I think everybody got scared that super and I were going to break into a fight. But now he and I can fight in the other dirty cafe and everyone else can enjoy themselves here and ignore it.
she was trying to get a divorce (very hard to do in those days) when he died in mysterious circumstances (he either jumped, fell or was pushed in front of an El) and the cops certainly had their suspicions.
I made a fabulous Indian food dinner, aromatic rice and all, and my sweetie is so wiped out he fell asleep before it was finished. Anybody want to join me for chicken in red pepper sauce with aromatic rice? 🙂
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day I went downtown and into a shop. I was only there for about five minutes and when I came out there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. I said to him, “Come on, man, how about giving a retired person a break?”
He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. Then I called him a “Nazi.” He glared at me and wrote another ticket for having worn tires.
So I called him part of the “jack-booted, doughnut-eating Gestapo.”
He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he wrote a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him the more tickets he wrote.
Personally, I didn’t care. I came down town on the bus and the car that he was putting tickets on had a bumper sticker that said “Stay the course-vote Republican in 2006.”
I try to have a little fun each day now that I’m retired. It’s important at my age
The school year is half over. I’ve discovered I can’t out mean this bunch of kids, and I don’t want to. So for the rest of the year I’m going to out nice them. This should be an interesting run to June.
Well in ’04 some conservatives were going around taking Kerry-edards stickers off cars and replacing them clinton cocksuckers for Kerry stickers and a friend of mine saw it ahppening and got the jerks responsible arrested. I so wanted to get a copy of one for my car cause I would have left it on just to see the reaction. LOL
The saddest thing about this year is that all the kids aren’t mean. I have 8 kids out of 27 who are great. I’ve checked with previous teachers and the kids in my class have been like this for years. What no one can understand is why all of the bullies and kids with emotional problems got put into one class. I am assuming it is the result of having an incompetent principal for years K-4 of these kids schooling who refused to deal with discipline problems and a sexist principal now (Only men can handle discipline problems.).
I’ve been lucky enough to avoid that one too. Most of our TV watching is done after the program is recorded to our TiVo, so we can easily skip the commercials. Thanks FSM for TiVo.
Nice one dada, I like the way you misdirect the union of moose manglers.
I realize how deep your cover is & believe me there`s a method to the madness. You`ll be contacted. And yes I`m on my rounds already. Have a great holiday & my best wishes for a great next year.
Just got in from the Sharks/Flames hockey game — game started a bit slow, but definitely picked up later. Spouse and I started in one section, but ended up moving when I talked him into trading our tickets so a father and son could sit with the rest of their family (they would’ve been split up by several sections otherwise), so I take full credit for any karma points I may have earned for the Sharks. lol (BTW, Sharks won 4-1, so everyone in attendance will get a personal sized pizza if they turn in their ticket stubs within the next 7 days.)
Congrats to the Senators on their win, Olivia…
Okay, off to bed so I can get up and finish the holiday wrapping tomorrow…
I have been going through severe withdrawal!!!! I was up all night and posted my last comment here and then at 7 am when I was going to bed I could not get in because of a 505 error. And this is the first time the site ahs been avaiable since then.
with FM?
I am still awake.
no, I’m here.
I think everybody got scared that super and I were going to break into a fight. But now he and I can fight in the other dirty cafe and everyone else can enjoy themselves here and ignore it.
LOL I was afraid I had started something and then I ended it with the group thought. LOL I am still laughing about that one.
so I had to go back and look. So far it looks pretty bloodless — how disappointing. 😛
That is what I love about the ponders. We can disagree but we don’t seem to hold it against each other and that is refreshing.
you have no idea all the grudges I’m holding and just waiting for the right moment to strike. 😉
LOL I am sorry I find that as hard to believe as I do the image of you walking the pack in heels.
oh I am a champ at holding grudges — I take after my bubbe who could get furious just hearing her husband’s name 35 years after he died.
were they still married when he died?
she was trying to get a divorce (very hard to do in those days) when he died in mysterious circumstances (he either jumped, fell or was pushed in front of an El) and the cops certainly had their suspicions.
so she received her divorce from a HIGHER authority?
she stayed mad — she never got closure.
There was no higher authority than Bubbe.
I just saw that part of the thread and was a little shocked to say the least.
not me … 🙂
you can relax and enjoy the holidays and not have to anything — you can tell all your family and friends that you don’t because “Andi said so”.
Too bad I didn’t have this a wee bit earlier as I just got off the phone w/ my mom. 🙂
that this isn’t the only time over the holidays your mom will call — so now you’re set for the next one.
so, I’ll get to see the look on their faces when I use it. 🙂
I made a fabulous Indian food dinner, aromatic rice and all, and my sweetie is so wiped out he fell asleep before it was finished. Anybody want to join me for chicken in red pepper sauce with aromatic rice? 🙂
where’d ya get the chicken? From out back?
Uh, the freezer.
can i have some naan and saag paneer on the side?
… with a probably apocryphal story.
The school year is half over. I’ve discovered I can’t out mean this bunch of kids, and I don’t want to. So for the rest of the year I’m going to out nice them. This should be an interesting run to June.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I love that story.
It’s too good to be true but too good not to be wished to be true.
Well in ’04 some conservatives were going around taking Kerry-edards stickers off cars and replacing them clinton cocksuckers for Kerry stickers and a friend of mine saw it ahppening and got the jerks responsible arrested. I so wanted to get a copy of one for my car cause I would have left it on just to see the reaction. LOL
It’s a shame you got a bunch of meanies this year, but I like your plan.
One thing is for sure, it will be easier to be nicer than them than meaner than them, and I’ll go home a lot happier each day, I hope.
Kill them with kindness as my mother always said. LOL
That’s the plan. If they improve we’ll be better off and if the succumb, we’ll be better off. 🙂
What makes 12 year olds mean? That’s sad. Usually there are a few but to have a whole class and not one of them is nice…
It would have made a good episode of the X-Files.
The saddest thing about this year is that all the kids aren’t mean. I have 8 kids out of 27 who are great. I’ve checked with previous teachers and the kids in my class have been like this for years. What no one can understand is why all of the bullies and kids with emotional problems got put into one class. I am assuming it is the result of having an incompetent principal for years K-4 of these kids schooling who refused to deal with discipline problems and a sexist principal now (Only men can handle discipline problems.).
Sounds like they should have been split up years ago.
and maybe they’ll learn something about the goodness of human nature.
Offering my condolences as well … definitely sounds like it’ll be interesting.
Hi Olivia,
I looked at your garden when Andi was looking at it earlier tonight. WOW! I’m going to go back next time I’m on broadband.
By the way on your lunch picture the other day, does a paramedic certified in CPR come with that, or is one extra? 🙂
that must be why they’ve implemented PADs all over the city … 😉
who is really disturbed by the retro-Mr. Peanut xmas commercial this year?
It’s so sad and lost-America.
i haven’t seen it, which is just as well, I suppose.
About the only one I can remember seeing is the Fruit of the Loom “Comfort and Joy” commercial.
using “Ring Christmas Bells” with the Head-On commercials.
I’ve been lucky enough to avoid that one too. Most of our TV watching is done after the program is recorded to our TiVo, so we can easily skip the commercials. Thanks FSM for TiVo.
pea ess-I was joking about the ring xmas bells/ head on commercial.
Well, it sounds just plausible enough. LOL
blowing my cover last night I’m forced to blog from a secure, undisclosed location…the reindeer mafia are not pleased.
and just to prove I don’t hold grudges…Be careful out there tomorrow night Head…there’re on to you…
I on the other hand am going to have assume another identity until this thing blows over…
me and the Banned will be touring for a while…
with our Roadie “Canada”…who I understand from higher authority, is really Olivia…
that oughta keep em confused for a while, eh….:{)
But one question … what did you do w/ the antlers? 😉
they grow back…:{)
that’s good to know … they were very impressive … 😉
Hey, have a great Christmas if I don’t talk w/ you before … {{{d}}}
I’m heading to bed, good night and sweet dreams.
be well and we’ll catch up to ya later…btw, the tour bus leaves the day after Christmas…don’t miss it…:{P
Me and my big teeth wouldn’t miss it … 🙂
G’Night, pleasant dreams
Nice one dada, I like the way you misdirect the union of moose manglers.
I realize how deep your cover is & believe me there`s a method to the madness. You`ll be contacted. And yes I`m on my rounds already. Have a great holiday & my best wishes for a great next year.
Just got in from the Sharks/Flames hockey game — game started a bit slow, but definitely picked up later. Spouse and I started in one section, but ended up moving when I talked him into trading our tickets so a father and son could sit with the rest of their family (they would’ve been split up by several sections otherwise), so I take full credit for any karma points I may have earned for the Sharks. lol (BTW, Sharks won 4-1, so everyone in attendance will get a personal sized pizza if they turn in their ticket stubs within the next 7 days.)
Congrats to the Senators on their win, Olivia…
Okay, off to bed so I can get up and finish the holiday wrapping tomorrow…
What a sweet thing to do. I don’t know if you got Karma points for the team but you sure racked up a few for yourself by showing the season spirit!!!!
I have been going through severe withdrawal!!!! I was up all night and posted my last comment here and then at 7 am when I was going to bed I could not get in because of a 505 error. And this is the first time the site ahs been avaiable since then.
Sunday cafe now open.