Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Make yourself at home. The bar is fully stocked.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Make the Froggy Bottom your Home Away from Home for the Holidays.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Nice clean lounge for all the froggies to mess up.
I just finished mixing up two batches of cookies to cut and bake tomorrow. And decorate.
Hockey sucks…just sayin’.
uh oh. I can’t protect you from Olivia. She LOOKS like a nice Canadian but them’s fightin words.
Oh…I thought it was DJ who was the hockeyphile. Oh well. π
DJ, CaliScribe and Olivia. Live and breathe the stuff.
Now I’m going to move out of the way so I won’t get spattered with blood when Olivia gets here.
for good reason… π
Nice to see you back hosting Saturdays, Mary.
Got about two hours until face off for The Most Important Game Of The Year — Sharks v. the formerly Mighty Ducks. Actually, since they dropped the Mighty they’ve gotten even better, ick. π Sharks are 10 points behind the Ducks in the standings…and if they play like they did Thursday against the Kings, it’s gonna be 12 points. π
I’m supposed to go up to my in-laws for my bro-in-law’s birthday, but they’re having ice cream cake which is not exactly diabetic-friendly fare, so I may plead “exhaustion” and send the spouse in my stead…I’d rather stay home and monitor the game…
Psi doesn’t know what a hockey contingent we have here. Please don’t hurt him too badly for saying bad things about hockey π
I think you should skip the party and hang with us for a while.
Sucks if you’re a Rangers fan like me and you’re watching them take it on the chin right now, 6-1 from the Mapleleafs in the second period.
It could be worse. You could be a Blues fan.
I am a Blues fan. You know, Robert Johnson, Robert Cray, Stevie Ray Vaughan ;o)
Robert Johnson? The devil you say. π
Well, we all have a little devilishness inside. We just need to embrace it :o)
whatever you say, angel. π
<looks around>
Moi? Angel? Oh no, I’m no angel and I have these annoying little horns that grow out of my head every few months LOl
It’s that cute little pointy tail that gets me every time π
LOL!! :o)
Make that 7-1. Great Googly Moogly :o)
I’m nominally a Rangers fan…I thought they were decent. Losing 7-1, though?
They are good this year. Not tonight though, apparently.
(pardon my midolatry)
Ah, is this where you are going to hang out now? I noticed you left dKos some time ago.
might ride the rods for awhile.
I hope you do. It’s always good to meet new people, although you’ve been here for awhile.
Have I met Family Man yet?
The man of mystery is always here. Of course you me him. What’s your name again? π
OMG I’m becoming famous. Is it in a good way? Just remember Wombat love is a good thing. π
Mary I have to say it’s so nice to see you opening a lounge again. You don’t know how much I missed you over the summer. However, you could have shown some pictures of the summer trips. π
oh, was that aimed at me? sticks and stones …
Well, it can be aimed at whoever wants it to be aimed at them. π
You didn’t see Andi’s picture of her and the others at the Chicago meetup? You could almost see Mary’s freckles :o)
Didn’t you see the picture I posted of myself over at Eurotrib?
As if there is such a thing! Are you on the Eurotrib reader aquisition commitee now? :o)
I DID post a picture of myself. It’s in this travel diary that I did for Izzy. I can’t believe you missed it.
What’s the Eurotrib reader’s acquisition committee?
Ahh, red polish. So…Italian, like a Ferrari ;o)
See? You didn’t believe me. Would I lie to you? π
They were all distorted, IIRC.
Isn’t that JUST like you — to distort things. π
Hi Super. The way the picture looked mary was one big freckel. I’m still so damned jealous of ya’ll that have met each other.
Hello good Sir, one big freckle huh? Hey, freckles and rainbows make the world go round :o) And i’m very fortunate to have met so many frogs, yup. But not so fortunate to have met Mary yet :o)
Well don’t feel alone. I live closer to her than you do and I missed the Memphis meeting. I wished I could have gone to that, but……
BTW where have Olivia and SN gone. Lurking again? Get out here!
Your wish is my command … or something … π
I’ve been waiting for you to show up and smite psifighter.
Don’t have someone else come and do your dirty work for you. π
I’m not the hockey fan. Or, at least, not as much of a hockey fan as Olivia. But I will enjoy the smiting.
I couldn’t do that — that would negate all the hard work FM and I have done in creating our niceness and likability … π
Besides, I know not everyone has the wherewithal to really understand The Game … and that’s okay. There are simpler games — like football.
simpler games. For simpler minds. I like it.
You two seem to forget tiddlewinks. That’s my game!
Oh lord, why does that not surprise me? π
What’s surprising is he plays strip tiddlywinks – with his cousin Lurline.
I just saw this and Lurline has the biggest tatta’s you’ve ever seen. Then again, I guess bloomers come in all sizes.
That’s in the southern hemisphere.
When they get her age, they hang pretty far down. π
Sometimes you have to spell it out for me. Especially since gravity has been so kind to me and I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
It doesn’t get more basic than a fistfight on the ice. π
Olivia, you give the word and we can mega-troll rate him for that.
You think I’m scared? C’mon! π
mr. big talk …
I guess this means you’re going to kill him with kindness …
Thank you Family Man. I didn’t miss me at all. But then, I was with me the whole time π
But your’re here now and that’s a good thing. You know I’m still trying to beat your record for the cafe.
what record?
Of the fastest cafes to go. I think you hold the record for the most cafes in any day. Mary you’re a popular girl. I’m still wondering why you aren’t the talk of the town of St. Louis.
I throw a pretty good party in Real Life, but it’s so much easier cleaning up from the virtual parties. But my parties are VERY private and I don’t invite the gossip columnists. I wouldn’t want to become the Paris Hilton of St. Louis or anything LOL!
Mary I can’t believe you would ever be the Paris Hilton of St. Louis. You have way to much class for that. Then again, fame his its backfalls.
Ah the social whirl. It can do things to a girl.
Not to be a nag, but when are you planning the next musical?
you take ATM cards, right?
only if it’s your OWN ATM card and not one that you stole.
How are you Miss Devore? Nice to see you here.
Miss Devore I’ve never met you, but it nice to see you. Don’t mind Mary, we take any card. Then again, all drinks are free, so why worry.
to raid the place on a trumped up identity theft charge. π
they can frisk my hairshirt up and down and they won’t find no identity there.
can I have a grasshopper?
May I call you MD. MD you can have anything you want. A grasshopper is one the way, and as many as you want.
(I assume you mean the drink, not the bug?)
MD you’ve been here since the beginning. Why haven’t I’ve met you before. Nope it’s no reason to say, but it’s nice to have you here. I hope you become a regular at the cafe.
My design for Hillary. LOL
No Blowjobs Here
It kind of reads like she’s not intending to GIVE any …
Or Bill should never be hopeful. Could explain Monica’s presence though.
so .. “check with Monica” should be on the back of the shirt?
I cannot use monica’s name on a design or I could get sued. she is not a politician…just a white trash slut from California.
oh please … don’t hold back. How do you REALLY feel about her?
well, any woman who would save a dress with a cum stain and not clean it is probably the lowest form of sleeze bag slut ever known to mankind. The bad thing about Clinton and his supposed “other women” is that I think he picked up a trailor, cracked it open and looked for the prize inside. Hillary is still better looking than any of the others. Of course, that isn’t saying much. LOL
I’m sure she doesn’t LOL
I am heading out to get some cigs and will be back shortly.
You dirty smoker! Buy me a pack while your out there.
LOL Sure
OK are we going back to what is sex or not?
There you are. Quit lurking!
She keeps lurking because she is scared we will ask when she is ever going to do a podcast. LOL
LOL … if you and FM do it, I’ll do it!
I have a podcast. LOL
OK Refinsih and Olivia. You both know FARfetched. I’m going to do to a Xmas podcast for him. Refinish if you do one I’ll add that too. Now, I want both of you to do at least a 30 second thing for him. Refinish he doing it on your earliest Xmas memories. If you do the same I’ll be happy to do it. Now Olivia what will you do?
Farfetched??? I know him???? I am totally lost
What happened to Teach and KS? I thought they’d be here to play tonight.
Just a guess. Teach is wallowing in phlegm and KS is grading papers.
The visual that goes with that comment is too gross for words. LOL
Grading papers is gross? π
not as gross as the first part
KS is making something to eat and I’m bouncing back and forth between the FM story and the Lounge.
Golly gee. I leave for a while and all the talk is about cum stains and what is sex and who’s not getting a blow job. Where’s the civility, people?
Well, now YOU’RE here. So the conversation can only get worse …
I’ll take that as a compliment.
of course π
Watcha been doin?
but just boring stuff. Mostly storage containers because I’m on an organizing binge. Pffft.
It’s weird to be out Christmas shopping and not be freezing my ass off.
Isn’t it like that every year down there?
Sort of, but this year it’s been unusually warm. It’s supposed to be in the 70s for the next several days.
She needs more room for shoes. LOL
Hi SN.
How’s the bitchin going? π
Helmet on!
I think I need more practice. FM, are you still smokin those death sticks!?
Come on over to the nice, clean new lounge.