It seems like no one in much in the mood to discuss politics this weekend. So what do you want to discuss? Football? The best desserts? How many pounds you put on? The weather?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Fantasy football team is doing well. My final Japanese oral presentation is coming together nicely.
All in all, not so bad. As long as I can finish this in 2 hours or so, I’ll be on track. Probably staying up until 5 AM doing work, though…
Despite this month’s sea change, the international picture seems so horrifically dark that I’m giving my attention a bit of rest & turning inward a bit & dealing with issues that concern me very immediately & directly — like the weather.
The mountains of central NY are seeing near 60 today; the city must be seeing near 70. Four weeks to Christmas & nary a snowflake.
What in blazing hell am I doing in South FL?
(Is that redundant?)
Mom’s Marble Cake, taken from the 1954 New Settlement Cookbook
3/4 cup of butter
2 cups granular sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
3 cups cake flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 pound chocolate, grated
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 F. Cream butter, add sugar an stir well, add eggs, one at a time, beating constantly, then add the flour mixed with the baking powder, and the milk alternately and sitr until smooth. Put 1/3 of the dough in another bowl, mixing well with the chocolate, spices and flavoring. Into a greased tube pan, place alternate layers of white and chocolate dough. Bake 45 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
You remind me of an old old comment I heard on PHC.. which is that all the best recipes start with a pound of butter 😉
A bit hard to get invigorated about politics when this kind of garbage is being floated…2008 McCain-Lieberman Ticket, via Raw Story.
I’m taking a break until January when the Dems take over…there’ll be plenty do to then.
Lieberman will drag McCain down just like he did to Gore in 2000, so let it happen!
Object of eternal fascination that I am, you could always start a long thread about me.
OK, I’ve got some politics for you…
I’m watching Obama giving a speech on cspan. Its about US policy in Iraq and sounds highly scripted and detached from anything coming from his heart. So I’m thinking, what do you suppose the odds are that Hillary has already gotten a commitment from him to be her running mate in 08?
We’re doomed.
Thank goodness for the NY Rangers cuz the Giants are testing my 30 year loyalty today man (shaking my head)
That was pathetic…giving up 24 points in the lst quarter.
Is there an echo in here :o) That’s what the commentator just said! Please…no more! ;o)
More specifically, Missouri Valley Conference, (The Valley, to those who follow it). Wichita State and Missouri State each beat ranked teams and Southedrn Illinois beat the Virginia Tech Hokies on ESPNU.
You might ask why I like The Valley? Well, a high percent of the student athletes graduate, seldom do any get drafted by the pros and none ever leave early for pro hoops. They play a real ‘team’ game.
In my family, we are all left of center, so we all feel comfortable talking about politics. There are the usual debates about being pragmtic vs being a purist.
My mom showed me a petition that my dad had circulated in the early 1950’s – essentially arguing that the Korean war was a quagmore and that we needed to get out. One of the signatories of the petition was a George McGovern from South Dakota that you may have heard of :-).
I honestly have a hard time imagining how political organizing took place in that day and age. According to my mom, petitions like this would be circulated mainly amongst like-minded friends through the mail, but as you might imagine it took a while to get things organized. My mom is pretty computer illiterate, but she was interested in how blogs are used in the modern age for political organizing.