Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
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Your first drink is on us!
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Free beer tonight. I’ve got a lot of family in tonight, so I’ll be in and out.
So you’ve been spending the day developing your own Special Theory of Relativity?
I’m working too hard again.
Good to see you both.
HI Olivia.
What cha been up to?
in a froggybottom costume … π
It’s been a busy week — trying to get a report done that is due tomorrow. I have to do a bit of work on it tonight, so that I don’t run out of time tomorrow.
Sounds like you’re busy!
I always forget to change out of costume.
Bringing work home? That’s not good.
But I have to get this report done, and I know it’s going to be hard to work tomorrow what w/ everyone making merry and going home early. I don’t want to get stuck working late … π
How’s things w/ you?
House full of family, George barking constantly and FMom not feel well. So I’ve been running a lot.
I had a boss one time that keep us at working until around 4:00 pm on Xmas Eve. Everywhere else had been closed down and he would had kept us the full day unless his boss came by and told him to let us go. I hate doing work around holidays because I can’t keep my mind on it.
and that you’re busy running.
Sounds like your old boss was trying to out-Scrooge Scrooge.
Well I’m sorry to hear you’re working so hard. Things will calm down here soon.
I only had two bosses while in the military and said if I ever had to work for either one again that I would get out as soon as possible.
Looks like my blog post might be in trouble.
see below … π
It’s next on my list of stuff to do … I haven’t even decorated the tree yet for ornament blogging.
How was the office party?
One more day to go!
(And you’ll notice I haven’t posted a garden b post … π … see above for reason. I’m running out of hours. But it’s in process … )
I loved your creek photos from earlier today — I loved the first one, w/ the two trees forming a v shape.
the post was in trouble (see above comment).
I would have like to taken that picture at different angle so that the V of the trees and the V of the creek had been more in line but it was so wet and slick that I couldn’t get stand on the hillside.
Frost flower tomorrow.
Gimme a hogshead of whatever’s handy, two sawhorses, a cot and a funnel.
Family, huh? I hope this is family you actually want to see.
Coming up Omir. It’s about half and half on the wanting to see part.
Have things calmed down in your part of the country?
I’m not entirely sure. Things aren’t quite as chaotic as they were, or maybe I’m just getting used to the state of affairs. Right now I’m just putting my head down and trying to get through the holidays as best I can.
A few things are better. The Christmas tree is up. I hope to write a bit about that later in the week.
We’ve got a few decoratrions up, but not too many. I’m the same as you, I’m just trying to get through the holiday as best I can.
I’ll look forward to seeing what you write about it.
I think most of our decorations are in place. Unfortunately a couple are missing, like a Yosemite Sam Radko ornament that was one of my wife’s favorites. It took a header off the branch onto the floor from about 5 feet up and . . . well, Radko ornaments aren’t meant to survive that kind of G force.
IVG started ornament blogging, showing photos of his ornaments and the history behind them … it’s a great idea.
He and I may be on the same wavelength. What I plan to write (which may end up as a diary, may end up as Sunday Griot for Christmas, or may just get put off because there’s too much to do and not enough time as is) concerns ornaments.
and hopefully you’ll find the time, but I know about not having enough hours …
Yeah, I had hoped to put together an audio Christmas card CD — kind of like a homemade present, since money has been tight through this stretch — but I haven’t had enough time to devote to it, and now I’m not sure I’ll be able to get it done in time for Christmas, much less in time to mail out to anyone.
Well, it can be in the can for next year . . .
By the way, check below for a link to a preview of what the CD might be like.
I’d look forward to reading it. I hope things calm down for you.
send ’em up here…I’ll cook!
all they gotta do is clear the table

and start the grille

clik images to enlarge
think they can handle it?
Hi dada.
Nope they would be sitting in the house saying when are you going to start dinner, while telling you it’s just a little bit of snow. π
it IS just “a little snow“…but somebody’s got to move it…:{)
I’m more of the be well provisioned and wait for the summer type. π
Look at the table!
Has it stopped snowing now d?
starting to clear now, and hopefully sunny and warmer tomorrow
they sy the storm is trending NE…yer next!
No thanks … π
I want some snow! Will you people quit hogging it.
Hi, folks, snow pics are nice. Hope all are ok. I’m still buried in paper-grading, with occasional forays out for political indignation.
So I’m mostly not supposed to be here now. Must stay sober.
Hi KS.
Hope it calms down for you soon.
What FM said.
when is school out?
It’s out for KS, but she has a ton of final essays to grade.
Are you’re done tomorrow?
Yes. One more day. Half my class was absent today. I expect even more gone tomorrow.
Evening Folks!!!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!! Familyman enjoy the family. I am glad it is you and not me. LOL Olivia, Don’t work to hard and Kidspeak you can always through the papers in the fireplace and make them re-do them, LOL
Hi Refinish.
Actually I’m being called away now and going to enjoy the family.
Back in a minute.
Have fun!!! I wanted to share a design that wasn’t a holiday or political one. LOL
Rainbow Celtic Sun
That’s really pretty.
Thank you. I do quite a few designs at the ruby slipper cafe that have nothing to do with politics… well except gay and rainbow pride. LOL
Very nice, RF.
Thank you!!!
LOL … that’s one thing I’m not too worried about … working too hard π
LOL Hi Miss Olivia!!! Well, I was worried there for a while since your brought work home.
but I’m worried tomorrow will be hard to get anything done.
What are your plans for this time of year?
I bet it will be especially once the eggnog starts. LOL
of course … π
Greetings Earthlings! We come in peace. We have come to collect your “President.” He escaped from one of our low level rehabilitation planets, where he was relocated after the operation to implant a sense of moral responsibility failed. We formally apologize on behalf of our entire planet for his misdeeds. Rest assured that he will trouble no further. We will treat him “humanely,” but our wrath will be unleashed on the one designated to oversee his recovery, the one you call “Cheney.” We return you now to your regular broadcast.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I thought he escaped from Nazi germany in a time machine.
Hi Teach.
Hey, FM. You know that being taken up by aliens stuff that usually happens around your neck of the woods? It ain’t half bad.
Just depends on which aliens I guess. Never did think I would like the aliens that did the probes. π
That was a probe? You mean I need another colonoscopy? Damn.
Yep those aliens will fool you with their white coats and all. π
My friend Larry a/k/a DirtRoad from FAR Manor has just done up his latest monthly podcast. He asked for Christmas memories, and I obliged.
So here’s a chance to hear me in action, telling a story. It’s a Christmas story, and it’s a love story. What’s not to like?
I was supposed to do one for FARfetched, but couldn’t bring myself to talk.
and someone never sent me the information so i didn’t do one either. LOL
You could have mailed it to him. Someone else did that and he read it for them.
Me, I’m trying to get my own voice to sound like I (1) am worth listening to and (2) don’t have a cold. I think it’s horribly unfair that I was born with a voice that sounds like the little man in a Gilbert & Sullivan production instead of James Earl Jones’ deeper brother.
that’s a shocker. π
I’m so predictable eh … π
When it comes to podcasts, yes. π
when it comes to podcasts … π
we have been waiting for the olvia show for eons!!!!!
there’s haircuts.
pathetic … π
adorable and talented and blogging about her garden layout (not that I’m putting the pressure on or anything).
Is next on the list … lol
I’m doing good on my homework — only 5 more questions. π
who gets to pick the questions you answer?
but no time to ask ’em because I’m going upstairs and battle Sniff for my side of the bed.
Night Andi.
phew … timed that one right … wasn’t up for a tough Andi question … π
Poor Olivia. π
and then it’s pitiful, predictable, pathetic, and poor … π
Does have a ring to it, doesn’t it. π
I loved the last one FAR did … it was so professional sounding … Can’t wait to hear you Omir!
Omir, I just heard your section. I am listening to the show right now. It was wonderful!!!!!
Was that FAR singing … LOL … he sounds good.
I’m listening to parts of it now, but haven’t gotten to Omir yet.
Thank you! Very nice of you to say so.
I’ve been looking for an excuse to tell that story for a very long time. It was, literally, one of the turning points of my life. (I remember distinctly, some years later, my mother asking with just a hint of exasperation if I couldn’t do something that didn’t involve radio. I didn’t see the point of why I should, of course.)
you have such a way with words. A wonderful story!
You guys are making me so jealous. Wah, wah. I want high speed so I can listen to Omir, too. ::huge pout::
Werll, living in the sticks does have it’s draw backs. LOL
That was a wonderful story Omir! π
It was fabulous and I felt like I was there with you. Thank you for sharing that wonderful story and part of your life.
The original “bring it on!”
happy holidays to those spending them in the Denver Airport!
Hello Miss Devore.
I would definitely hate to be stuck in an airport at the moment.
How’re ya doing?
was observing mom & santa claus.
and that pa-rum-pum-pum-pum fugue of the little drummer boy.
give me Karen a la Marie Killea and polio victories, anyday.
damn, it’s so cold they will have to amputate my mistle-toes.
Don’t be amputating no mistle-toes. Might need em for later.
We’re waiting for a cold front to hit down here. It has only been sprinkling all day.
ANyone still up?
I am and I going over to open a 24/7. Back in a minute.