What do you think? Is it a civil war? Or is it a clusterfuck? How about if we put it as a SAT question?
(A) dog : doghouse
(B) squirrel : tree
(C) beaver : dam
(D) cat : litter box
(E) FUBAR : George W. Bush
(F) All of the above
It appears that NBC has decided to officially call it a civil war in Iraq, despite White House claims to the contrary.
I guess the latest attacks made it so obvious they felt silly denying the truth any longer.
so, you are going with E?
My problem with E is that I think we’re all the ones who are FUBAR if W isn’t removed from office soon.
My approach to solving those analogies was to try to come up with a simple sentence involving the first pair and then see which choice fit the best when subbed into the sentence.
Iraq is in a civil war.
A, B, and D all work pretty well, and C would if the dam is of the walk-in variety.
I think if E were flipped, it would almost work with an alternate sentence:
Iraq has been in a civil war for a long time.
W has been FUBAR for a long time.
It’s called being so stupid, that you think your smart/ intelligent. And just think this could have all been avoided if they would have just paid the military….
Oh, it is a clusterfuck, when W can’t attend a summit with the Presdient of the country he invaded…because it is to unstable.
Anti-American, Insurrection, Civil War and power struggle to be followed by a coup, I am predicting, in which Alawi will take power and restore order.
Just as an experiment ..an anagram of “E”…sorta:
‘fubar george walker bush cic’
results in
‘Rich bugbears foul wreckage.’
close enough for government work
I go for G) body:cancer