Last night, well, early this morning really, a strange idea came to me. We were talking in the 3rd cafe of the night about BTers we’d met and not met. About meetups that we’d been to and had to miss. And this really strange vision jumped into my brain. A bus. Some kind of tour bus/rv/van/or something. Pick a two or three or four week period and drive it from clusters of BTers to other clusters of BTers. A Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe on wheels. BooMan by Bus. A Moveable MeetUp.
    Some people might ride a short way. They get off and make their way home however they might. Others might stay longer. Some people would meet the Traveling Pond along the way, and  join them for that night. State campgrounds and national parks. The Ritz for Mary and the parking lot for others. Rest stops and mountain overlooks. Breakfast at greasy spoons and over campfires. Stopping to rest, shop, hike, take a break, whatever. And then, another meetup.
     Flexibility is the key. See who’s interested and go from there. See what vehicles are available, or what we’d need to rent. Work on costs, routes, etc., after we see if I am the only person insane enough to even consider doing this.
    With as many good writers and photographers as are in the Pond, I could see us producing a book from this adventure. Perhaps a series of articles. Maybe a film. Certainly some great blogging and podcasts. The technical expertise is here. The imagination is here. The country is out there. We’re scattered across it. What do you think?
      Be honest. I’ve had looney ideas before and I’ll have them again. You won’t hurt my feelings. And to head off the obvious question, I am not drunk or in any way chemically altered. It is possible that I’m nuts.