Woman faces fines for wreath peace sign
Do you think you are free to do as you please with YOUR private property? Well, not if you’re in a development with crazy people:
Some residents who have complained have children serving in Iraq, said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs. He said some residents have also believed it was a symbol of Satan. Three or four residents complained, he said.
“Somebody could put up signs that say drop bombs on Iraq. If you let one go up you have to let them all go up,” he said in a telephone interview Sunday.
Lisa Jensen said she wasn’t thinking of the war when she hung the wreath. She said, “Peace is way bigger than not being at war. This is a spiritual thing.”
I’m sure that a big huge yellow ribbon stuck to the slab of concrete would be perfectly fine.
This sort of herd-like behavior isn’t uniquely American, of course, but it is sadly endemic for a country that pats itself on the back for being “free”. Those who’re most loud about being patriotic, or being “good Christians”, are often the most thin-skinned about being confronted by something that is, or is imagined to be, “offensive”. Often remarkably easily bruised, these people often object based on weird beliefs and conspiracy theories, like the continual insistence that the peace symbol is “satanic”. Some call it “Nero’s Cross”, an inverted cross or the “witch’s foot”. The symbol was actually designed by Gerald Holtom, a professional designer and artist and a graduate of the Royal College of Arts and was meant to invoke the semophore symbols for “N” and “D”, standing for nuclear disarmament.
Gerald Holtom, a conscientious objector who had worked on a farm in Norfolk during the Second World War, explained that the symbol incorporated the semaphore letters N(uclear) and D(isarmament). He later wrote to Hugh Brock, editor of Peace News, explaining the genesis of his idea in greater, more personal depth:
I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew myself: the representative of an individual in despair, with hands palm outstretched outwards and downwards in the manner of Goya’s peasant before the firing squad. I formalised the drawing into a line and put a circle round it.
Eric Austin added his own interpretation of the design: “the gesture of despair had long been associated with the death of Man and the circle with the unborn child.”
The symbol went on to become a broader symbol for peace as counter-culture demonstrations spread:
The symbol almost at once crossed the Atlantic. Bayard Rustin, a close associate of Martin Luther King had come over from the US in order to take part in that first Aldermaston March. He took the symbol back to the United States where it was used on civil rights marches. Later it appeared on anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and was even seen daubed in protest on their helmets by American GIs. Simpler to draw than the Picasso peace dove, it became known, first in the US and then round the world as the peace symbol. It appeared on the walls of Prague when the Soviet tanks invaded in 1968, on the Berlin Wall, in Sarajevo and Belgrade, on the graves of the victims of military dictators from the Greek Colonels to the Argentinian junta, and most recently in East Timor.
Many Americans would rather wallow in their ignorance and preconceptions, so these niggling little details would matter not a whit to Ms. Jensen’s neighbors. What matters to them are the cozy little myths and superstitions that protect their narrow little worldviews. Use the cross to “support the troops” … that would doubtless be okay. Scatter little mangers or Santas or reindeer around to your heart’s content, but if you dare to stumble across the easily-bruised psyches of these disturbed people then you may find some representative of authority telling you what you can do with your land, and what thoughts you’re allowed to share with the world around you.
Free thought isn’t welcome in the land of the blind and ignorant.
I would, of course, support her neighbors if they wanted to put up signs in protest, if they want to call her names. I already put up with and have no desire to quash the constant barrage of crosses, fish symbols, gay-bashing hate speech and pictures of dead fetuses (feti?) that wingers want to parade about. In this supposedly free country, people should be allowed to express themselves, and people who oppose their POV are equally free to protest.
Sadly, wingers are so weak and pathetic in the strength of their convictions that they are unwilling to take their “product” to the marketplace of ideas, so they must attack and silence thoughts and words they don’t like.
Well, their “product” in this case is the idea that war is a christian ideal and peace is the devil’s work, so it isn’t surprising that they have to suppress criticism of that twisted little perversion of morality. There is no way something so monumentally stupid could survive in an open marketplace.
The Peace Sign as a Satanic symbol? Gee, the Fundies do work overtime when they don’t have any facts.
My house. No complaints yet. But then again the owners assoc. has learned not to fuck with me over the last ten years. We first rented here before we bought and they wanted to know first, if we were black, then if we were section 8. Another time while my brother was here for a while, the prez circulated a letter stating his belief that this was a drug dealing house. His evidence? More than three cars parked here. I got a lawyer and threaten to sue his ass till he sent out a letter of apology. But just for good measure, as gesture of peace no less, he invites us to the owners luncheon with the statement that since we’re renters we’re probably too shy and embarrased to invite. Morons is too kind a word for people like that. ourselves.
should read: too shy and embarrased to invite ourselves
Yeah ‘Peace’ is such an unamerican and unpatriotic idea now isn’t it..I always find it hard to wrap my head around the idea that someone/anyone would be against ‘Peace’..how much of a moron and lunatic do you have to be to be against peace.
Super, this is one of my very favorite photos, saved it a long time ago and is my holiday screen saver-thanks.
Peace…pass it on :o)
See now, California isn’t so far away, knowing that we’re both looking at the same wreath :o)
That idiot also seems to have forgotten the universal saying during the holidays which is ‘Peace on Earth and goodwill to all’…..guess that is also subversive and blatantly anti-war..
‘Got Peace’?…not in America apparently.
The mgmt consultant who manages our HOA essentially told my hubby and me that he can discern a lawful or not lawful homeowner based on the color the house in question. Seriously.
He warned us that “uniformity” was important because once upon a time, he wandered in a neighborhood where a house was painted green. Turns out the owners were arrested for drug dealing.
I also believe in Santa, the tooth fairy and george bush.
now there is some world class logic at work!
Who needs logic when you can depend on paint-fume telepathy? We don’t need no stinkin’ logic!
My house is green.
But then again I bought making sure it wasn’t in a subdivision with a HOA.
My brother lives in one and I would already be in jail for the crap he has to put up with.
I haven’t decided if the HOA president is a wingnut or merely power-mad or a combination of both. In this case, the local busy-bodies didn’t like this woman’s wreath. In other cases, HOA busy-bodies prohibited flying flags–American, POW/MIA, didn’t matter. Or that had to be a particular size. Or displayed in a particular way.
At the end of the day, HOAs believe that architectural conformity = high property values when of course it’s merely that conformity = high “values.” With all that implies.
HOAs are the work of the devil and should be made illegal.
agreed … they amplify the worst aspects of human nature while masquerading as one of the BEST aspects of human nature, community. Sadly, they make a real vibrant community all-but impossible.
Oh, this gets under my skin because I live in an HOA. Not a particularly evil one, but still.
It does not promote neighborly cohesiveness. I hate to admit, but I barely know anyone on my street and I’ve lived here for 8yrs. with the husband. The only way it seems that you can get to know anyone is if you’re doing yardwork or have kids…and we don’t have kids, and I hate, detest and can’t stand yardwork. I do what’s required and sometimes what inspires me but I don’t have time to be outside all damned day, all damned weekend. Yuck.
(Oooh, I know…off topic much? I’m sorry!) In this case, they probably screwed with her because of what the peace sign represents, but a wholesale firing of the cmte because they wouldn’t go along with the dictates of the HOA president makes me think that any excuse to act like a petty dictator would do.
I find offensive all those fucking inflatable holiday lawn globes/decorations that contiunously use power to maintain their shapes, providing an increased flow of greehouse gases into the atmosphere. Happy holidays.
(sheepishly asking boran) But, but, but…are those Holographic Snoopy & Charlie Brown yard “art” things OK?
And I promise that I have never even dreamed about buying those tacky ass inflatable pieces of yard crap. But for some reason, I really thought the Charlie Brown & Snoopy display would add a touch of whimsy.
If Charles Schulz wasn’t already dead, this might have pushed him over the edge.
well, you might want this.
Damn, man! I almost spit out my cereal, that was so funny!
I thought so too
Not being a homeowner I’m not familiar with these organizations or their rules, but how is it constitutional to impose rules restricting your speech on your own property? I was under the impressional that constitutional rights could not be superceded by any other jurisdiction…
I always thought that was the track of the Great American Chicken.. 😉
On the west side here in LA, home owners eventually had to go to court to force another homeowner to paint his house. He wouldn`t paint it because he liked it the way it was. The judge ordered him to paint it. A while later, the home owners were back in court because they didn`t like the paint job. The judge told them to watch what they wished for & to get out of his court room. The man had painted his house in as many of the most garish colors he could find in weird angled shapes. People drive by there just to see the house & laugh.
Isn’t Jesus called the “prince of peace?” Isn’t Christmas a celebration of his birthday?
We’ll have to re-write that liberal edition of the Bible.
It’s a shame how some folks get their kicks — because their lives give them no joy.
The answer, IMO: embody the spirit, be the symbol, to the best of your ability 24/7.
I did not know the origin of the peace sign — that’s interesting! I only remember my grandmother getting very upset that I was wearing one on a necklace back in…. oh, ’69, ’70 or so… and calling it a devil’s sign. So that story apparently got around even then (she went to a very fundy church, as I recall.)
If I lived in this lady’s neighborhood, I think I’d put up a wreath just like it… clearly they need a few more around. (hmmm…..)
How about setting up the lights for a nice fish symbol, like this:
I was at that site yesterday looking at the “evolve” fish. I was going to suggest sending it to the head of that homeowners association.
DENVER – A subdivision has withdrawn its threat of $25 daily fines against a homeowner who put a Christmas wreath shaped like a peace sign on the front of her home.
Homeowner Lisa Jensen told The Associated Press on Monday that the board of directors of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association had apologized, called the incident a misunderstanding and had withdrawn its request for the wreath’s removal.
This morning on DemocracyNow! Amy Goodman reported that the homeowner had no intention of removing the peace wreath, even though the fines could have reached upwards of $1,000. One of the lingering effects of Republican rule (like a bad hangover) is that morons have been coming out of the woodwork thinking that their bigotries and hatreds are quite mainstream and are OK to proudly parade in public. I just love it when they’re shouted down.
thanks for the update.