Is anyone else sick of seeing the same tired old wise men of Washington paraded before the cable news’ cameras to pontificate on the items of the day? I swear Pat Buchanan was given two solid hours of pontification time on MSNBC this afternoon (and he is still there right now). Gen. Wayne Downing has never been right about anything in his entire history of pontificating. Someone should keep a scorecard on how wrong each talking head has been about the Iraq War and their political predictions, and just fire everyone that falls below a certain level of ineptitude.
Either that, or they should just replace the cable news entirely and air footage of old tired men wanking.
Hi Booman, yeah same guys alright and it doesn’t help that Tucker, Hardball are repeated each day, anyway look for Pat on Scarborough too, he’s a reg. on there, and btw Scarborough is looking a lot like a moderate these days and has been since way before the election.
“air footage of old tired men wanking.” They are already & I`m sick of them also. You`d think they`d keep the Viagra away from those fools with a hard-on to hear themselves.
a 4 – not for your comment but your sig.
And I would give you a 10 for the sig if I could.
Hey clammyc, the sig stays till he goes.
I like your diarys & the one of the one who “kinda lies alot” was great. I really dislike her.
well if it is gonna be that way, then why not put someone like Andy Rooney on?
Now THERE is a crotchety old man who is fun to watch. Hell, I even have his impersonation down to a science. So much that it makes the missus want to hit me because she can’t hear him and crack up at the same time.
oh god. I hope Rooney doesn’t wank.
KO Special Comment tonight: Gingrich.
“wisemen” who got their predictions all wrong before, are given free reign to pontificate and make absurd predictions again?
The MSM is never going to “get it.”
It is not the JOB of the MSM to “get it.”
Remember who is paying their salaries and why. They will lie, non-stop, effortlessly, and seamlessly–to the end.
Dip into the media when you need to know what lies are being put out. And only then. It is not an information source.
Minor quibble:
They should fire anyone who falls below a certain level of eptitude.
Yes, “ept” is a word. That’s how we got in – ept.
no, I got it right. You’re just setting too high of a standard.
I beg to differ. I’m focusing on how ept the talking heads are. I could set the standard at an eptness level of 5% and most of them couldn’t hit it with a GPS, a map and a copy of Eptness For Dummies.
Not having cable sounds better all the time.
There are cool things on cable. These animatronic spewers just aren’t any of them.
Then make or hold talking heads accountable for what they say or predict!
Just when you thought that it was safe to go back in the water: dkos link
They reap what they sow.
you NEVER had a chance…shamefull waste of talent.
Great snark btw, tho it will be lost in the righteous orange glow of certainty
I highly recommend watching C-SPAN. I tend to watch it in the overnight hours of the U.S. and it’s great. There are almost no pundits, definitely no commercials, and you get to hear from people who truly have something to say.
Just yesterday for example! I saw the former S. Korean Unification Minister talking about N. Korea, I saw Kofi Annan at a forum about nuclear arms disarmament and I saw the Jordanian Ambassador to the U.S. – just in one day!
If you don’t want to or can’t watch it on your TV, you can see the stream on the internet for free as well.
If the KO upsurge at MSNBC signifies anything, I am at a loss to understand why Pat Buchanan is such a fixture there. Of course I could say the same about Chris Matthews, but there I go drifting off track again.
you’re so right. Last night when I saw Buchanan on Hardball for the 23,417th time, I thought why is no one else willing to go on this show?
Christ! What possible relevance does he add to the debate of the day?? He’s a has been, a nobody, a loser.
Stale old boring predictable: Pat Buchanan.