Well, as I see it the 9 months it has taken for this group to investigate this and then the time it took for them to compromise on the he wording and things then the time it took to edit the passage and then get it to the printer; things have changed dramatically since all of this has happened.  This study is way out of date.  Things are much much worse than when they started or even ended their study.
I suggest this is just a slap in the face of jr and then get back to the normal ways of this government to deceive us all.  This is their nomenclature.  I call their cards on this and call it a dog and pony show.  Or, as one would say, a wag the dog show.

I think they are all playing us for fools..and we will be fools, if we take any of this as gospel.

Now mind you, this is just my honest opinion on things but I do not intend on getting burned again from any government.  I listened to Russ Feingold last night and it dawned to me that he knows what he is speaking about.  It would behoove us to listen to him.

NO wonder poppy was crying….I bet Barb’s beautiful mind is crying too..not!  Their reputation is in ruins, what is why they are all crying the blues.  God help us all for this family and the cheney family have done to all of us and the world!  They and all of their cronies deserve what they get in Hell!  What demons they are!
Then again, what  qualifiers do these ppl have but the same old politicians that have been culprit to fool us time and time again, over and over agian.  

We all sit by and listen to these ppl like they are the wizards of all wizards with the wisdom of all.  I ask you who are they anyhow, but the same old politicians of ore.  This is yet another sham for us to endeavor, in for a few weeks for our military to die.  I ask you when will we all learn??!!

here is what Glenn said.

Ask yourself, the questions that you all need to be asking and the answer is right before your nose.  The MSM is pushing this like crazy and I find it rather telling. The internet is all abuzz and just crazy over this.  Just because, of, who these politicians are.  They are really no better than we are.  Are they the ones loosing loved ones or taking the heat for this war and the misuse of our tax dollars?  God, help us all, if we give this report much ado and not stand for what we all believe in [voted for].  I am tired of all the reports coming and going all around us when we all know what we need to be doing and what we all know we know.  I am sorry, but I totally disagree with most everything this group has tried to push down our throats.  The saying is, if you are not the solution then you are the problem….oh, did I leave out the part of [PART] in that saying.  Well, I did that intentionally.  YOU take it from there….hugs and have a great day, if you think can….