The nooze has it that John Edwards will announce his presidential candidacy from the 9th district in New Orleans. That he will make the run is no surprise, and the venue is logically appropriate: bush’s speech from Jackson Square was but a mirror of “Mission Accomplished” on an aircraft carrier.
Effective contrast, etc.
But I wince.
There is nothing more that I would like than to see a rebuilt New Orleans. Katrina exposed our hideous domestic tumor, much like the urban riots in the sixties did.
In the aftermath of the latter, I recall a Life magazine issue entitled “The Cry That Will be Heard”, and its examination of the lives of some African-Americans in urban ghettoes. My astonished adolescent self really believed it would be heard.
Though I am not going to deny any progress from that time, in a post-Katrina world it is a huge order for a politician to announce hope from the 9th ward in the forgotten front of New Orleans.
I like John Edwards but am going to hold my applause and my breath, thinking: you cannot go there and not be dead serious about it; about your commitment to that hallowed ground.
To be sure, I have much more faith in Edwards than that fool who bull-horned at Ground Zero.
But I’m too old too be fucked up with hope from photo-ops, too far from a teen reading Life magazine and thinking they really meant it.
I like John Edwards, too. A lot. And you are right about being deadly serious about providing some real hope, and some tangible help, to New Orleans and not just use it for this announcement.
His message has always been about hope. What better place to announce than New Orleans. He damn well better mean it.
I believe that Edwards is serious about this. Given his past, he can at least have some understanding of the problem(s).
although it is difficult to imagine Edwards doing a pete-wilson-at-the-statue-of-liberty number, his campaign must be audacious (who said that word?)if he is announcing it in New Orleans.
I heard the news about Edwards’ throwing his hat in the ring last night. And where.
And although I look forward to his remarks and his candidacy, I’d rather that he would do it among the folks who are living in cars, tents, and those FEMA trailers still relying on soup kitchens in wrecked areas of the city.
Jackson Square, while apt, was part of dry land in the city. Like parts of the Garden District. People need to see reminders of what is still happening, not a tour of the French Quarter. They need a powerful shock.
My dream ticket: Edwards-Obama. (Obama as veep, because he still has a ways to go in my book.)
nice to read you again!
E/O is fine with me, and I think both of them will not scar each other in the debates, so as to make it possible.
but, thinking on the future debates, who would go after who? many of the top runners seems to have some respect/admiration for each other. will there be too much nuance?
I want to believe that he understands the consequences of announcing from New Orleans but I’ve had my heart broken by too many politicians to ever again give a benefit of a doubt to one again. I do know though that I appreciated his willingness to fight on in Ohio when Kerry wanted to concede. There is a fighter inside him. But he’s just bitten off a huge responsibility. You can’t fuck with people like that.
candidacy announcements and came up with some interesting stuff:
“June 12, 1999 – Bush embarks on first campaign trip to Iowa and declares, “I’m running for president … and there is no turning back.”
talk about foreshawdowing.
Thanks, you just creeped me out ;o)