I am exhausted and going to bed. 4:30 comes mighty early. My body ahs not completely recovered from being sick last month. After the holidays I am going in for a full exam because I really do hate feeling my age. LOL
Tonight I just mixed and matched. Steamed zucchini, feta, and cold salsa. Hey, whatever was in the fridge. Surprisingly (or not, because it used FETA) it was delish! 😀
I think I have organic feta – got it at Trader Joe’s but I’m too lazy to get off the couch now and go check….
Have you tried patching cracks with red or blue toothpaste? We (I’m being generous – it wasn’t me – bought a bunch of red toothpaste which has taken us forever to use up. I threatened to paint the dining room red just to use the stuff as patching compound.
I am exhausted and going to bed. 4:30 comes mighty early. My body ahs not completely recovered from being sick last month. After the holidays I am going in for a full exam because I really do hate feeling my age. LOL
Just dropped in to say Good Night. The fever’s kicking in and I need to sleep.
Night all.
It’s only 2:20 here, but I’ve got errands to run and a dog to walk. See you all on the flip side.
I feel like I’m the only one west of the Mississippi on this board at times..! Hello from the Left Coast!
I just came to say that EVERYTHING is better with Feta. Period.
I’ve been using the organic feta in my salads. Love it.
Tonight I just mixed and matched. Steamed zucchini, feta, and cold salsa. Hey, whatever was in the fridge. Surprisingly (or not, because it used FETA) it was delish! 😀
I think I have organic feta – got it at Trader Joe’s but I’m too lazy to get off the couch now and go check….
It does make everything better. Except ice cream. 😉
See the May 2006 Food & Wine:
feta ice cream
No, don`t feel that way, unless you must.

Real taste buds here: I hate feta cheese. feta = fetid.
It`s really good… to patch cracks in drywall.
Ah, but toothpaste is cheaper & will not invite undoing by varmints.
Have you tried patching cracks with red or blue toothpaste? We (I’m being generous – it wasn’t me – bought a bunch of red toothpaste which has taken us forever to use up. I threatened to paint the dining room red just to use the stuff as patching compound.
Good evening, Frog Ponders. About to hit the books for what could be a 12-hour stretch of studying…everyone else doing well?
What are you studying these days?