Well this qualifies as a miracle, I actually posted a cafe on a Sunday.
So what’s going on for tonight, I’m making home made brocolli soup and the smell is fabulous as the aroma wafts over me.
Diane, you’ve got to tell us who the folks are in this photos. Manny is pretty obvious (I think), but the rest are not so clear to many of us. . Help, please?
Top photo from left to right, Sallycat, Aloha, Me and San Diegodem.
Bottom pic. is Kamakaya, Bremerton Town musician, Shirlstars, Me, Manee,
bottom row is Caliscribe, Cally Cat, Aloha, and Sandiegodem.
Yes I did have a nice weekend. Spent a lot of it blogging in the late night cafe…one night till about 1 am. How are you doing and how was your weekend.
It was busy. I’m just now trying to grade some papers. But we had a lot of fun. We took Andrew to see Santa for the first time today. He handled it pretty well, except when he tried to steal Mrs Claus’s glasses.
Toni, I wanted to post a picture so I’m doing this comment here, will trade you one of my baby pics, my grandson for one of yours…
On Thanksgiving he was passed around so much I think he got dizzy, but he’s the best little fellow, hardly a cry out of him, except when he’s tired.
If you click here that will open the voting page. You have to scroll down to #7 – Photo/Art Blog and select the little bubble beside parvum opus, then scroll to the bottom to submit the vote. 🙂
The photoshop site extraordinaire. The newest contest is funny (h/t to BoingBoing) … “Take a piece of fine art and turn it into an ad for a company of your choice.”
Take a look at this entry, titled … Mc David … lol
I just got back from hanging out with my sister. She had some surgery about a week and a half ago and she can’t drive yet. So we watched Legally Blond and ordered pizza. We were going to do chinese but they were all closed. A lot of restaurants are closed on Sunday nights here, but I never thought take out chinese would be closed.
Moulon Rouge is on here right now. I’m feeling a bit headache right now so I think I’ll lay down for a time and then I’ll be back I think.
Too bad about the chinese, hope you found something.
Well this qualifies as a miracle, I actually posted a cafe on a Sunday.
So what’s going on for tonight, I’m making home made brocolli soup and the smell is fabulous as the aroma wafts over me.
Diane, you’ve got to tell us who the folks are in this photos. Manny is pretty obvious (I think), but the rest are not so clear to many of us. . Help, please?
Top photo from left to right, Sallycat, Aloha, Me and San Diegodem.
Bottom pic. is Kamakaya, Bremerton Town musician, Shirlstars, Me, Manee,
bottom row is Caliscribe, Cally Cat, Aloha, and Sandiegodem.
I rarely get to stop by anymore. It’s good to see you Diane. Did you have a nice weekend?
Yes I did have a nice weekend. Spent a lot of it blogging in the late night cafe…one night till about 1 am. How are you doing and how was your weekend.
It was busy. I’m just now trying to grade some papers. But we had a lot of fun. We took Andrew to see Santa for the first time today. He handled it pretty well, except when he tried to steal Mrs Claus’s glasses.
Toni, I wanted to post a picture so I’m doing this comment here, will trade you one of my baby pics, my grandson for one of yours…

On Thanksgiving he was passed around so much I think he got dizzy, but he’s the best little fellow, hardly a cry out of him, except when he’s tired.
He’s beautiful! Give me a few minutes and I’ll post an Andrew snap here. How old is he?
He is about 4 mo. old, smiling and cooing, trying to say something.
He’s great Diane!
Here is Andrew just today.
LOL … I just can’t get over how big he is w/ every new photo. He handled it well you said?
He still has no clue who Santa is and he did momentarily swipe the glasses from Mrs. Claus.
Where do I vote for your blog Olivia?
If you click here that will open the voting page. You have to scroll down to #7 – Photo/Art Blog and select the little bubble beside parvum opus, then scroll to the bottom to submit the vote. 🙂
Just voted! Good luck.
You can vote once a day too if you remember … 🙂
Andrew looks great, but you two have really aged. Being a parent must be hard work.
Actually, that’s from working in H-town.
Makes sense. Hang in there.
Toni, what a handsome little guy! Not so little any more, though. Geeze they grow so fast.
Good to see you here.
Holiday hugs and blessings,
The photoshop site extraordinaire. The newest contest is funny (h/t to BoingBoing) … “Take a piece of fine art and turn it into an ad for a company of your choice.”
Take a look at this entry, titled … Mc David … lol
A couple other cute ones:
picasso crayola
supersized or a happy meal?
maybe both: a happy meal that becomes supersized … 😉
This Cafe, straight to the gutter, in less than 20 comments.
It’s just not possible to have gutter-free cafe, is it?
Oh no you didn’t! LOL
oh no you didn’t say what you said. Some of us are still innocent :oP
You had to lose your innocence sooner or later. Why not among friends?
you all good night. See everyone later.
Are any non-geezers still up and around?
non geezers, well no, but I am here…what’cha doing.
I just got back from hanging out with my sister. She had some surgery about a week and a half ago and she can’t drive yet. So we watched Legally Blond and ordered pizza. We were going to do chinese but they were all closed. A lot of restaurants are closed on Sunday nights here, but I never thought take out chinese would be closed.
Moulon Rouge is on here right now. I’m feeling a bit headache right now so I think I’ll lay down for a time and then I’ll be back I think.
Too bad about the chinese, hope you found something.
Nice photos, diane! :::cickets:::
while watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition — the spouse and I love a good tear-jerker now and then.
I hope to be much skinnier in the next meetup photo, BTW…