop in Chicago! 🙂
How could we miss a great progressive city like Chicago? Besides, MaryB is going to ride from St. Louis to Chicago with us so she can visit her sister.