Don’t mourn, and DON’T let the corporate media feed us another “Reagan funeral!”

Forgettable flunkie of rich and powerful: 1913-2006.
Mother used to say, "If you can’t say somethin’ nice, maybe there’s a reason."

Being "nice" or "respectful" now is just amnesia.
Tell the truth and remember.
This is the man who:
*Pardoned Nixon
*Kept a solidly reactionary voting record in Congress, 1949-1973
*Played politics with the Warren Commission
*Broke his 1973 promise not to seek reelection
*Tried — and failed — to impeach Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
*Thwarted Congressional oversight of illegal domestic & international covert ops, both as a Congressman and as President.
So a garden-variety reactionary had the good fortune to pass away peacefully in his sleep. Don’t let anybody make you feel bad for hanging onto your critical thinking. In the coming week of corporate media eulogies and mandatory national amnesia, you’ll need it.

Read The Pagan Science Monitor, your skeptical daily look at law, policy, & satire.