Right-wing Hot Air has some commentary on Bolton’s resignation. Let’s see if we can identify the error in their reasoning.
Update: Drudge has a hot tip that George Mitchell is on the short list to replace Bolton. There’s nothing about it on the wires. First Rumsfeld is canned, then Mel “Amnesty” Martinez is nominated for RNC chair, and now allegedly he’s thinking of appointing a Democrat to the UN. He’s really embracing this bipartisan thing, huh?
Potential Machiavellian silver lining: maybe Bush has military plans for Iran and wants to trade on the international goodwill Mitchell earned from the Irish peace process when the attack eventually comes.
A virtual can of tuna fish for anyone that gets the right answer. If Chris shows up, there could be pandas.
The error: reading Drudge.
That’s a good one, but not what I was thinking of.
Downthread I made a snark about Santorum as a replacement, but with Bolton gone Condi’s State Department has to fill quite a few high level vacancies. She’s lost Philip Zelikow and Robert Zoellick. That leaves her
No Ambassador to U.N.
No Deputy Secretary of State
No Counselor
Laura Rozen in her post cites Chris Nelson, Nelson Report
It is rumored to be Khalilzad, U.S. ambassador to Iraq. Also rumored, Bolton may be back after a sabbatical until February when he could get another recess appointment. Hastert off to Tokyo and Chris Hill is looking to be named Korea policy review czar or else!
You stole my first answer! lol
How’s about this illogic:
Potential Machiavellian silver lining: maybe Bush has military plans for Iran
Unless the draft is included in those military plans, well, ya know that it just ain’t gonna happen. Haven’t any of you ‘murikans figured it out yet? You couldn’t hold down Iraq with the military you have now. Iran’s military is 10 times bigger, better funded and better trained. How many American kids will have to be drafted for this effort? Unless those kids are all named bush and cheney, every single one of them, America won’t stand for it.
And never mind how obvious it is that bush never has any real plans.
Now did you mean:
George Mitchell (aka The Penguin) Famous Dublin Criminal
This George Mitchell:
Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell said his probe into steroid use in baseball has been delayed because he lacks power to order testimony.
He is too busy covering up steroid use for MLB to help cover up things for bush right now! lol
Mitchell isn’t really much of a Democratic politician when it comes to the UN anyways:
Gee? Mitchell doesn’t like the UN any more than most republicans? lol
I’m missing something here. When I saw the tuna can, I thought Bush was considering Bill Parcells for the post. He’s as arrogant as Bolton, and nearly as diplomatic. Might not be a bad choice for Bush after all.
Oh, I get the tuna. I didn’t read the entire story. I should finish cooking dinner and stop wandering over to the computer
Lieberman…he’s been warmly [gaaaaag] welcomed back to the senate but he’s toast after 08 and knows it;
it’s a position that fits well w/ his ideology, as well as his ego;
it would be very difficult to imagine the senate not confirming him…ie: puts d’s in a very embarrassing position;
allows the r governor of CT to appoint an r to fill holy joe’s seat…negating the d majority in the senate;
eliminates, or at least minimizes for all intents and purposes, the impeachment problem;
and it’s a big Fuck You! to the d’s
if you’re W&Co™, what’s not to like?
I think Harry Reid would find some way to ensure that he never makes it out of committee, or barring that, Robert “there are 5,385,441 rules in the Senate and I know every one of them” Byrd would come up with something.
It’s hard to imagine someone is still out there who would make John Bolton look like Mother Teresa, but if they’re there, trust me, Duhbya will find ’em.
Lieberman isn’t going to leave the House of Lords. If he can stand up and get applauded after the Lamont take-down, he can tolerate anything.
George Mitchell would not fit in with the Cheney cabal. He’s a realist and don’t like being lied to or used.
Btw, all this kerfuffle was due to a ‘Dem filibuster’ says the White House.
Stephen Cambone is job hunting…and more available candidates from Pentagon to follow.
Then there’s Rick Santorum.
When do I get my can of tuna?
I thought all this kerfuffle was due to the fact that John Bolton has all the finesse of a lawn mower, all the grace of a rutting elk, and all the tact and charm of a particularly short-tempered barracuda. But maybe that’s just me.
That’s a real slur on rutting elks!
Kidspeak, thanks. I ‘ve some elks as neighbors at a farm close by. They’d be insulted. Quite sociable they are…not something we can’t say of Bolton.
Sensible appointment? Christopher Hill, current Assistant Secretary of East Asian Affairs at State. Or Lincoln Chafee.
More likely appointments? One of the Kagans or Aaron Friedberg.
Or Jeffrey Bergner, also a Asst. Sec of State (currently assigned to lobby Congress concerning Bush foreign policy – which he has a lot of experience at doing). He previously worked for Sen. Lugar and the Senate’s Foreign Relations committee before leaving public service to open his own lobbying firm for assorted corporations et al. Other cred? PNAC member, letter-to-Clinton signer, as expected. And…
the social skills of a concretebeing a successful lobbyist probably means his social skillshave improved over timeare much better than Bolton’s.