Well Hi everyone, I have been participating a bit more lately and I have come to realize that there are many more folks on here everyday that I do not know, so I thought it time I did another Welcome to Booman and tell us about you diary.
Now I know a lot of you have done this before, but the new ones have not had the benefit of reading about you, so please do participate once again and tell us a bit or a lot about you.
It would also be nice if you told us how you found your way here in the first place, I know how we like to reminisce about old times.  So, have you enjoyed your time here.
Anyway if your new or old, hop right over and fill us in on you.
BTW so all can see, Here is a picture of Manee and Dena(Iraqi) I posted earlier.

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And my lovely hummingbird!

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come on now ya’ll,… write.
So welcome to the site, all yee people.