No Refinish they call them inner bits. Men call them stamens. I can see in flower journal, women elbowing each other saying look at the stamen on that one. 🙂
DIdn’t you love that part in Fried Green Tomatoes where Kathy Bates went to that class and they all had to hold mirrors to themselves and talk lovingly to their…inner bits? Family Man reminded me of that. I don’t know why.
Vagina….vagina…. I know it’s here somewhere. This damn winter coats had too many pockets. Can I come in the Lounge without my vagina? It’s damn cold out here tonight.
Thanks, RF. These are the programs the NYT guy talked about. Seeing the names helped me remember them. Hmmm. I really don’t want to run PC emulation software on my mac – that defeats the whole purpose.
Given the thread above, I am now thinking of a really bad pun, but I will just shove it to the back of my mind and think other thoughts.
I am heading to bed so I can get up early and do some more work on my design site. I have a very busy day tomorrow. I need to do some cooking and have a party to attend also.
OK bring it over to the new cafe. This is getting interesting.
It’s BYOV – bring your own vagina.
Are you hinting it’s girls night out?
Ok, it’s BYOIB.
That’s much more like it. 🙂
well, I guess that leaves me out since I don’t have one and don’t want one in any way shape or form. LOL
Bring Your Own Inner Bits.
Or, Outer Bits if you prefer.
Or Alpha Bits?
That just sounds so disgusting. LOL
That’s because you like men. I prefer outer bits as well. 😉
well, if it is small enough to call a bit, I am not interested. LOL
THe good lord endows all of us differently.
Is the Good Lord the one filling in Inbox with ways to increase His endowments?
and I get the ads for bigger tits also. I think the spamers are confused. LOL
I doubt it’s from the websites you visit.
Somehow I doubt that myself. LOL
No, of course not.
I’ve been sitting here for several minutes laughing trying to add something to this, but RF, you’ve said a mouthful.
I am not a size queen but let’s be real. If it is the size of my pinky, it is a waste. LOL
I am biting my tongue. That’s just low hanging fruit.
No Refinish they call them inner bits. Men call them stamens. I can see in flower journal, women elbowing each other saying look at the stamen on that one. 🙂
I won’t say what I usually hear them called. LOL
Ok, I’m here with mine. Now what 🙂
DIdn’t you love that part in Fried Green Tomatoes where Kathy Bates went to that class and they all had to hold mirrors to themselves and talk lovingly to their…inner bits? Family Man reminded me of that. I don’t know why.
ROTFLMAO!! Yes I remember that scene. That is one of my all time favorite movies!!!
Me too!
Was that before or after she wrapped herself in the Saran Wrap and met her husband at the door?
I hope it was after she learned to stop trying to entice that schmuck and just love herself.
One of her best scenes is the parking lot where she screams “Towanda” as she rams the preppy girls car. LOL
THAT is MY favorite scene!
I’m older and I have more insurance.
and the stunned looks on those little twits faces. LOL
I never say that movie. Maybe I should watch it.
You have to see it. It is fabulous!!!
OMG – do! FMom would love it too. It’s really not dirty at all, just funny.
FMom has seen it a couple of times, but I just caught glimpses of it from time to time. She loves it.
It’s like at 11 pm the chaperones left the lounge and the Bad Kids took over.
This bad kid has to take her antidepressant and watch SNL. Night all.
sweet dreams!!!
gnight SN
I’m off to bed too.
Have a good night in the pond.
Night, bad kid.
Vagina….vagina…. I know it’s here somewhere. This damn winter coats had too many pockets. Can I come in the Lounge without my vagina? It’s damn cold out here tonight.
Wandy Sykes does a bit about wishing she could leave her vagina at home sometimes. Sounds very much like your coat with too many pockets.
I beat FM so that makes me top geezer for tonight!
but … it’s the weekend 🙁
Good night, Andi. Hope there are no wolves in your woods tonight.
Sweet Dreams!!!!
Andi in my book you’re always the top geezer. The geezer queen, her most serene geeser. 🙂
Night, andi.
here is a link to a site I found.
Thanks, RF. These are the programs the NYT guy talked about. Seeing the names helped me remember them. Hmmm. I really don’t want to run PC emulation software on my mac – that defeats the whole purpose.
Given the thread above, I am now thinking of a really bad pun, but I will just shove it to the back of my mind and think other thoughts.
I have to go run to the basement to drag stuff out of the dryer. . .
You are welcome. I am very good at finding things for people on the web. I do a lot of that at work. LOL
I am heading to bed so I can get up early and do some more work on my design site. I have a very busy day tomorrow. I need to do some cooking and have a party to attend also.
Sleep well, RF
night RF
I’m going to join the stampede and go to bed as well. After I fold one more load of laundry.