for all the froggies out there, I present the Flaming Spanish Fly.
1 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo)
1 oz Kahlua
1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum
Rich black Coffee
Whipped cream
Coarse Sugar
1 Cherry
Mixing instructions:
Moisten rim of glass with cherry juice or water. Dip rim into coarse sugar to coat heavily. Pour tequila and coffee liquor into glass. Gently float 151 proof rum on top. Carefully ignite rum and swirl glass to lightly melt sugar with flame. Immediately pour in coffee to extinguish flames and fill cup. Top with whipped cream and cherry.
KS read in the NYT that the Veronica Mars producers were trying to lower the demographics. Are noticing any changes there? (Not that you would, since you are in the lower demographics, of course.)
They have all the money apparently. I think the TV people are nuts.(I’m not touching the age thing – the third rail of male female interactions. One of the third rails, at least.)
You know, I don’t where that idea came from — I know more guys who are sensitive about getting older than I do women. I’m certainly not coy about being a geezer.
I married into a Southern family. I have often heard KS and her mother quote her esteemed Great-Grandmother Tennessee Belle’s comment,”A woman who would tell her age, would tell anything.”
KS informs me that identifying oneself as a geezer is fine, but no number should be attached.
I had a roommate in college who would put the phone down on the bed when his girlfriend called and walk out of the room for 5 -10 minutes at a time. She never noticed. (It was not a meaningful relationship.)
I had to get one the winter coat. It’s a good one, but it has 1,000 pockets, so I spend most of the winter outside, searching my pockets, trying to find my keys.
The key for me, is to always use the right pocket for keys, the left for wallet … etc. If I can get that straight and keep it up, then I’m pretty safe. 🙂
but the tricky part happens when she says something that you actually need to make a response to and you haven’t been listening closely enough to know if a ‘yes’ will be dangerous.
Hi Manee and thanks for the hooka lounge, I brought some rum cake that I made yesterday and it’s delish, soaking in it’s rum and simple syrup…I have to restrain myself so that I don’t eat toooooo much..
Hi everyone who may be around.
Thanks, KH. The website was incredibly easy. I used iWeb. It took about 4-5 hours and I cooked dinner for two while working on it. And, being Male, I never needed the tiny manual. I’m putting up a companion piece over the next two days that is linked to the first and expands the story. If you want your fictional backstory to be a part of it let me know. There’s an opening for a street wise ex-cop turned private detective.
Go with it. I`m flattered. Everything that`s been written about me has always been true, so this would be a change. To clarify, without breaking my arm patting myself on the back, there`s quite a bit that has, from an international level all the way to very local levels. Most was on a “notoriety” level, although I`m not a criminal.
Believe me I knew what I was writing when I posted. I never resigned any position nor would I in a chickenshit way to avoid accountability. Nor am I a famous Californian. I just live here. No harm.
What`s an rss feed. I`ve seen the term, but am not familiar with it.
Why waste words? They’re just dumb little boy toys. Merry X-Mas, RF! (You should come visit our neighborhood, says KS. The local preachers avert their eyes when drive through. The ones who don’t stop off for a quick visit, of course.)
LOL I will have to share my story of getting rid of the Mormons in Mesa when I went to see their Christmas decoration. LOL The Mormon church in Mesa does a huge Christmas display every year and the first year I was in Arizona I went with some friends after attending a happy hour. This young man who was Mormon tried to give me info about the church and I told him ” Your church doesn’t want me.” He kept insisting the church was open to everyone and I tried being polite. After about the 5 time he offered to talk to me about the church and I said his church did not want me, he asked why. In my best and loudest stage voice, I announced ” I suck dick!!!” Needless to say, he turned 3 shades of red and moved away quickly. LOL My friends grabbed me and said I think we need to go now. LOL
Doing your bit for inter-faith understanding, I see. I can hear you now, as you friends dragged you away,”But that line killed at the Jesuit Seminary!”
LOL When the bible thumpers knock on my door, I always say ” My mom is catholic, my dad is Jewish and I am gay. Which do you hate the most?” That always shuts them up and they leave. The only part that is true is my being gay. LOL
The Bible-Thumpers in our neighborhood are mostly black men on the low down. They would not try to convert you, trust me. They’d approve of you just as you are.
The links, no problem. I need to know you BooDay, the first day you posted on Booman Tribune. Oh, you can post comments on my blog, so if you want to insert your character into the narrative, editorially speaking, that is, post a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
Hope you’re all having fun…I’m on my way to pulling my second all-nighter in 3 nights, with last night being the only time I got sleep…all 5 1/2 hours of it.
Well, my first final went extremely well. Standard deviation above the mean, probably saved my grade in that class. A B+ is what I’m expecting, but if I pulled off an A-, I’d be happy beyond belief.
Currently, I’m eating a bag of Doritos, then it’s off to complete 3 practice exams in 3 hours (hopefully)…then the dead of night will be spent making the all-important cheat sheet.
We didn’t have them there Red Bull things in my days, sonny. We’d either drink tons of coffee by the flickering gaslights or pop No-Doze by the handful. Speed was floating around, as well. I usually read some books that weren’t on the syllabus and then took the finals cold. Maybe that’s why I was 34 before I graduated….
I have no doubt they’re bad for me. But I need to stay awake somehow…
Not to mention that I have to do a rewrite of my Japanese final oral presentation tonight as well – by computer and by hand. I’m aiming to start that around 7 AM.
Talking with Refinish reminded me that I wanted to extend an open invitation to everyone at BT to become a part of the BooDay Backstory Project. I have a long linking story that I have begun work on. The idea is to include everyone at BT who is interested in a long piece of narrative (probably a mystery). Throughout the story, everyone would drift in and out up to the first day the posted (and beyond). The story is not about the posting, but that would feature in it.
It’s a bit vague, I know, but it will be fun to see where it takes us.
If you are interested, you can usually contact me in the cafe, or lounge. You can see the progress of the site by linking to it through the BdBsP link. My email is also listed here and on the BooDay Project site. Comments can also be left on the blog entries.
I always thought I was really anal but now I’m feeling very inadequately so — I have no idea what my first day here was. I know it was June, can I just make up a day?
KS and I were at the Monterrey peninsula years ago and we saw a odd form swimming just off a pier. It looked human, but not quite. We finally realized that it was a sea otter.
made it home – nice smooth flight compared to the way there. There was a beautiful soft snowfall in the morning but by afternoon it was mostly gone. Just the way I like it. 🙂 And HJ only had one accident while I was gone. Yay!
I was so relaxed it was ridiculous. I totally bow to the miracle that is modern pharmaceuticals. 🙂
PS – Nature boy tells me when we get home that he swears he saw something fall off the plane when we were at cruising altitude. Smart boy not to tell me til we were back down.
Good to hear you made it back OK. I want to talk to you about your backstory, but it’s late. The others will be glad to hear from you and keep you up all night, I’m sure.
Night, everyone. (HJ didn’t do to bad for a wee pup.)
for all the froggies out there, I present the Flaming Spanish Fly.
Yesterday’s cafe stayed up until almost 11 last night. So really, there was no rush 😉
But we must aim higher. A past failure need not set a precedent. (What’s the emoticom for “Pomposity”?)
I don’t know what the emoticon is.
I do know that I HATE the writers on Gilmore Girls this year. Ugh.
I’m not a GG viewer, but enlighten me. What’s the problem?
Oh, too hard to explain. Just not the snappy, witty dialogue of years past.
And Veronica Mars is a repeat tonight. sigh. Wonder what Andi’s doing …
GG is one of those fast talking shows,right?
It’s a lot slower this year — that’s part of the problem.
But, after reading your transcription of my and Second Nature’s blog dialogue — I think she and I could write a TV series 🙂
You want a virtual one? Blogging with the Stars, starring Maryb, and Second Nature! We could work that in.
KS read in the NYT that the Veronica Mars producers were trying to lower the demographics. Are noticing any changes there? (Not that you would, since you are in the lower demographics, of course.)
I think it’s mainly that the story arc isn’t as complicated.
That might be it. Any infusion of burly young surfer/construction worker guys with odd plot twists that require them to remove their shirts?
This is really the first year I’ve watched it regularly so I don’t know if they changed anything. I thought it already had a low demographic?
They want more people 18 -34 of age. (So, you both are still welcome, andi and mary.)
what? as chaperones?
18-34 year olds. what do they know? 🙂
They have all the money apparently. I think the TV people are nuts.(I’m not touching the age thing – the third rail of male female interactions. One of the third rails, at least.)
You know, I don’t where that idea came from — I know more guys who are sensitive about getting older than I do women. I’m certainly not coy about being a geezer.
I married into a Southern family. I have often heard KS and her mother quote her esteemed Great-Grandmother Tennessee Belle’s comment,”A woman who would tell her age, would tell anything.”
KS informs me that identifying oneself as a geezer is fine, but no number should be attached.
and I’m 56.
KS says, “Well, Miss Gabby, what else do want to tell us about yourself?”
and now
listening to my mother on the phone.
I did that
listening thing w/ mom tonight too. 🙂
I had a roommate in college who would put the phone down on the bed when his girlfriend called and walk out of the room for 5 -10 minutes at a time. She never noticed. (It was not a meaningful relationship.)
lol I had a friend in college that I did that to all the time.
I hope you didn’t go to Texas Tech, also.
No I went to St. Andrews in N.C.
You got you degree from a golf course?
Hello, Olivia. Keeping warm in the Great White North?
And how about you?
I had to get one the winter coat. It’s a good one, but it has 1,000 pockets, so I spend most of the winter outside, searching my pockets, trying to find my keys.
altho, I don’t have quite so many pockets … 😉
The key for me, is to always use the right pocket for keys, the left for wallet … etc. If I can get that straight and keep it up, then I’m pretty safe. 🙂
I can do that for up to an hour with only an occasional non-committal grunt. I am usually online the whole time she talks to me.
but the tricky part happens when she says something that you actually need to make a response to and you haven’t been listening closely enough to know if a ‘yes’ will be dangerous.
That’s were hearing aids are a great advantage. I can blame feedback.
I have to be careful cause my mom hears so well she can tell when I am typing and talking to her and she gets mad. LOL
Just a hi and bye. I hitting the sack early, well more early than usual.
Hope everybody has a good night.
Hi. Bye.
Sleep well and cover up those toes. It’s nippy tonight.
be helpful too:
Hi Manee and thanks for the hooka lounge, I brought some rum cake that I made yesterday and it’s delish, soaking in it’s rum and simple syrup…I have to restrain myself so that I don’t eat toooooo much..
Hi everyone who may be around.
It’s the cake that soaking, right?
Hey Teach, I`m not done reading all of your new site [it`s real nice btw], but I`m continually impressed with your writing. Real good.
Thanks, KH. The website was incredibly easy. I used iWeb. It took about 4-5 hours and I cooked dinner for two while working on it. And, being Male, I never needed the tiny manual. I’m putting up a companion piece over the next two days that is linked to the first and expands the story. If you want your fictional backstory to be a part of it let me know. There’s an opening for a street wise ex-cop turned private detective.
I click on the link and it says the page cannot be found.
Thanks for reminding me. I need to fix that. I’ll be right back.
Go with it. I`m flattered. Everything that`s been written about me has always been true, so this would be a change. To clarify, without breaking my arm patting myself on the back, there`s quite a bit that has, from an international level all the way to very local levels. Most was on a “notoriety” level, although I`m not a criminal.
“I am not a crook.” I’ve heard that from another famous Californian. Watch the BooDay Site (I’ve got an rss feed on the site, if you’re interested.)
Believe me I knew what I was writing when I posted. I never resigned any position nor would I in a chickenshit way to avoid accountability. Nor am I a famous Californian. I just live here. No harm.
What`s an rss feed. I`ve seen the term, but am not familiar with it.
Hi Diane, that rum cake sounds great. A slice of that and Manny’s drink up above and I’d be down for the night 🙂
Here is the latest design. I could not resist the domino theme after Bolton resigned. LOL
RF! I was hoping my comment about the burly surfer/construction worker dudes stripping of their shirts would smoke you out!
I saw that and was trying to think of a snappy comment beised MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. LOL
see you got me so excited I cannot spell besides. LOL
Why waste words? They’re just dumb little boy toys. Merry X-Mas, RF! (You should come visit our neighborhood, says KS. The local preachers avert their eyes when drive through. The ones who don’t stop off for a quick visit, of course.)
LOL I will have to share my story of getting rid of the Mormons in Mesa when I went to see their Christmas decoration. LOL The Mormon church in Mesa does a huge Christmas display every year and the first year I was in Arizona I went with some friends after attending a happy hour. This young man who was Mormon tried to give me info about the church and I told him ” Your church doesn’t want me.” He kept insisting the church was open to everyone and I tried being polite. After about the 5 time he offered to talk to me about the church and I said his church did not want me, he asked why. In my best and loudest stage voice, I announced ” I suck dick!!!” Needless to say, he turned 3 shades of red and moved away quickly. LOL My friends grabbed me and said I think we need to go now. LOL
Doing your bit for inter-faith understanding, I see. I can hear you now, as you friends dragged you away,”But that line killed at the Jesuit Seminary!”
LOL When the bible thumpers knock on my door, I always say ” My mom is catholic, my dad is Jewish and I am gay. Which do you hate the most?” That always shuts them up and they leave. The only part that is true is my being gay. LOL
The Bible-Thumpers in our neighborhood are mostly black men on the low down. They would not try to convert you, trust me. They’d approve of you just as you are.
When was SN supposed to get home from Cleveland? Anybody know?
I thought it was tonight. Is Mars over? It got quiet on the estrogen side of the equation there for a while.
Hey, RF. Would you mind if I posted links to your sites on my site? And do you want to be a virtual character in the BooDay Project?
I would be thrilled!!!!
The links, no problem. I need to know you BooDay, the first day you posted on Booman Tribune. Oh, you can post comments on my blog, so if you want to insert your character into the narrative, editorially speaking, that is, post a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
I believe it is October 30, 2005. That is the date of the first dairy I posted and I set up the profile to post a dairy. LOL
Be prepared for the suspense. He writes in serial form. I was breathless with anticipation to find out what I was going to do next 🙂
Mary, I’m lazy, I know you mentioned your BooDay, but I don’t want to look for it. Do you remember?
It was last Tuesday – the 28th? Mine and Family Man’s are on the same day.
My site has an rss feed you sign up for.
does that make you write faster? 🙂
Getting some sleep and staying out of the lounge makes me write faster.
Yep. My attention is no longer divided.
Should we gang up on Psi or give him a break until after finals?
Hehehe… 🙂
As you can see, it’s a supportive night. You deserve it.
But he shouldn’t get used to it. It’s killing me to be nice …
As soon as that last final is over we’ll round up everybody and unload on him. Deal?
She said she was getting at night and the only evening flight got in at 8:30.
I hope she let’s us know she’s home. And I hope this flight is easier than her flight on the way up.
The weather was certainly better. And the flight got in on time so that’s a good sign.
Hope you’re all having fun…I’m on my way to pulling my second all-nighter in 3 nights, with last night being the only time I got sleep…all 5 1/2 hours of it.
What an existence…
Hope the exams are going well!!!!
Well, my first final went extremely well. Standard deviation above the mean, probably saved my grade in that class. A B+ is what I’m expecting, but if I pulled off an A-, I’d be happy beyond belief.
The other things…don’t know right now. We’ll see.
Was that the class you were upset about earlier in the semester?
Probably, but at one point or another, I’ve been mad about all my classes. School has not been very kind to me, even in the classes I’m doing well in.
I was thinking of the mid term you took that didn’t turn out as well as it should have.
Yeah, it’d be that class.
Currently, I’m eating a bag of Doritos, then it’s off to complete 3 practice exams in 3 hours (hopefully)…then the dead of night will be spent making the all-important cheat sheet.
what you need is protein. Helps the brain.
Eh, when I’m pulling late nighters, I tend to eat as little as possible…lets the caffeine kick in much more quickly.
Yeah, don’t eat too much, it makes you tired. But all junk food will too.
Yeah, that’s why this bag of Doritos will be the last thing I eat until the morning.
Speaking of which, I gotta get started on these practice exams. Enjoy your night, and I hope you got all the niceness out of your system, Mary. 😛
Good luck. Come back tomorrow so I can abuse you 🙂
Probably won’t be here…I will be frantically memorizing and practicing a 7-minute stretch of Japanese dialogue. But I appreciate the sentiments. 😛
Greetings, Psi. It’s good to be young. My spirit is still willing, but my increased flesh can’t stand up to those all-nighters anymore.
I can’t stand ’em either. Just went to the local Wawa to get 5 Red Bulls.
We didn’t have them there Red Bull things in my days, sonny. We’d either drink tons of coffee by the flickering gaslights or pop No-Doze by the handful. Speed was floating around, as well. I usually read some books that weren’t on the syllabus and then took the finals cold. Maybe that’s why I was 34 before I graduated….
Next semester we need to work on scheduling.
In the meantime, just try not to fall asleep in the middle of the exam.
My professors need to work on the scheduling, not me!
now, now grasshopper. Don’t be defensive 🙂
And those 5 Red Bulls can’t possibly be good for you.
I have no doubt they’re bad for me. But I need to stay awake somehow…
Not to mention that I have to do a rewrite of my Japanese final oral presentation tonight as well – by computer and by hand. I’m aiming to start that around 7 AM.
I remember those days … The worst I ever did was 2 all nighters back to back … I was hallucinating by the end.
Good luck Psi … It does end eventually.
he’s still an undergrad so I don’t think you cheered him up. 🙂
I made the whole thing up … 😉
Talking with Refinish reminded me that I wanted to extend an open invitation to everyone at BT to become a part of the BooDay Backstory Project. I have a long linking story that I have begun work on. The idea is to include everyone at BT who is interested in a long piece of narrative (probably a mystery). Throughout the story, everyone would drift in and out up to the first day the posted (and beyond). The story is not about the posting, but that would feature in it.
It’s a bit vague, I know, but it will be fun to see where it takes us.
If you are interested, you can usually contact me in the cafe, or lounge. You can see the progress of the site by linking to it through the BdBsP link. My email is also listed here and on the BooDay Project site. Comments can also be left on the blog entries.
I always thought I was really anal but now I’m feeling very inadequately so — I have no idea what my first day here was. I know it was June, can I just make up a day?
Why not? We make reality here at the pond.
Someone I met during a recent trip to the MOnterey Peninsula.
and good night.
Night, andi. Oh, I loved the Indiana Chainsaw Massacre Sunset.
Night AndiF!
KS and I were at the Monterrey peninsula years ago and we saw a odd form swimming just off a pier. It looked human, but not quite. We finally realized that it was a sea otter.
Probably a relative.
made it home – nice smooth flight compared to the way there. There was a beautiful soft snowfall in the morning but by afternoon it was mostly gone. Just the way I like it. 🙂 And HJ only had one accident while I was gone. Yay!
WELCOME BACK! I’m glad your flight was better. And that you got some nice snow.
I was so relaxed it was ridiculous. I totally bow to the miracle that is modern pharmaceuticals. 🙂
PS – Nature boy tells me when we get home that he swears he saw something fall off the plane when we were at cruising altitude. Smart boy not to tell me til we were back down.
ain’t drugs great 🙂
wise boy. although it was probably just ice.
Manny posted pictures of Bud getting a bath this week. HJ is falling behind in the cutest basset contest. Better get your camera out tomorrow.
Good to hear you made it back OK. I want to talk to you about your backstory, but it’s late. The others will be glad to hear from you and keep you up all night, I’m sure.
Night, everyone. (HJ didn’t do to bad for a wee pup.)
what a sh*tty day. I’ll put up a new thread in a sec.