My weird fantasy headline I’ve been thinking about. It could happen.. Letting Saddam clean up Buschco’s mess would be punishment enough, don’t ya think?
Bushco has done more damage to the Iraqi people and their country and the mideast than Saddam, in my view.
I cannot get into the Christmas spirit with all the horrors happening in the world today.
All I want for Christmas is our troops home. I want peace in Iraq and in the mideast. Let them live their way. I want the robber barons of the war complex companies like Haliburton, the CEOs of oil etc companies, Walmart and other companies who exploit workers here and in China to be held accountable!!
Will Bush and cohorts ever be held accountable? How do they sleep at night? This mess keeps me up many nights and I’m just a little sick old lady in New Hampshire.
Is there any way that we can make them accountable?
I want to go Christmas shopping for my adopted S. Korean adorable grandson. He’s 2 and loves Thomas the Train. I’m sure I’ll manage that inspite of all the pain and sorrow I see, but something will be missing.
I won’t rest until those who have to be held accountable take responsibility for all the lives they have destroyed. All those in power who have stolen from us and stepped on us and have more money than God should be held accountable for the many miserable Chritmases that will be had by so many all over the world.
My heart goes out to the Iraqi families and the troops’ families who will also not have a peaceful happy December.
Merry fucking Christmas Dubya etc. Get us out of Iraq and sove the mess by letting Saddam clean it up. He use to be a friend of youse guys. With friends like Bush who needs enemies…
Care to share the hash oil you’re smokin? ;o)
It’s a testimony to how completely fucked up this whole operation is that your fantasy is probably the only thing that could restore Iraq to some semblance of steadiness. And at this point it wouldn’t completely surprise me if Bush did pull off some psychotic move like that. But he does have a legacy to think about, you know. And I doubt that his evil soul could pass on the oportunity to shove a firecracker up Saddam’s ass and giggle and drool with glee went it went off.
Bush say he’s sorry for anything. But imagine Saddam’s dilemma if his punishment was to fix what george broke or made worse. Part of me thinks Saddam would do better as he’s had the taste of losing it all and might have learned his lesson..just fantasizing.
I think oddly at times..LOL!
Great diary Rosie…..I have an alternative to Sadaam scenario and that is previous PM Alawi, but other than that I agree with everything you have said.
I am just sick to death of this mess, everywhere, with everything you can think of or imagine in your wildest dreams.
Yeah Sadaam’s punishment, fix Iraq, how long do you figure it would take him…I tend to think it would be fairly quickly (as far as stopping the citizen violence) with everyone fearing the wrath of Sadaam. How ever the infrastructure will no doubt take years and years if not decades.
As long as we can still dream, we have some hope. So dream on dear rosee, dream on.