I had some at a party the other night wrapped in puff pastry with dried fruit in brown sugar on top and it was great. But I can’t find a recipe for it. All the recipes but the fruit inside the pastry.
I bet you could just bake the brie in the pastry and then buy some good chutney at a she shee foo foo gourmet store and pour it over the last few minutes.
have ever fit into the work force. After eating raspberry white chocolate scones at your house and now the simple solution to a spectacular brie……did you know that between what you know about food, your cooking abilities, and your on your feet food problem solving you are a whoopin ass caterer if you ever decided you wanted to go there!
You don’t know the half of it, FM. This brie was so delish that even though I felt it was giving me a headache I kept eating it. Now I’m pretty sure I’m getting a migraine. :/
You’re supposed to eat the rind, but I figured whatever it is about cheese that sometimes gives me a migraine might be concentrated in the rind. I also get them from expensive chocolate, wine, cured meats like bacon, anything smoked (including FM)and fumes like car exhaust or perfume. Basically, I’m a canary.
Well, other than the car exhaust – which is pretty bad for anyone, those things typically have quite a bit of tyramines. May also have a lot of sulfites.
on the doer level. If you are looking for a brie recipe and you had a great brie a few days back, as soon as you find a recipe you’re making the thing!
I really can’t imagine bringing brie – other than in its “natural” state. It needs broiling or heating any way I’ve eaten it.
Another recipe, definitely not what you had, however. It can be made on-site with a microwave, and pretty quickly, however, making it more portable than some:
3/4 c. chopped pecans
1/4 Kahlua or other coffee-flavored liqueur (although I had this once with apricot-flavored stuff and it was delish).
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1-14 oz Brie (if you have a larger cheese, ingredients will have to be increased).
Spread pecans in a 9-in pie plate; microwave on HIGH 4-6 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until nuts are toasted. Add liqueur & brown sugar, stir well.
Remove rind from top of cheese and discard. Place cheese on micro-safe serving dish. Spoon pecan-liqueur-sugar mix over top of cheese. Microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 1.5 – 2 minutes, or until cheese softens to desired consistency. Give dish half turn after 1 minute unless microwave has rotating base.
Serve with crackers or Melba toast as desired. About 12 servings.
Years ago I had a Lassie-style Collie who liked beer so much that if you left your beer sitting on a table or chair arm, and left the room, she’d knock it over and be licking it off the floor when you came back.
But it was damn nice. I had to wait a bit for the shuttle to pick me up today, and it was gorgeous outside. Mid-70s, no humidity, nice breeze…just great weather.
Yeah…I’m not sure why there’s been a spate of those diaries. I think that since Democrats will be in control, some folks just don’t know what to do with themselves.
Hopefully it dies off soon…if there’s going to be an obsession over impeachment, it’s going to get ugly very fast.
I don’t think you should do anything but prepare your resume, cover letter and other job search related stuff. You can never be too prepared for summer job interviews.
It’s fairly clear that on my personal life, at least when it comes to love and all that crap that ensues because of it, we have a disagreement. But on other things, I was not aware of an existing disagreement. So you automatically assume I’m going to shoot down something you say about my vacation time? Unless it’s about spending time chasing girls, so to speak, I’m pretty open to anything. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing this vacation, which is why I asked to begin with.
As for skiing, interesting suggestion. I have actually never gone skiing before. Have to see how much it costs, but that certainly would be something. I’ve always wanted to try snowboarding, at the very least. 🙂
Greetings, all! Just a quick note to say, Hi, and let those interested know that a new section of the BooDay Project has been posted. It’s called “Interested Parties” and can be found by following the Meta-Story link.
I’ve a few more pieces to add and then some familiar pond names will appear.
I hope to add another piece tonight, but with a six-inch pile of papers to grade and some emergency plumbing this morning, the day has kind of gotten away from me.
Oh, yeah, I better start Christmas shopping one of these days.
‘Evening, folks. Just droppin’ in to say hello before we all start fading.
When I say it’s great to see you, I truly mean it. I’m so glad y’all are out there. This ‘Christmas in the urban tropics’ nonsense is for the birds.
Hope everyone’s having a fine night.
Has the Magic Pond Bus Trip ‘gone with the wind’, Teach? Will I never ride happily from one indigo ripple to the next, waving my flippers at my beloved pond-mates?
Gorgeous photo, mythmother! Thank you for sharing it. I do love your webbed images.
Hope all’s going well with you. As for me, I’m going offline shortly to see ‘Brokeback Mountain’. Better late than never — my dear queer sister Isis has recommended it.
What movies are out right now? The one I’d like to see is Casino Royale; I’ve heard that it’s a very good movie. Already saw Borat, which was off-the-hook hilarious. A lot of the holiday movies that come out look like the usual generic crap. Any other good movies you’d recommend?
At least Spiderman 3’s coming out in May…that’s something to look forward to.
Ah yes, Bobby. I’m far too young to have been alive then, but I do believe that RFK’s assassination (by whomever it may have been) was the death knell to true liberalism in the U.S. I’ve seen the footage of his casket riding the train across the country, and it really makes you wonder what could’ve been.
Clean tables and cafe. Come on in.
I won’t be clean in here if I let Luna in.
Both George and Luna can serve. Nothing like a dog tasting your beer for you. 🙂
she looks kind of embarrassed to have her picture taken in this state.
I’ve never known Luna to act embarassed. I think she’s just wondering why I was hesitating letting her in.
Like most dogs, she thinks a good roll in the duck poop only improves her attraction.
that is the most wonderfully pathetic dog picture ever
That’s why God made that guy that made a Dyson.
We don’t care about clean when dogs are involved. Luna needs to come in. 🙂
Can Hopeful come in too? She’ll lick up anything we spill on the floor.
Everybody and everything is welcome.
Ok, but I have a brie in the oven and when it’s done I’ll be gone for a while. Dinner with the mister gone.
Exactly what is that? Cooked cheese?
It’s brie wrapped up in pastry that you bake and serve warm with crackers or toasted french bread. Very yummy. Not poutine yummy, but yummy anyway.
Weird, I was just loooking for a baked brie recipe.
I was too lazy and bought it ready to bake with apricots and almonds on top.
I had some at a party the other night wrapped in puff pastry with dried fruit in brown sugar on top and it was great. But I can’t find a recipe for it. All the recipes but the fruit inside the pastry.
This one looks a lot like what I bought already made. I’ll let you know how it is. Sure smells good!
Recipe link
Looks good. It’s not exactly what I was looking for, but I may make it anyway.
The one I had the other night had a chunky dried fruit compote-like substance poured on top of it.
I bet you could just bake the brie in the pastry and then buy some good chutney at a she shee foo foo gourmet store and pour it over the last few minutes.
have ever fit into the work force. After eating raspberry white chocolate scones at your house and now the simple solution to a spectacular brie……did you know that between what you know about food, your cooking abilities, and your on your feet food problem solving you are a whoopin ass caterer if you ever decided you wanted to go there!
Oh, MT, you have loads of faith in me that is totally misplaced – but I love you for it!
I think I’d probably eat everything I’d make before I could set it out for the guests. 🙂
Nah not you SN.
You don’t know the half of it, FM. This brie was so delish that even though I felt it was giving me a headache I kept eating it. Now I’m pretty sure I’m getting a migraine. :/
Don’t know what to say on that one. Sounds like one of those it hurts so good type things. I really hope you don’t get a migraine.
as long as I serve a bottle of Advil alongside?
Only if they’re prone to migraines. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten the rind. 🙂
You did leave the plate didn’t you. 🙂
Oops. I’ve heard that glass is really good for digestion.
So are eating utensils too, but I think I would stick with plastic. Much harder to digest and sort of cleans everything out on the way out.
Yep especially if one of those tines gets stuck. 🙂
I didn’t know about cheese. I knew about red wine.
You’re supposed to eat the rind, but I figured whatever it is about cheese that sometimes gives me a migraine might be concentrated in the rind. I also get them from expensive chocolate, wine, cured meats like bacon, anything smoked (including FM)and fumes like car exhaust or perfume. Basically, I’m a canary.
Over time you learn things that you don’t go near or eat. I’ve never had problems with chocolate myself. But anything with MSG watch out.
Well, other than the car exhaust – which is pretty bad for anyone, those things typically have quite a bit of tyramines. May also have a lot of sulfites.
Oh hell, just carry a bag of chips.
SN. You have fewer mouths to compete with too huh?
Although SN actually HAS the baked brie, I’m just looking for recipes.
on the doer level. If you are looking for a brie recipe and you had a great brie a few days back, as soon as you find a recipe you’re making the thing!
an appetizer to a dinner on Tuesday. It seemed simple. I’m not much of a cook. Maybe I’ll just buy one like SN did.
I really can’t imagine bringing brie – other than in its “natural” state. It needs broiling or heating any way I’ve eaten it.
Another recipe, definitely not what you had, however. It can be made on-site with a microwave, and pretty quickly, however, making it more portable than some:
3/4 c. chopped pecans
1/4 Kahlua or other coffee-flavored liqueur (although I had this once with apricot-flavored stuff and it was delish).
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1-14 oz Brie (if you have a larger cheese, ingredients will have to be increased).
Spread pecans in a 9-in pie plate; microwave on HIGH 4-6 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until nuts are toasted. Add liqueur & brown sugar, stir well.
Remove rind from top of cheese and discard. Place cheese on micro-safe serving dish. Spoon pecan-liqueur-sugar mix over top of cheese. Microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 1.5 – 2 minutes, or until cheese softens to desired consistency. Give dish half turn after 1 minute unless microwave has rotating base.
Serve with crackers or Melba toast as desired. About 12 servings.
That sounds great. I’m actually making it there — so I’m bringing the ingredients and using the hostess’s kitchen.
I’m on my way. I’ll be there sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Sorry, MT it’ll be gone before 9 PM tonight, but I’ll be happy to get another one!
Years ago I had a Lassie-style Collie who liked beer so much that if you left your beer sitting on a table or chair arm, and left the room, she’d knock it over and be licking it off the floor when you came back.
I’ve been grading papers for Jim.
I didn’t know that Jim was a teacher.
for 30 years
Just some brie.
sounds suspiciously like you’re doing his homework for him.
is that lawyer talk for “right out in the open”?
Are you nicer than Jim and use purple ink instead of red?
Jim uses green ink — does that make him nice?
Yes, and also environmentally friendly.
Please don’t insult Andi. Only pink neon will do. 🙂
Anyone around?
Hey Psi. How’re ya doing?
Alright…need to get on with studying for Accounting. Florida was a nice break from the Northeast, but all good things end too soon.
Yep to much fun can be bad for you. Back to the grindstone.
Hi Psi
I suppose you didn’t need any sunscreen in Florida because you were inside the whole time working and studying?
That’s about right. 🙂
But it was damn nice. I had to wait a bit for the shuttle to pick me up today, and it was gorgeous outside. Mid-70s, no humidity, nice breeze…just great weather.
When is your accounting exam?
Thursday afternoon…why? Already planning ahead or something?… 😛
I was going to send good thoughts your way for the exam.
You don’t trust me? ::sniff::
Hehe…well, I know that you are surely counting the time until I am school-free so that you can light into me for my lack of romantic spirit, etc… 🙂
No, I’m going to encourage you to enter some kind of monastic order where you can work all day and not worry about romantic entanglements.
But it can wait until your exams are over.
Ah, the sarcasm is so endearing. 😛
sarcasm? I’ve come around to your way of thinking. I’m trying to help you.
As always.
Mhm… 😉
good luck studying and try and get enough sleep this week
Thanks! 🙂
So does this mean you’re heading out for the night? It’s a bit early for that! :/
I can stick around for a while. I thought you said above you were going to study.
what’s the topic? Anything but impeachment and “why can’t we all just get along” — I can get those over at Orange. 🙂
And you might want to move left so we don’t bust the margins.
Yeah…I’m not sure why there’s been a spate of those diaries. I think that since Democrats will be in control, some folks just don’t know what to do with themselves.
Hopefully it dies off soon…if there’s going to be an obsession over impeachment, it’s going to get ugly very fast.
No topic?
Topic: what should I do with my 3-week winter break? Aside from preparing resumes, cover letters, and all that wonderful stuff?
I don’t think you should do anything but prepare your resume, cover letter and other job search related stuff. You can never be too prepared for summer job interviews.
Next topic?
Okay, I can see this attempt at conversation won’t be going anywhere.
Have a good night, Mary.
Suit yourself. There just didn’t seem much to say about that topic since any suggestion I would give you you would shoot down.
That’s a bad assumption to make.
I don’t see how it is an unreasonable assumption based on our past conversations about your personal life. But you disagree?
It’s fairly clear that on my personal life, at least when it comes to love and all that crap that ensues because of it, we have a disagreement. But on other things, I was not aware of an existing disagreement. So you automatically assume I’m going to shoot down something you say about my vacation time? Unless it’s about spending time chasing girls, so to speak, I’m pretty open to anything. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing this vacation, which is why I asked to begin with.
LOL! I don’t think it has anything to do with ME. I assume you’d shoot down a suggestion by ANYBODY that you have fun.
But fine. I think you should go skiing.
I’m all for having fun…
As for skiing, interesting suggestion. I have actually never gone skiing before. Have to see how much it costs, but that certainly would be something. I’ve always wanted to try snowboarding, at the very least. 🙂
I’m moving left.
You are insufficiently appreciative of the business presence in the monastic world today. There may be a real place for you there. A few examples:
Cistercian Abbey
Abbey of New Clairvaux
Jade Buddha Monastery
ah, excellent research. But Psi shouldn’t pour through these web sites looking for careers until AFTER his exam on Thursday. 🙂
Greetings, all! Just a quick note to say, Hi, and let those interested know that a new section of the BooDay Project has been posted. It’s called “Interested Parties” and can be found by following the Meta-Story link.
I’ve a few more pieces to add and then some familiar pond names will appear.
I hope to add another piece tonight, but with a six-inch pile of papers to grade and some emergency plumbing this morning, the day has kind of gotten away from me.
Oh, yeah, I better start Christmas shopping one of these days.
Hi Teach. Loving the stories so far. You are an excellent writer.
Thanks, FM. Looks like I missed wet dogs and baked brie.
Just added small piece called,”Leon.”
It’s on the Meta-Story site.
Got to go get some rest. Long week ahead. Good night, Froggies.
I’m geezering out before Andi does tonight.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Darn! Just a few breaths too late, as usual.
Ah well. Enjoy a beautiful night, FM. Hope tomorrow finds both you & Mom feeling a bit better.
‘Evening, folks. Just droppin’ in to say hello before we all start fading.
When I say it’s great to see you, I truly mean it. I’m so glad y’all are out there. This ‘Christmas in the urban tropics’ nonsense is for the birds.
Hope everyone’s having a fine night.
Has the Magic Pond Bus Trip ‘gone with the wind’, Teach? Will I never ride happily from one indigo ripple to the next, waving my flippers at my beloved pond-mates?
Courtesy of Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page (Today’s Featured Article on the Green and Golden Bell Froggie.)
Gorgeous photo, mythmother! Thank you for sharing it. I do love your webbed images.
Hope all’s going well with you. As for me, I’m going offline shortly to see ‘Brokeback Mountain’. Better late than never — my dear queer sister Isis has recommended it.
So … skiing. Not off the table.
What about seeing some movies?
What movies are out right now? The one I’d like to see is Casino Royale; I’ve heard that it’s a very good movie. Already saw Borat, which was off-the-hook hilarious. A lot of the holiday movies that come out look like the usual generic crap. Any other good movies you’d recommend?
At least Spiderman 3’s coming out in May…that’s something to look forward to.
I heard that Bobby is good. I was going to try to see it today but that didn’t work out.
If you can’t go skiing you could go for a winter hike somewhere.
Ah yes, Bobby. I’m far too young to have been alive then, but I do believe that RFK’s assassination (by whomever it may have been) was the death knell to true liberalism in the U.S. I’ve seen the footage of his casket riding the train across the country, and it really makes you wonder what could’ve been.
There was a lot of greatness lost in the 1960s.
yeah, plus it might be entertaining 🙂
I’m off to bed. Don’t stay up too late studying. G’night.