Okay, here’s the scoop–I’m trying to surprise my Mom with a different sort of Christmas gift. And, this should actually come as a surprise, because it’s something Mom put on her wish list last year, but that I wasn’t able to do. She asked that a gift be given in her name to Heifer International. This is the sort of person Mom is–she’s a puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence, which I wrote about in Saying goodbye to big puppy-dog eyes and again in Larkin’s graduation. Click here to see the gift catalog. On my own, I could give a flock of chicks or some honeybees in Mom’s honor, but I really want to give my mama a llama. Isn’t that fun to say?
And the Llama Song is fun to listen to but it will get in your head live there for a long time.
But, (straining for the segue here) a donation to Heifer will last even longer. If you aren’t familiar with Heifer International, I really encourage you to visit their site and learn more. Maybe you’ll do what I typically do–read about their work and file this away as a good idea to act upon at some point in the future. But if you do feel moved to donate now, doing so via this page would help me give my Mom a special and memorable Christmas present.
I’m also looking for fair trade gifts for family members, so if anyone has any recommendations on that front, please pass them along. Every year at this time, my dad, who reads Ann Coulter and not for laughs, starts extolling the virtues of WalMart. So this year I’d like to do as much fair trade shopping as possible–realizing that time is limited.