Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Lounge II

Make yourself at home. The bar is fully stocked.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Make the Froggy Bottom your Home Away from Home for the Holidays.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Tonight is a progressive lounge.
Cuz we’re progressives …
Speaking of which, I wrote a diary today…probably the first in a 3-week stretch where I’ll be posting something daily. I’m a bit rusty, but the touch will come back with time. 🙂
that’s a good plan for your break. I like your diaries.
Psi I wish I could write a dairy like you. I’ve only written funny stuf, but sometime I really wish I could say what’s important.
Your attempts at getting on my good side are very transparent. 😛
Ha! I don’t care if I’m on your good side.
What do you want me to do? Lie? OK — Psi, your diaries suck. Big time. How’s that?
Ah, that’s better. 🙂
I agree that I enjoy your writing.
I kinda miss the sticky tables.
That’s kind of disgusting…
Not if you made the sticky tables.
That also depends on how you made it sticky. LOL
Refinish you’re a gem! Of course it was strawberry jam on the tables. 😛
and what was strawberry jam being used for in a bar? LOL
I hope it’s seedless.
Honey or chcoalate syrup works better. LOL
Maybe in Vermont, but down here it’s pimento cheese or Miracle Whip.
Okay… maybe you are low class. LOL
Was it the Miracle Whip? Would it help if I said only Hellman’s real Mayo?
it was both the miricle whip and the cheese wiz. LOL
Oh c’mon. You’re southern. Your mother weaned you from breast milk directly to miracle whip.
I ate miricle wjip as a child. I have never used it for…. LOL
Refinish slap yourself. SN is far from low class. She’s just trying to deny she’s turn Southern.
I think the comment about miricle whip and cheese wiz proved she has converted to completely southern. LOL
Use your imagination. 🙂
Sheesh, that could be miscontrued so wrongly.
no we meant sex. LOL
such an innocent …
why am I not surprised. LOL
I never pretended to be anything but low class, RF.
LOl I do not believe it for a second. I believe you like pulling our collective legs. LOL
yep, she drinks tea out of cup with a saucer and her pinky sticking straight up in the air.
Don’t we all?
Not me. I have enough problems with image. I don’t want to be considered nelly as well as gay. LOL
What is nelly? Is that some gayspeak that I don’t know?
nelly = Effeminate = acting like a queen
I thought you meant the rap singer.
We’re so old. And apparently straight.
And don’t forget white. Let’s face it, we’re just not cool, maryb. Even saying cool shows that we’re not cool.
I’m not totally white. I have freckles. I’m spotted.
I can’t compete with your freckles. I’m too German.
I am really lazy about goinmg back to closed cafes. Who or what is farfetched? and what type of podcast clip do you want. LOL
Refinish I think you would like FARfetched. A family man who tells what’s going on in his family. He a really good guy. I’ll send you an em and let you know where to find him.
Okay… send it to refindh69 @ austin.rrdotcom
for this … 🙂
Olivia you know we’re alway here. There are more hand than you can hold. Are you going to do it?
That might take some time … 😛
It’s real simple. You cut on the audacity program, plug in the mike and start talking. LOL
…cut on the audacity program …? lol
Quit stalling. You know you can make a tape.
Well I guess I can say it’s because I’m listening to an Irish station out of Dublin. Or because the wine I bought to cook with a stew I didn’t use, so I’m drink that.
Well, better than letting it go to waste I suppose … 🙂
I have just been named Time magazine’s person of the year. Congratulate me.
congratulations! did you mention us in the interview?
I guess I should admit that we all have been named person of the year. Us.
Do we get a ribbon or the medal of freedom or something?
All froggies?
I was too lazy to read it in its entirety.
Time link
I’m TIME’S person of the year. Wow!
Wait a minute! It said ME!
But I just looked and its ME!
I get to be the Cougars cheerleader. You can be the old granny with the afghan. And the stuffy looking young guy in the suit is definitely Psi. The red mohawk —Family Man?
the granny? I wanna be the chick with the camera.
You’re right – she has great definition in her arm. Then I want to be the cute girl in the red shirt holding the headphones to her ear. Great stomach. I remember my stomach. Sigh.
Oh yeah, you should definitely be the one in the red shirt. Good choice.
Stuffy-looking?! I’ll remember that!
You wear a suit all the time don’t you? 🙂
Not quite…I’m not that much of a tool yet.
Prove it’s not you. And he’s hot – in a nerdy, perfectionistic sort of way.
He’s too Asian and too tall.
Surely you don’t want to be the confused looking kid scratching his head?
He wants to be the cool guy in green playing the air guitar.
Nah, I have no respect for air-guitar players, since most of them are just making random motions. I only do air guitar when I don’t have my guitar handy. And since I’m at home, I have one about 10 feet from me to grab and rock out on. 🙂
and do you think I really look like the chick with the camera and the great arm definition?
wait … don’t answer that. 😉
I think he was about to say yes.
Heh, I haven’t a clue what you actually look like. But the DJ and picture-taking women are quite fetching, IMO.
Yep, SN and I look EXACTLY like that. EXACTLY.
Okay…if you say so. 🙂
You’re both wrong. They’re clearly talking about me.
In which category LOL
You can’t be, because I’ve been. Time will show FM the man of the year. Then again, they might show chitlins.
Chitlins are (is) the repulsive digestive system southern delicacy of the year.
Hey if anything, you’ll remember FM for chitlins.
I wouldn’t eat the damned things, but……..
Mary, you don’t meet FM in this one. You will in the Meta-Story. But I want to finish FM first. I think it will 21 documents.
I guess I can wait. But … When do I meet Refinish? When do I meet PsiFighter? When do I meet Supersoling? HUH?
Comeon — I’ve got places to go and PEOPLE TO MEET!
Again, what am I – chopped liver? Oy.
well … I assumed that that will be the highpoint of the story …
oh who am I kidding, I like to meet the guys. Sorry SN. 🙂
You should see me in my Elmer Fudd hunting coat. I look like a guy, honest. And have you ever heard my voice? Can you picture Marge Simpson’s two blue haired sisters?
SN, I’m trying to find the perfect place for you to make your entrancing entrance.
You DO know that it was SN who initiated the orgies?
Make it good, Teach. It has to overshadow my stunningly ordinary real life.
Teach SN is one of the most important parts or the story. BTW where is Olivia?
Super has to be there. Super is one of the greatest people here! There are so many good people here that teach with your writing skills, I don’t see how a novel can’t be done.
yeah, I can’t wait for you to introduce me to supersoling. Since we never meet in real life 🙂
Can we meet at Halloween when he’s wearing his devil’s costume?
You will met RF real soon. PsiFighter & Supersoling, I don’t know. I haven’t placed them in the story yet.
I probably won’t get back to the Meta-Story until after Christmas.
Hey I’m the hero. Aren’t I? Teach I want to be the hero. Maybe not the bravest person, but maybe a bumbling fool who happens to save the world.
OK if not that, then some yokel sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch and seeing the world as a crazy place and happy I’m rocking……
don’t follow it! She told me to overeat and I did and now I’m so full that the dogs are hovering around waiting for me to explode so that they can get their share.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I hope you had a great time.
you should ALWAYS follow my orders.
Here’s an order: COME TO THE NEW LOUNGE.