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Click on the Change America Now icon above and send a CANgram to your Member of Congress.   You can be part of the national roll-out of support for the four economic planks of the 100-Hour Agenda by getting your Congressperson to help pass them as quickly as possible when the 110th Congress hits D.C.

The four issues spotlighted by the Change America Now agenda, which is supported by forty national partner organizations, are:

I’m posting this on behalf of PA Action, which, along with ACORN, the SEIU and the Sierra Club, will be introducing this agenda to the Philly press tomorrow morning.  Similar events are happening over the next several days across the country.  But nothing we do will matter if the individual members of Congress don’t hear from their constituents in numbers large enough to make it clear that we want to see real, clear results from the midterm elections.  Business as usual will not be tolerated.  The bigger and louder the success of the Change America Now Agenda, the better our chances of expanding it over the months and years ahead.

Please help send that message today
