This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Sit down, have some coffee, and try not to get newspaper ink on your clothes.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Sit down, have some coffee, and try not to get newspaper ink on your clothes.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Good morning, Andi.
What a stunning picture!
Feeling ready for the new year to arrive?
It can only improve over the current one.
so happy at the thought of a new congress.
Here’s to better days in 2007! I hope the new congress is up to the task ahead of them…
Morning Andi & Ask!!!! Hope everyone has a great day. I am running late because I was working on designs. LOL Here is the newest anti-war design.
One Civil War Is Enough
Try not to work too hard (on work, that is).
Off to work. Should have been out of here 20 minutues ago. LOL Everyone have a great day!!!!!
Andi, ask, and refinish!
Yippee, it’s Friday!
Got plans for new year’s eve?
Not yet. How about you?
We have a long-standing “tradition” of having dinner with my sister and another couple (and a changing cast of additional folks) at one of our three houses — this time it’s at my sisters (it’s rarely at our place — people seem to prefer houses located on lighted, straight roads on new years).
That sounds fun. And how lucky for you to live on a dark road that no one wants to drive on New Year’s. 😉
I think the real clincher was the year one of the cars got hung up in snow going up our drive.
I would think your house would also have the “charm” of keeping the riffraff out.
Yeah, digging out of the snow might just do it…
My house is actually very accessible, so no such “charm” for me.
The house was actually innocent — the driver didn’t listen to my instructions (stay in the center and don’t slow down or stop going uphill) and it was only a few inches of snow.
Maybe you can make creme brulee french toast for new year’s breakfast.
I hate it when people don’t listen and then prove me right, don’t you? 😉
And look, I even have the recipe for creme brulee french toast here.
One of the other things I want to do is go see the lights at Longwood Gardens, but I think I want to wait until Jan 2nd, when it’s half price.
Ouch. Did you have to mention digging out?
My poor hubby is stuck 60 miles away in Albuquerque and can’t make it home. I have a drive about a block long with an 80 foot rise to shovel by hand — not to mention constantly cleaning off my satellite so I can have internet access.
But the snow is really beautiful and provides excuses for eating left over cookies.
Happy Friday, all!
Ugh, shoveling. :/
Mmm, cookies. 🙂
How much snow did you get?
About a foot. On top of the four inches or so that hadn’t melted from last week’s storm. Still snowing!
I’m really sorry about your husband being stuck elsewhere but I am a bit jealous of the snow (though perhaps not in that quantity). The lack of snow and cold weather here has made this winter feel “off”.
Good morning, CG.
Yippee, indeed –
It’s Friday and I’m off.
That makes for a nice long weekend. Go any special plans?
(say hi to curly for me!)
I just finished a(n unintended) nap.
curly says hi back and happy new year.
She’s off today as well. No big plans, lots of relaxation – celebrating Sunday with friends on Long Island.
Good morning everyone.
Just a hit and run. I’ve got to get ready to take FMom to a doctor’s appointment. This morning it actually feels comfortable outside. It’s up to about 55 F outside right now. Gotta start getting ready. Hope everyone has a good day.
Have a safe trip.
Anyone around this late?
then I’m going for a walk.
Are the Gof4 planning an exciting new year’s eve for you and Teach?
Actually, no. Jan.1 is Teach’s b’day. He’d not appreciate me telling you that – as the day approaches, he gets more and more restless.
Many years we are driving back from parts south to home on his birthday, but not recently. It’ll likely be a quiet evening.
I know how he feels. With Christmas, my birthday and new years all within a week of each other it’s just depressing to me somehow. The stark reminder of the passage of time mixed with the letdown after xmas.
Yes, I was thinking about your reaction to your birthday. T has said the same thing many times. I think it comes from not having much of a birthday as a kid, due to his family sort of lumping it with Christmas, and also his grandmother’s birthday on the 30th. It’s hard to shake off the funk.
Another year older and deeper in debt. . .or so it feels (apologies to the writer of 16 Tons.)
That’s funny – my grandmother’s birthday was on Christmas day so we got a shared birthday + christmas celebration.
Now that I’m older and sort of despise birthdays I’m more than happy to have people forget it. 🙂
Now that’s exactly how I feel about my own birthday! I do think it’s different for a lot of men, however. Getting a year older isn’t quite the same.
I don’t know, maybe it’s from being contaminated with Southern culture, the “never tell your age, a woman who’ll tell her age will tell anything”, kind of thing (quote from my great GMom).
I don’t care if people know my true age if only I didn’t look 10 years older. 🙁 Curses!
No way. You do not.
Sadly, I do. The stupid kid at Krogers keeps asking me if I want the senior discount and I want to stab him in the eye with my frequent shopper keyfob.
Feel free to tell him so.
My grandmother’s hair had turned all white by the time she was 25. When she married, her spouse had snow white hair also – but she was his second wife, and he was much older than her.
Their wedding picture (dressed in black, standing in a cabbage patch – why? why??), looks like they just got back from another elderly relative’s funeral. That’s what we all thought it was, in fact, for many years!
THe mystery of cabbage patch dolls is solved! 🙂
real belly laugh of the day.
He explicitly gave us the date of his birthday in a cafe last week. 😛
I will never do well at prediction in that quarter. However, what’s ok for him to do isn’t necessarily greeted quite so positively if I do it.
I am the champ in the how to tick your spouse off contest — it’s amazing how good you can get at that with only 35 years of practice.
Good morning all. After my half day of work here I’ll be free to pursue the after holiday bargains.
The weird thing about being new to the South™ is that the day after Christmas all of the winter clothing, sweaters, gloves, hats etc. go on deep discount and the halter tops are already on the racks.
Signs of better weather to come. I’ve also noticed that the Valentine’s day stuff is already out.
We found that true in KY even a couple of days before Christmas. Next they’ll be putting out 4th of July stuff on January 1.
Are you really planning to shop??
I’m planning to look. 😉
Men’s love of shopping is a deeply guarded secret.
Just looking. Heh.
Another drive-by (but heartfelt) GOOD MORNING from placid Cascadia!
Cool and dry here this week. Still feeling a bit weak from the gastrointestinal bug but back at work. Funny thing happened yesterday: whilst having two fillings replaced at the dentist I fell asleep! When I started nodding the dentist put a rubber block between my teeth so I could snooze in comfort w/o biting her. I wasn’t particularly sleep-deprived so I guess it was that the chair was comfortable and the office nice & warm. Told the dentist that it was a tribute to her skill that I could do that and we had a good laugh.
Starting to feel anxious about New Years fun-nothing big planned but I want to do something. Sorta like longing for a date to the prom. And since I now know that I am the embodiment of the goddess of love, it’s sorta important.
Some of us are just good at relaxing. I feel asleep while getting my wisdom teeth removed. Unfortunately, the dentist had to wake me up which meant that even though I couldn’t feel it, I heard the impacted wisdom tooth being shattered into pieces so it could be removed.
Good Mid-Day all! How’s everybody handling the emotional down time between holidays? The long Thanksgiving to New Years roller coaster is nearly over. Hang in there.
I can handle anything if I’m on vacation. I’m feeling quite cheery — it’s delusional but I don’t care — which is great thing about delusions.
Good to hear some happiness from the crossroads of America. I think that the holiday season overwhelms many people with the pressure to be joyful. Also, families often are forced into levels of contact that exceed the recommended daily allowances.
I’m the curmudgeon of the family so there are very low expectations — as long as I am just mildly grumpy and sarcastic, they’re all thrilled.
I rarely see my family. I spend more time with KS’ family, but we don’t live near any family members. We never have and I’m not what it would be like if we did.
Must run some errands, will be back in a little while.
Thanks for posting the link to the FM story.
Sounds like “the long nightmare of our fears and hates will break up, while the flood of bliss in us, and the sunshine of peace streaming upon the land, will make us glad with exceeding great joy.
-W. H. Garrison, in response to the day that slavery would end.
Oh, sorry, you probably just meant that you’re anticipating the day that your principal would no longer be at your school. . .
I’m not thinking about her until Tuesday, remember?
Now this one looks like spun silk … look at the individual strands! Wow, that is just so amazing. 🙂
Hope you’re all having a good day!
How is everyone today? I’m ready for another short work week.
Not much going on — hope everyone has a large mailbox because we’ll be deluged on Wednesday; just heard that the postal service will be closed Tuesday for the Gerald Ford funeral. Don’t remember if they were closed for Reagan’s funeral, but I assume they were. Anyway, that means three days worth of mail (since there’ll be no delivery Sunday the 31st or Monday the 1st). For some reason, that’s making me cranky today…think I need some retail therapy so I’m hoping to get to the used bookstore later — there’s a couple of books I want to re-read but can’t find in the regular bookstores (the first three books in Christopher Stasheff’s High Warlock series are a lot of fun).
Hope everyone has a great what’s left of the day…
Good afternoon, folks! Hope everyone’s enjoying a good Friday & set to bid farewell to ’06 in appropriate fashion. I know I am.
That’s a truly stunning frost-flower image, Andi! One of your very best, imo. These little structures continually amaze & fascinate me & you capture them beautifully!
I’d like to be one of those frosted twigs today, in fact. I’m close to the end of my threadbare rope with this heat! Quite frankly, I’d rather be in Colorado.
(Alas, I’ve neglected my latest invitation.)
To shower again or not to shower: that is the question.
It was my favorite. It’s also the last one.
I dunno about Colorado — it was snowing at the rate of 4″/hour. I like snow but that’s way more than I can handle.
The Family Man Booday Backstory is completed. Follow the link below, if interested. If you’re not interested, there’s many great diaries to read and comment on. Or you could do both. Or neither.