but I’m too tired to judge whether it really was or not.
Despite the bowling balls in my stomach, I’m going to have to give up and go to bed soon as I’ve reached the point where the letters refuse to stay fixed on the screen.
Yes, Psi is a keeper. We’d just like to see him do better with more than 50% of the human race. And perhaps to understand that business is not life and life is not business.
Hah and double hah! Ya think in the back woods of Alabama people know where we live. We’ve had a still for over 120 year the revenuers never knew about. Hah and double Hah again! 🙂
Follow the smell. My family 1. had stills also, 2. Comes from the same neck of the woods Delta as yours, (who knows? we could be related.). 3. It takes a moonshiner to find a moonshiner.
Kidspeak my em is by my name. I would love to know where you came from. I grew up 40 miles from Memphis and it’s still dirt roads to where I lived. I know you and Teach live in the city, but growing up in the country is nothing I would ever trade.
I will do that in the am when I’m up to the task.-
g through about 600 pieces of trash to find the jewels. Many students without e-mail protection!
Half of my mom’s family is from Henderson Co. TN, other half from Dyer or Gibson TN, she grew up not far from Blytheville, outside of Cooter, Mo. Any smaller than that and you’d be alone in the woods swamp – like my dad’s family.
I’m a very small town kid. Teach, however, grew up in Philly.
The two biggest towns from me were Mariana and Huges, AR. Mariana was about 35 miles away and Huges was about 25 miles away. Like I said I grew up way back in now where. The nearest paved road was about 15 miles away. When I was a little kid I could walk to the levys and the river and never worry about anything. I used to wish I grew up in the city, but now I’m glad I didn’t. I grew up working on the farm, but I loved that carefree childhood.
I just checked and I’m not sure why they won’t load. The order does matter. FM intro, then 1,2, 3, etc. Don’t worry about the dates they were written. I’m going to go try and fix them.
Something’s wrong, but there’s a way around it. Go to “FM Intro,” scroll down, click on “previous,” that’ll take you to “FM 3”. Do the same thing and you’ll get to FM 2.
Good evening all.
The place is hopping, obvious from the previous cafe wreckage.
Just back from watching LaGuardia High School’s performance of Ragtime. They were fabulous! Even youngest asklet at 12 enjoyed it.
No. His older sister used to be at School of American Ballet and did the Balanchine Nutcracker shows for the holidays a couple of seasons.
She did take drama this semester, though, and they just finished the term by performing Romeo and Juliet.
It’s a great story, and good “book”, too. I haven’t see the stage production, but I have see the script, and it looks like it would be wonderful to see.
Hi Ask, how ya doin….Sounds like you had fun tonight.
I hope by the time I post this the cafe is not closed, lol.
I think it’s time to petition Booman to rename the World Open Thread the Froggy Bottom and have one long continuous cafe.
Oh no, we’d never find where a thread started! It’s already hard to come in in the middle of an exchange and figure out what’s happening. I’d never say a word because I’d be scrolling back forever.
I think that attitude is not unusual for someone his age. Sad, but not unusual. And I also think at that age it often goes both ways. Guys are considered assets if they’re good looking and have the potential to pull in big bucks. It’s only with age and wisdom that most of us stop seeing potential mates only in terms of their looks and/or their bank accounts.
I’d like to go back & take better care of my teeth.
Y’know, I seem to remember from the Pie Wars that there was a definite gender gap in the way dKos women argued their viewpoints — with more women under 40 (as I knew their ages) taking the side of the sexists against the ‘women’s studies set’ in favor of ‘liberation’.
Quite astounding to me at the time.
It’s interesting to me to watch how much younger women put up with — and then to see the worm turn.
Women come into my firm out of law schoool and they aren’t offended at all with the talk that goes on by the younger men about women, and going to strip clubs, etc. Then after being in a pretty much all male environment for a few years (or at least an environment where the men have most of the power) they suddenly start to see the light. How all of this plays into the boys club mentality. And how it hinders THEIR careers.
On the other hand, I tend to ignore a lot of it too. There’s so much. I call people on it when it affects me personally or when its someone I like doing it and I feel a need to set them straight.
Statements like that can be misconstrued, but I think I know what you mean. Maybe the wisdom that comes with our age is not saying that at the wrong time. 🙂
I can’t work for anyone. That’s the main thing I found out in many years of working and being miserable. I have to be the boss. And since I can’t be the boss I don’t work. Works for me. 😉
It’s a complete generalization. One of my closest friends is a woman I used to work for. And there have been some men I’ve worked for that were complete pigs. But in general I’ve liked most of the men I’ve worked for — they were easy to figure out 🙂
That’s what I thought you meant but I was sort of afraid to say that. I said it once before here; that men were simpler to figure out, and I sort of got the Psi treatment. 🙂
Yes – sexism is so pervasive & generally insidious that I tend not to chase the abstract either, but will always deal with the immediate, definitely with regard to myself.
I also like being able to read the person I’m dealing with in order to send out my shots most effectively. Familiarity certainly helps.
Of course I would. Wouldn’t you? SN the thing about being young isn’t the knowing, it the being. As the old saying goes you’re only young once. I wish I could have changed things when I was younger, but I wouldn’t change anything I did because it was the exploring, the finding that was so wonderful.
I had many older people tell me you shoud do this and that when I was younger, but I didn’t listen. We all have to find our own way.
I wonder if women on the same career path as he is feel that way? Most of the young people I work with are coming out of grad school (law school) and yes, I do notice the attitude among the guys — and they are very shocked when they get put in their place by women AND MEN partners about these attitudes. I also notice that the younger women don’t speak up about it.
But I have to say that I haven’t noticed the young women lawyers being that materialistic about the men they date. They mostly talk about whether the guy is decent — not about his bank account or looks.
I think speaking up is something that you learn to do, also.
It’s weird being so vocally a feminist and having 3 sons who I love completely. I see some areas where I’ve been unfair in my estimation of men, and I can see so clearly how fear of rejection motivates so much of what they do and say.
Hey, did ya’ll know that Time named us, or you Person of the year and a good write up here
But look at 2006 through a different lens and you’ll see another story, one that isn’t about conflict or great men. It’s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It’s about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people’s network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It’s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.
The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web. Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together (15 years ago, according to Wikipedia) as a way for scientists to share research. It’s not even the overhyped dotcom
I’m doing all right, thank you, FM. Definitely had trouble staying ‘up to speed’ on dial-up/Brand X computer this evening, though.
You seem to be feeling pretty good this evening. How’s Mom?
Ah, you remembered. What a gentleman you are, FM.
Unfortunately, the back’s a mess. However, it provides a definite excuse to avoid accompanying Mom to the mall, where I’ve caught at least 5 headcolds this trip. They keep ’em so damn chilly!
Keep those wonderful wizard-wishes coming, FM — they just about cause me to levitate!
I thank you for lending an ear to my tropical woes, as well.
Hopefully the back will heal with enough slacking.
So…can I open my mouth yet, Teach?
You’re on your own. I’m going to add another document to the FM papers.
Where is everybody? That old lounge is a mess — we need fresh space.
Well those of us on dial-up were trying to follow the very fast and somewhat furious thread.
Was furious a play on words?
Ate too much and can’t even think about sleeping? Good!
but I’m too tired to judge whether it really was or not.
Despite the bowling balls in my stomach, I’m going to have to give up and go to bed soon as I’ve reached the point where the letters refuse to stay fixed on the screen.
It’s the latest technology. 3D screens. It was downloaded with your latest computer updates.
I’m on dial-up, remember — I never download updates.
I’m all geezered out. And given that only got 4 hours sleep last night, I think you should be really impressed that I made it up till midnight.
Almost forgot — great job on the cafes and many thanks (said with actual sincerity).
‘Night, Andi. Best wishes on your digestion.
my pleasure. See you tomorrow.
Oh sure when I’ve done them there’s no actual sincerity. Yeah night Andi. 😛
I made exactly that remark to Teach when he told me you were still up over an hour ago.
Sweet dreams!
Andi where’s my care packages?
In various stomachs in various locations throughout the midwest.
Mary you’ve done a wonderful job as usual. Psi & Teach what going on?
We love Psi. But it’s tough love.
Psi is doing OK. The one thing about Psi is one day he’ll realize he needs to enjoy life. Whether he learns it when he young or old, he learn.
Yes, Psi is a keeper. We’d just like to see him do better with more than 50% of the human race. And perhaps to understand that business is not life and life is not business.
Just read you comment on my blog. Don’t worry. They’re just meeting at Tuscaloosa. They’ll head out into the boonies to track you down.
Hah and double hah! Ya think in the back woods of Alabama people know where we live. We’ve had a still for over 120 year the revenuers never knew about. Hah and double Hah again! 🙂
Follow the smell. My family 1. had stills also, 2. Comes from the same neck of the
woodsDelta as yours, (who knows? we could be related.). 3. It takes a moonshiner to find a moonshiner.Kidspeak my em is by my name. I would love to know where you came from. I grew up 40 miles from Memphis and it’s still dirt roads to where I lived. I know you and Teach live in the city, but growing up in the country is nothing I would ever trade.
I will do that in the am when I’m up to the task.-
g through about 600 pieces of trash to find the jewels. Many students without e-mail protection!
Half of my mom’s family is from Henderson Co. TN, other half from Dyer or Gibson TN, she grew up not far from Blytheville, outside of Cooter, Mo. Any smaller than that and you’d be alone in the
woodsswamp – like my dad’s family.I’m a very small town kid. Teach, however, grew up in Philly.
The two biggest towns from me were Mariana and Huges, AR. Mariana was about 35 miles away and Huges was about 25 miles away. Like I said I grew up way back in now where. The nearest paved road was about 15 miles away. When I was a little kid I could walk to the levys and the river and never worry about anything. I used to wish I grew up in the city, but now I’m glad I didn’t. I grew up working on the farm, but I loved that carefree childhood.
You have a still? Now you’re talking. Next meetup is at your place.
Sounds like mixin’ up a little spiced wine will be quite a suitable venture for you, FM.
Don’t you know that smoking around stills is the leading cause of death in white, middle-aged Alabama males?
Depends on what your smoking? After a couple of shots of the still it doesn’t matter. 🙂
I just read FM’s part and it’s great. andi, jim and the pack …
But I can’t open the first few.
I’ll have to go have a peek, myself. Last time I did I didn’t see the full entries either.
Then again, the computer I’m on uses a foot-pedal.
I can’t read the three that were posted on December 13. Before and after that are fine.
I just checked and I’m not sure why they won’t load. The order does matter. FM intro, then 1,2, 3, etc. Don’t worry about the dates they were written. I’m going to go try and fix them.
Something’s wrong, but there’s a way around it. Go to “FM Intro,” scroll down, click on “previous,” that’ll take you to “FM 3”. Do the same thing and you’ll get to FM 2.
Teach I was wondering where FM 2 was?
They’re out of order. Go to the archive and scroll down. There are too many pages to be list d on the Homepage.
Good evening all.
The place is hopping, obvious from the previous cafe wreckage.
Just back from watching LaGuardia High School’s performance of Ragtime. They were fabulous! Even youngest asklet at 12 enjoyed it.
That sounds wonderful. Was another one of your kids in the production — or working on it?
No. His older sister used to be at School of American Ballet and did the Balanchine Nutcracker shows for the holidays a couple of seasons.
She did take drama this semester, though, and they just finished the term by performing Romeo and Juliet.
It’s a great story, and good “book”, too. I haven’t see the stage production, but I have see the script, and it looks like it would be wonderful to see.
Hi Ask, how ya doin….Sounds like you had fun tonight.
I hope by the time I post this the cafe is not closed, lol.
I think it’s time to petition Booman to rename the World Open Thread the Froggy Bottom and have one long continuous cafe.
Oh no, we’d never find where a thread started! It’s already hard to come in in the middle of an exchange and figure out what’s happening. I’d never say a word because I’d be scrolling back forever.
Hey kidspeak thank for the comments on the Southern food.
You’re welcome. I really wanted to comment the other day, but I had to dig out under some of the papers.
The corn bread and okra made me so hungry. Next summer, I am going to grow some okra!
Hi diane,
doing well and it’s weekend. Is Dena headed for the NY area during, or after the holidays?
Are you humming, de dah dah de dah de dah de dah, de dah de de da de de dah de de?
It’s amazing how much sound would improve that.
Yeah, something akin to that.
Wow, the comments are coming fast and furious at this hour.
something in the water tonight — people are gabbing away like there’s no tomorrow.
KS tells me I can’t even carry a tune when I type.
Sounds like a great time, ask! So glad you all enjoyed it.
Poor Psi – life’s lessons are hard and if we all weren’t twice his age what he said would have been unremarkable.
SNL is really bad tonight. I’m going to give it 10 more minutes and then hit the sack.
Who’s the guest host?
You think that women his own age wouldn’t object to being thought of as assets? Or they just wouldn’t have said anything about it?
When he gets out of school he’s going to be working with (maybe for) women our age. Better to learn now what the reaction is.
I think that attitude is not unusual for someone his age. Sad, but not unusual. And I also think at that age it often goes both ways. Guys are considered assets if they’re good looking and have the potential to pull in big bucks. It’s only with age and wisdom that most of us stop seeing potential mates only in terms of their looks and/or their bank accounts.
And I don’t believe he deserves a pass, but would any of us like to go back and do a few things differently at 21?
I’d like to go back & take better care of my teeth.
Y’know, I seem to remember from the Pie Wars that there was a definite gender gap in the way dKos women argued their viewpoints — with more women under 40 (as I knew their ages) taking the side of the sexists against the ‘women’s studies set’ in favor of ‘liberation’.
Quite astounding to me at the time.
It’s interesting to me to watch how much younger women put up with — and then to see the worm turn.
Women come into my firm out of law schoool and they aren’t offended at all with the talk that goes on by the younger men about women, and going to strip clubs, etc. Then after being in a pretty much all male environment for a few years (or at least an environment where the men have most of the power) they suddenly start to see the light. How all of this plays into the boys club mentality. And how it hinders THEIR careers.
On the other hand, I tend to ignore a lot of it too. There’s so much. I call people on it when it affects me personally or when its someone I like doing it and I feel a need to set them straight.
Mary I’ve had many women bosses. I understand the male mentality you’re talking about, but there is also a female metality too.
To tell you the truth, I’d rather work for men. Isn’t that a terrible thing to say?
Statements like that can be misconstrued, but I think I know what you mean. Maybe the wisdom that comes with our age is not saying that at the wrong time. 🙂
Oh come on working for men? Where is the feminist movement now?
I can’t work for anyone. That’s the main thing I found out in many years of working and being miserable. I have to be the boss. And since I can’t be the boss I don’t work. Works for me. 😉
It’s a complete generalization. One of my closest friends is a woman I used to work for. And there have been some men I’ve worked for that were complete pigs. But in general I’ve liked most of the men I’ve worked for — they were easy to figure out 🙂
That’s what I thought you meant but I was sort of afraid to say that. I said it once before here; that men were simpler to figure out, and I sort of got the Psi treatment. 🙂
No comment!
Yes – sexism is so pervasive & generally insidious that I tend not to chase the abstract either, but will always deal with the immediate, definitely with regard to myself.
I also like being able to read the person I’m dealing with in order to send out my shots most effectively. Familiarity certainly helps.
Just re-read my comment above & realize I blew my point completely.
Gender gap = generation gap.
Of course, you caught my drift anyway, maryb.
Of course I would. Wouldn’t you? SN the thing about being young isn’t the knowing, it the being. As the old saying goes you’re only young once. I wish I could have changed things when I was younger, but I wouldn’t change anything I did because it was the exploring, the finding that was so wonderful.
I had many older people tell me you shoud do this and that when I was younger, but I didn’t listen. We all have to find our own way.
I wonder if women on the same career path as he is feel that way? Most of the young people I work with are coming out of grad school (law school) and yes, I do notice the attitude among the guys — and they are very shocked when they get put in their place by women AND MEN partners about these attitudes. I also notice that the younger women don’t speak up about it.
But I have to say that I haven’t noticed the young women lawyers being that materialistic about the men they date. They mostly talk about whether the guy is decent — not about his bank account or looks.
Were are these women? I’m decent!
I said decent — not ancient.
Or at least, you’d be ancient to THEM!
Oh, poor FM! LOL, maryb.
OK my bones can break now with physical activity, but…… no I ain’t going to say it. 😛
I think speaking up is something that you learn to do, also.
It’s weird being so vocally a feminist and having 3 sons who I love completely. I see some areas where I’ve been unfair in my estimation of men, and I can see so clearly how fear of rejection motivates so much of what they do and say.
Setting your sights on a model usually DOES result in rejection 🙂
WEll, I was mostly talking about my sons. 🙂 They’re good young men and they respect women. They better or I’ll hurt them.
They’re lucky to have you as a mom 🙂
I’m not sure I believe in god, but I’ll say that it is some kind of divine retribution that finds me the mother of sons.
Justin Timberlake. :/
Can someone provide a psynopsis, it’s too late to go back and check out all the previous mischief of the evening.
You know, I’d rather not rehash it. What happened in the old cafes is better to stay in the old cafes.
Sorta like Vegas 🙂
Sorry. Nothing personal.
OK, then.
I had to go back.
Someone dug a hole and kept digging a little while.
Lack of sleep can affect judgement.
I believe maryb left a very succinct one at around closing time.
Hey, did ya’ll know that Time named us, or you Person of the year and a good write up here
Wasn’t Gingrich named ‘Person Of The Year’ one dark day long ago? Bet he’s ticked off at the succession.
Good night everyone! I can’t believe FM outlasted me.
Hah and double Hah Hah. I’ve be up before you in the morning too. Hah!
Night SN.
you’re still going!
he’s going to sleep for a week after this.
I think you’re right.
Ya think so?
Well of course. You act this is unusual? 🙂
Who are you and what have you done w/ our FM?
Haven’t you read Teach’s saga of FM. I’m not really FM, I waiting for him to tell me who I am.
I can’t wait to find out!
Me either really. I’m still hoping he can find a way for me to save the world by sleeping.
FM’s our Energizer Wizard.
Have you seen the one with the aliens. It really doesn’t show what happens on the inside.
No, it doesn’t. Do they keep a still?
Have a good night, Lusciousness. Sweet dreams!
Hey WW haow ya doing tonight?
I’m doing all right, thank you, FM. Definitely had trouble staying ‘up to speed’ on dial-up/Brand X computer this evening, though.
You seem to be feeling pretty good this evening. How’s Mom?
We’re both doing pretty good today. How are you doing down there? How’s the back?
Ah, you remembered. What a gentleman you are, FM.
Unfortunately, the back’s a mess. However, it provides a definite excuse to avoid accompanying Mom to the mall, where I’ve caught at least 5 headcolds this trip. They keep ’em so damn chilly!
Woodland goddess could I ever forget your tribulations in the sultry South. But to have you again in the green mountains of the north is my wish.
WW I do hope your back gets better soon.
Keep those wonderful wizard-wishes coming, FM — they just about cause me to levitate!
I thank you for lending an ear to my tropical woes, as well.
Hopefully the back will heal with enough slacking.
WW my best wishes are always with you. I hope you see your mountains soon.
I hope you’ll see them almost as soon as I do, FM. Still got my camera up there & I’m sure I’ll be anxious to share!
OK, no more resisting. See y’all later!
I seem to remember a recent dance party here at the cafe’, wherein Teach nearly stomped off SN’s toenail.
That’s how I ruined the back this time — dancing while asleep.
Speaking of, I’m just about to head offline to hoist myself into bed with a lightweight book. Hopefully both at once, or there’ll be trouble.
I just opened YET ANOTHER cafe which makes the 6th between 5:00 and midnight.
Gotta be some kind of record.
Bragging again huh?
of course 🙂
Certainly wish I had a bit of what FM’s having. I’d chase him right on through!
In any case, you’ve been a stellar hostess, as usual, maryb. Thank you!
I’m off. Good night, all!
Night WW, see you tomorrow.