Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Make yourself at home. The bar is fully stocked.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Make the Froggy Bottom your Home Away from Home for the Holidays.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
I thought I might as well officially hostess tonight since I’m here. π
I just got in from a Holiday Open House. What’d ya’ll do today?
Oh my gawd – it’s maryb!
hiya sweetie. How was your day?
Doing some cleaning, some bitching, some sleeping. About the same as always. π
How was the office party last night? I didn’t read the late night FBL.
It was it’s usual pretentious self — more so actually since it was a combination 30th anniversary/holiday office party. It’s bad enough to have to go to a party with people you see all day; it’s bad enough to have assigned tables. But at our parties you even have assigned SEATS at the table.
Fortunately I’m friend with the asst. to the Office Manager so she put me at a decent table.
I’ve only worked at places that have cheap little holiday parties with paper plates and little weenies on toothpicks, but I imagine assigned seating is a pain in the neck. I’ll mingle if and when I feel like mingling, damnit!
I prefer the parties with the paper plates and cocktail weenies.
It wasn’t so bad this year as other years. 10 years ago I was at a horrible table. And they would serve one course and there would be like 40 minutes before the next one and people could get up and dance between. But most people just sat at their tables. It was the longest night.
Last night was more usual — serve dinner and get it over as fast as possible so you can have the after dinner awards and then everybody can get up and find their friends. π
I always like the beer splashing parties. You throw as much as you drink. It’s very high class though.
I went to the IBM xmas party a couple of years ago and I have to say, you really haven’t seen excitement until you’ve partied with 700 software engineers and their wives. woo. hoo.
Reminds me – I saw a t-shirt and ThinkGeek.com that says something like ‘you know you’re an engineer when you have no life – and you can prove it mathematically.
One year I got all my dad’s gifts from Thinkgeek.com
He’s a math guy, ya know. He loved them.
Did you get your gifts wrapped while the dog was gone?
A couple of them wrapped, and several of them boxed which was a big step for me. My daughter asked for business clothes for interviews and because she has to give several presentations in front of professors this coming semester. So they’ve been hanging around the house on every doorway and I didn’t want her to suddenly come home and see them.
She’s supposed to have her rhinoplasty on the 20th and the damn insurance company won’t say if they’ll cover the whole thing or not. They’ll cover repairing the septum because they consider that medical, but straigtening out the tip of her nose which is smushed and crooked is considered cosmetic – even though it’s because she got hit by a fucking truck!
It would seem if the doctor said it was from the accident, then they wouldn’t have a choice.
They’re saying that it’s her choice not to go around with a crooked, smushed nose.
Sheesh. The car insurance would pay to take the dents out of his truck from when he hit her — insurance should pay to take the dents out of her nose.
I never thought of it that way. That really sucks.
aw, you’re gonna cry when you see her in her new business clothes. She’ll look all grown up.
Insurance sucks! Can’t the doctor convince them that it’s necessary reconstruction and not just cosmetic?
The septum repair is considered necessary (isn’t it grand of them to allow that she might need to breathe!) and the rest is cosmetic, therefore elective.
I’m pretty darn sure we’ll win the lawsuit and recoup the cost, but the surgeon wants $4K in advance for the part insurance may not cover.
Well I have a cousin Virgil down here that does cosmetic surgery. Prices are good, but results so-so.
Tell Virgil maybe next time. π
Maybe Virgil would give us a group rate. We could have those lines around our eyes done SN.
I was hoping they could take some excess fat from my stomach and make me some boobs. But I’ll settle for having my droopy eyelids stapled back up where they belong.
Unless needed I’ve never seen the sense in plastic surgery. I understand why a lot of people have it, but when they have it to try and stop aging, I don’t understand. It took me many years to look this way and I like every wrinkle I have.
What’s with all this talking? Can’t I pass out (er nap I mean) under the table without being woken up.
Hi ya’ll doing?
Are you askin us to KEEP IT DOWN? Tough. Party on boy.
More jello shot then. π
the jello shots on Bea Arthur’s belly again?
I had to give up on Bea. Her belly jiggled to much. π
Was it her belly or the jello. Hard to say. π
How was your nappy-poo?
No long enough. I think I’ll sleep good tonight.
The average person sleeps 1/3 of their lives. I’m thinking with you it’s more like 2/3.
Nothing better than sleep. You know some people have a hard time doing that. π
You mean…like…people who have better things to do than sleep their lives away? π
Are there better things to do than sleep? You’ve hit the universal question again.
Take a walk, eat cookies, go to a movie, talk to your kids, have (what passes for) sex, visit with relatives, pet your dog, shop, have a cup of coffee, visit the FBC, take some pictures, listen to music, organize your photos, clean the lint from your belly button…
I’ve got all that down except for the belly button. I’m trying to build an outtie. Or maybe save enough to knit a sweater.
Maybe you could save enough to build a burial shroud for yourself. π
I mean knit a burial shroud. Sure SN, blow the joke.
I don’t know, I liked Build It – for FM.
I’ve already told the family when I go, don’t do anything big or expensive. There a river out back of the house and just dump me in that. If they want to put up a stone, I want on it “He was here, now he’s gone, lets go home.” π
HOw about:
Now he can slack full time.
Nah. If I had the money, I would have a big party thrown, but really in 10,000 years, whose going to care?
I have told my friends to throw a big party, burn the corspe and spread the ashes somewhere. LOL No funeral, no viewing and damn sure no preacher talking over me.
I’ve missed you!
Hi Olivia.
I’ve missed you too. Haven’t seen you around lately even when I’ve been lurking.
but I’ve been lurking too … π
Two. Two sneaky lurkers.
That was my Count impression from Sesame Street.
Who’s the other one. If it’s Psi Fighter don’t use the “lurker” word. We learned our lesson last night π
O and FM. Did you get Psi mad at you?
Who ever gets mad at Olivia and me. I mean we’re the nicest people in the world. π
Of course we are. I mean you are Canadian and you’re born nice and I’m from the South so I have the Southern hospitality.
It’s all those other people we have to worry about. π
And don’t forget that you’re an honourary Cdn, so that helps. And you can instill some Southern Charm in me. π
True story. I went to Canada during high school break. I came home and told my family you always hear of Southern hospitality and charm. I told them we didn’t have nothing over the people I met in Cdn. It’s almost like you’re all Southerners with different accents. π
so we’re alike except we say you all instead of y’all? π
Of course Olivia. As soon as I can get people to say eh at the end of a sentence and you can get people to say ya’ll, then our niceness might spread around the world and who knows. The provences of Canamerica will spread and the whole world will be nice to each other.
Nah I guess not. Not enough people like pimento cheese. π
nah, they were gone by then. It was me and Teach.
I have apologized several times. I hope he forgives and forgets.
he will. I’ll make him π
Geeze I’ve got to go back and read. Poor Psi. π
oh it was JOKE! He needs to show up tonight to show us there are no hard feelings.
Yeah I can see it was a joke. I’m sure Psi took it that way and just wanted to get to bed.
If not I’ll give that young man a stern talking to! Well actually not stern, maybe I’ll just, nah not that either.
Oh well your on your on.
It wasn’t that bad Teach … I was lurking you know. π
Hah I knew it! Now you and Teach I can believe. π
Hi, olivia. How’d the game go today?
Hey Teach. How are you feeling?
I’ve been over and read the FM saga. Much more interesting than maryb’s saga. π
Tired, but moving along. Mary’s story is going to get better. You gave me a challenge when you said that it would difficult to write a story about someone who doesn’t do anything. Bartleby was already taken so, I had to make up something else. I plan to post a goodly number of new documents tonight, so check it out.
Oh I will and I love the way it’s going so far. Oh BTW if Kidspeak is around tell her I said thanks for her comments or at my b about the Southern food.
It went very well — home team won 4-1. And now the Sens are playing in Buffalo … don’t have much faith in them though. And the Penguins are playing in Montréal. π
How’d you make out w/ the errands and the fun stuff?
Howdy folks!!!! I saw teh announcement that Edwards might be announcing his run for Pres soon and did this design for him. LOL
John Edwards for President
Either tonight or tomorrow I will do designs for the other Democratic hopefuls.
Hellllooooooo Refinish.
I read about your bar hopping last night. Sounds like fun.
I had fun but have been a bit tired today. LOL
Yeah that constant partying will do that. π
How late did you party?
I left the second bar at Midnight. LOL
And the third?
LOL Only two bars last night thank goodness.
Hi refinish!!!
Howdy Olivia!!!! I am having a real problem coming up with a design for Hilary as I do not think she can win the election and I wish she would not run. LOL
I guess the design could say ” One Clinton who will not get a blowjob”. LOL
Evenin’ folks…just woke up from a nap. What’s going on?
Hi Psi. How you doing tonight? Woke up from a nap. I like that. π
Yeah, it does play to your slacker tendencies. However, after an exhausting semester, I have a reason to be napping. You just do so because it’s a lifestyle choice. π
It a life style choice many people wish they could do. I’ve realized the dream. Now if I could only find a way to make money from sleeping.
Have people bet on how many hours a day you’ll sleep, complete with and over/under. Take a 5% commission on it, and you’ll become rich. π
Yes a true business major I’m talking to. But then I’d have to have one of those webcams and it would show me sleeping. I’ve never seem me sleep, but I would think it’s not a pretty sight.
Don’t be shy about sucking on your thumb and drooling a little. π
Have you forgiven us? Say yes. Or else I’ll be REALLY nice to you.
You and Teach take things way too seriously. I was going to sleep when I posted that comment. Sometimes, I actually do mean what I say here.
I’m gonna take that as a yes.
Have you planned a ski trip yet?
You’re going skiing. You lucky dog!
Not yet…I’m currently pondering what I’m going to do for the people I need to interview for bank promotions in about 4 weeks.
and when I suggested that you’d spend your entire break working you thought I was unrealistic, why?
cause he is till in college. Ley him have a life before the reality of drugery sets in. LOL
well, yes. that was MY thought. I think you have the roles backwards here π
LOL Okay I must have missed something
Heh…is it bad to have a good work ethic? π
No, but is better to have a youth while you can because work will suck that right out of you once you are out of school. LOL
you tell him rf. Just for that, drinks are on me in the next lounge.
Naps are a good thing after what you have been through in the last few days.
Oh you were talking to Psi. Hell he’s young. It’s us geezers that need the naps!
FamilyMan, I never worry about you getting a nap. I worry more about if you will wake up. LOL
Oh Refinish I really don’t sleep as much as I say. Well not as much maybe. Let me put it this way. If I was rich, you would see the most lazy person in the world. Since I’m not, I do have to move around ever now and then. π
Yeah, yeah…
Yeah, yeah yourself. But I am glad you took a nap. It shows you have potential for slackatude.
Dammit, dammit and dammit I missed it. Atl and Nyi are playing hockey tonight and FARfetched daughter’s chior was going to sing the anthem. I really wanted to see that, but now I guess I’ve got to watch hockey.
Come on over to the New Lounge there’s a TV on with hockey 24/7.