The New York Giants are not very good.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
When compared to the Kansas City Chiefs?
Maybe they can trade Eli and 3 draft picks for Philip Rivers. What do you think?
It’s not Eli. It’s 4 personal fouls, it’s intercepting a ball and then fumbling it, it’s sacking the quarterback on 4th and 10 and then letting him go he can run for a first down.
I admit I only saw about 10 minutes of the game. That late hit by Plaxico was idiotic.
Hard to really get a lock on Eli…some weeks, he plays light out (today, he was pretty good), but other days, he looks completely lost.
If you think about the last 2 big draft-day trades San Diego made, they got Philip Rivers, Drew Brees (second-rounder the same year as LT), and LaDanian Tomlinson instead of Michael Vick or Eli. That ain’t too bad a deal.
I’m surprised the Giants let Witten get that open for that last pass. I would’ve been playing some sort of prevent to avoid that happening.
They sucked the safety in and ran the TE on a seam against a LB. It looked like T.O. was even more open behind Whitten, having beaten the other safety. What a joke.
Thayt’s what burned my as*. Linebacker covering a TE downfield. Ugly defense when the game was on the line.
thanks you for keeping Tom Coughlin as your coach.
No other general could squeeze so little from such fine troops. Lose that guy and you’re sitting pretty. And I don’t think next year would be a bad year to do it. That Jacobs kid is a freakin’ train. Eli will only improve. You lose Tiki, but you’d get addition by subtraction if you could find a halfway decent coach who can handle the big apple.
I liked him a whole lot better when he was a cold hearted and distant disciplinarian. That’s what the team lacks most. And I’m getting a little tired of Shockey going ballistic when things don’t go right. Tighten up.
I’m sorry for your loss. :/
I suffered through the Niners going up against the Saints’ juggernaut…and the Raiders are, well, the Raiders…
At least I’m still leading in my hockey pool (barely)… 🙂
Booman’s loss is my gain. I’m a Cowboys fan, and I was dancing around almost as much as Martin Gramatica after that field goal at the end. 😀
We are not that far removed from the days when I would tell people the Seahawks were the best 2-14 team in professional football. (Yes, I know, that’s a lot like being the world’s tallest midget.)
Hey, that’s something that my local team, the Lions, can aspire to after snatching defeat from the jaws of victory today.
I’m glad I’m not a Lions fan. I can’t wait until they earn the first overall pick next year and then blow it on Brady Quinn or Calvin Johnson.
in the B(C)S “Championship” game — it’s Ohio State vs. Florida.
Michigan may have been the better team in a choice between Florida and the Wolverines…but I can’t see a team playing for the mythical “national championship” that can’t even win it’s own conference. Leave the “wild card” champions to the pros…
As a proud Wolverines fan, I can honestly say that I’m not that disappointed that Michigan wasn’t picked for the title game because rematches are dumb.
I would also like to go on the record and say that I will be rooting for the Buckeyes to stomp Florida. You heard it here first : OSU 52, Florida 17.
That sounds accurate to me. I’ve heard enough about how tough Florida’s schedule was–this “title” game isn’t even going to be close. TOSU v. M would have been a much, much better matchup. Played on a neutral field? Instant classic (just like their regular season tilt).
Would it kill these assholes to institute a playoff? If every conference wrapped up when the Big 10 did, you’d have time for 4 weeks of playoff football, culminating in a championship. What’s the downside? People would be riveted. You don’t think it would get the same or better ratings than March Idiocy?
Call me a curmdgeon if you will, but I’ve watched college football on and off since before Joe Paterno was a corporal and I have never seen the need for the BCS, much less a playoff system.
There is still a certain fiction, held to by the true romantics among us (i.e. me and two other guys) that students are actually in school to learn, and that four weeks of playoffs are a distraction these students don’t really need. Plus, the old system pre-BCS seemed to do a pretty good job of sorting out the best teams in the country. Sure you occasionally get people wondering why an undefeated BYU deserved to be national champs in — what was it, ’84? — or whether Miami or Washington was really the national champion in ’91, but let’s face it, if there’s one thing sports fans like more than watching sports, it’s arguing about sports. It sells papers. It sells beer. What’s not to like?
The only drawback I can see to the entire enterprise affects me not at all. If you had a decisive national championship, you would be able to bet on who was going to win it. Since I’m not a betting man, that doesn’t excite me a bit.
I guess it’s a question of what you’re used to.
The idea that the athletes at Michigan, OSU, Florida, FSU, etc., etc. are in college to get an education is an absolute fiction. They are paid by way of tuition scholarships to perform as athletes. The vast majority of their time in school, as compared to any single class or even all classes, is spent in service to that obligation. Meetings, training sessions, meetings, practice, meetings, film study, actual practice, lifting, getting to and from games and actually playing in those games. Any leftover time after they’ve blown off steam is spent going to enough classes so they don’t get banned from the sport. Any D-I football player for whom that is not true is an exception that proves the rule, not a valid counter-example.
Sports is way out of control in our society, but I don’t think you’ll see it coming back into focus any time soon. As a former D-III football player, I can tell you that the extended season for playoffs didn’t really hurt my education. Of course, D-III fosters more time for school than D-I, by a long shot (primarily because there is no money involved, either for the school or for the student). The D-I sked is too long: cut it back to 10 games and the playoff takes the place of the latter third of the current season and bowl-time.
As for the betting? It’s already happening. From the beginning of the year until the last whistle of the last bowl game. Adding a playoff wouldn’t appreciably alter the volume of betting going. And while I appreciate your point about argument being the spice of sport, what we’re really arguing about isn’t the games or the teams but the system itself. In BCS debates the accuracy of the system and its technicalities overshadow the old-fashioned debate you (and other, me too) relish. My vote: Can the BCS and either go playoff or go back to polls.
The BCS came around because people clamored for the certainty provided by a playoff but the NCAA and the Bowl Committee weren’t willing to give up their respective Kingdoms (I’d say fiefdoms, but the money is just too large). It’s been a failure–like artificial sugar, it doesn’t really taste as good and in the end any improvement is negligible.
Cry me a river. I’m a Redskins fan.
Last week, Sports Illustrated had an online article about the Top 10 People In The NFL Who Need To Go–and they included Saint Joe Gibbs!
They were right.
Of course, we also have to get rid of the owner Daniel Snyder as well, who is the key problem.
BooMan take heart,
the Giants just signed 44 year old Sean Landetta as a backup placekicker! :o) Take what you can from that as a Giant’s fan :o)
Me, I don’t ask for much, I don’t want to be a millionaire, or become the worlds greatest custom painter. No…just asking for a few small favors. The Giants take the Cowfreaks at home. Not a lot to ask for. But in life, as in NY football, I feel like a Shockey…on a different wave.
One thing I know, Cowboys fans suck. No individuality. Jump that wagon.
Ah, come on! I liked the Cowboys growing up, when they were winning, but I’ve stuck with them during the tough times as well. I’m not a wagon-jumper! :/
Here’s the thing…
my brother is a Cowboys fan. There is no in between, sportsmanship, give the CB’s credit for not being wagonjumpers, crap. You ARE THE ENEMY ;o). No quarter!
easy to make fun of this, but if the damn Raiders had signed a backup placekicker they might have won today. They’d known all week that Janikowski had a sore back, and sure enough he misses all 3 FG tries.
Cowboys fans really do suck. On days like today, they drag their soiled, fetid bodies from beneath whatever putrid rock they were hiding under and don their Irvin jerseys. I expect to see a few wandering around the office today, wondering why everybody keeps referring to them as various parts of the human reproductive and gastroenterological systems and speculating about what types of farm animals they may find attractive. The candid admission by any native resident of the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic that he or she is a Cowboys fan, is a sure sign of moral depravity and that their opinion on all matters should be considered highly suspect. Just sayin’.
Ah, football. It has been a fabulous weekend for this fan. UCLA kicks USC’s ugly butt for the first time in seven years, keeping USC out of the championship games. The Chargers win in a close one and the BEars continue to roll. Life IS good!! Hope you all had a great weekend.
Gloating. I remember it so well :o) Leezy, enjoy the prosperity while you can. Success in football is fleeting :o) You’ll be here next year and memories can tend to be long ;o)
Good luck…it’s all we got :o)
But honey, I love to gloat only because I haven’t had alot to gloat about in the history of these three teams…lol.
Man, that made my sunday. I was SO PLEASED that all those INFLATED USC WACKOS have to swallow this one.
Low-scoring too. NO TOUCHDOWNS FOR USC!!!
Oh my friend, it is so nice to hear from another fan that hates USC. My favorite tshirt I own is the one I bought last year while tailgating at the Rose Bowl. It says, “Friends don’t let friends go to USC”.
The coach. Militaristic asshole. Brittle, like overstressed, badly made steel. Works well initially, but always cracks eventually somewhere down the road.
Tiki Barber. Narcissist. That smile is just TOO bright. Must practice in front of a mirror. Quit already and open a dentist’s practice.
Strahan. Can’t be that big, hit that hard and act that cute. I’d rather see the reality of the game. Lawrence Taylor walking the knife edge of violent insanity.
Shockey. Please. Shut up and play. Stop blaming others. High school /college frat bully all growed up.
And worst…saddest…of all, Li’l Eli. Always looking for an excuse to fail so’s he can avoid matching up with Daddy and Big Brother. Happy feet before pressure, apologetic smile on the face but not in the eyes, all the right empty words, quick vengeful looks at whoever is nearest when he fails, all the wrong, empty stuff,. Talented, but he will never make it. Never match up. The Second Son Syndrome. Always just before he pulls the trigger comes the doubt. Is mine as big as theirs? Tough acts to follow. He’ll never quite make it. He should take his millions, go into therapy, find out what it is he can REALLY do, and go do it. Go open a horse farm. Something. ANYTHING. Anything but being a football quarterback. But…he is not smart enough to do that. So he is trapped. Tragic, really, if someone who has millions of dollars can be legitimately called “tragic” when literally millions people with equivalent intelligence, talent and character have no healthcare for their children or themselves and live in the trailer parks of Appalachia or die in the gutters of Baghdad. Tragicomic. The everyman failure blessed with unlimited wealth. All dressed up but when he gets to the ball he can’t dance. He is in a film loop where he will ALWAYS lose in the last seconds. I feel bad for him.
The NY sports yob establishment. Disgusting. Mike and the Mad Dog fawning all over these creeps. Disgusting.
And last but certainly worst…the owners and administrators. They keep a low profile these days, but compared to Wellington Mara and George Young? No class. None whatsoever.
The Giants?
No surprise.
Contemporary New Jersey in a nutshell.
“Oh. You live in New Jersey? What exit?”
and the Rams really suck. They are 6-8 and much worse than that record.