Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ New Years Eve
This is a maybe hosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I Like that maybe hosted!!!! The waiter is cowering under a blanket hiding from the fireworks.
Yeah that damn waiter does have his quirks. π
We’ve just reached 1pm Jan. 1st (and we are still in our PJ’s), so I guess we’re counting up, not down – ‘though not with any haste.
Happy New Years Keres!!!!
Still in PJ’s huh. Sounds like a good start for the year. π
So far, our only plan for the day is to wash the bunny. Albert’s got dandruff again, and has to be washed with a medicated shampoo every three days until it clears up.
You know those pitiful photos of wet cats? They don’t hold a pahetic candle to soaked-to-the-skin rabbit.
You know the drill. Pictures please. π
I’ll see if Imogen will let me take them. She’s a more concerned about his dignity than I as.
Luna might be in for a mini-bath as well. We took her for a walk yesterday at Cornelian Bay, and she decided that the Lab and the Neopolitan Mastiff (named “Snoogles”) looked like they were having so much fun out in the water that she’s take a dip as well.
Did I mention the tide was out? Now whe smells like something left behind by the tide.
Let me get this straight. He looked dignified in Xmas antlers, but wouldn’t wet. Go figure. π
He mostly looked really pissed-off in the xmas antlers.
When he’s wet, he looks scared and vulnerable – which is not in keeping with his Lord-of-all-He-surveys/Mr. Crankypants persona.
That’s the difference.
Bunny dandruff??? LOL I know I shouldn’t laugh but that is too funny.
Careful, or Albert will sic the Were Rabbit on you.
for refinish69. I hear he’s frinking again tonight.
ROTFLMAO!!! I have actually decided to save the wine for another occasion. I am not in the mood to drink tonight and I always listen to what my body tells me. LOL
My body is telling me to eat ice cream. Bad body! I’m not listening though.
What no cake icing?
I’m not naming names, but someone sent me a jar of chocolate frosting for my birthday and I’ve eaten most of it on a spoon and with pretzels.
Homemade I hope. LOL
No, from a gourmet shop. It was pure orgasm on a spoon – and then on my finger. That sounded bad.
LOL Was it butter cream?
chocolate buttercream. Ooooooooh. :O)
I guess someday I will have to make my icing for you or one of the many variations I have of it. LOL I was a professional baker for a year and have done catering on and off for many years.
Shouldn’t you wait on the icing until she gets over her hot flashes?
Oh, why wait? I think they’re the perfect combo.
choclate calms them with hot flashes almost as much as it does when they are having a visit from aunt flow. LOL
Why do you hate women, so? π
I don’t but I have known enough that chocolate was the only way to work with them for 1 week a month. LOL
Chocolate helps, but money for shopping is better.
yeah but that is the great thing about being gay. I use my money shopping for me. LOL
I’m straight and I use my money for myself too. π
of gay sheep.
flock ewe!
but back on topic–isn’t this countdown a little premature? I mean, even if I lived in the Eastern US, I’d be humming the Volga Boat song halfway through the next 40 minutes.
I ain’t touching that one. π
I knew that would be too much for you. You big baby.
Ya got that one right. π
and of course I ain’t afraid of nothing. Must be the scorpio in me. LOL
Robert Scorpio?
Sorry, I used to watch alot of general hospital.
Well I have sacher cake for dessert.
Don’t ask! Just give in to its raspberry fruit preserve filling, fondant icing and buttercream underlay.
Oh, I know my cakes. Yum.
I have a great recipe but was lazy and bought this one today as I did not feel like cooking. I bought a mini one.
I guess living alone you really have no excuse to be buying a full sized one. But I’d say company was coming and buy it anyway.
LOL Well, I am in the process of losing weight so buy a large one would have been totally nuts. LOL
I give in … looks and sounds delicious! π
LOL It is a chocolate cake-semi sweet with preserves and then a chocolate fondant icing.
What chocolate have you got around the house Olivia?
Oooh! Last summer I had Sacher torte at the place of its origin – the Hotel Sacher. Fantabulous!!!
I just let my 16 year old with the learner’s permit drive me to the store about 6 blocks away. The roads are almost deserted and still we could have died at least twice.
was that from you grapping the wheel or other drivers?
Well, let’s see. He forgot to make sure no one was behind him before backing up. Then he forgot to make sure there was no one coming before turning left. Then he came within inches of scraping a car pulling out of a parking space that had an empty space ON BOTH SIDES! Ok, so it was his first time in the minivan, but still. Sheesh.
That is why I am glad I have two dogs and I refuse to let them drive no matter how much they want to. LOL
Sounds like he did pretty good to me, or maybe he’s ridden with you so much, he’s pick up bad habits. π
I beg your pardon. I’ve been driving since 1980 and have never had an accident or a ticket. Hah!
Since 1980? Geeze you’re a relative newcomer to driving.
Oh the joys of children driving. You could give a small passive message when he drives by wearing a crash helmet.
I think the better message would be to refuse to get in the car with him. It was so much safer running alongside his first two-wheeler when he was 5 years old.
Yeah but probably not as exciting.
May god have mercy on your soul! lol jk π
I’m going to go stick something into a jar of chocolate frosting. If I’m not back at midnight happy new year pond mates. π
Happy New Years SN.
FMom is calling me, so I’ve got to go for a minute.
well you know they say Anything is better dipped in chocolate. LOL
Happy New Years!!!!
we have broken out the wine. We took our children to a Japanese Steak House for dinner. The little guy flips out over them. We have to keep things pretty mellow until xrays tomorrow and figure out where we are with him and what is going on. Our daughter got engaged about two weeks ago. She is seventeen, Oh God…more wine please. I went to talk with a teen counselor about it even and he informed me that my generation was very much about independence and we over did it just a tad and now this generation is all beginning to get married very young, he told me that not only do they not care about what I have to say about it all but they don’t care what he has to say about it all either and eighteen is legal so we can all kiss their asses. I guess the courthouse wedding is in style right now too. I tried to feel okay about it though because her boyfriend was in college and also working part time for UPS. Two weeks ago we were told that he is quitting college and going into the Air Force, but the Air Force doesn’t have a job he wants open for at least six months….okay, I was beginning to stress some there but what are you going to do if someone is determined to join the military right now. Tell a teenager not to do something and that is exactly what they will do first. He went into debt to the tune of a grand for the ring but he will have to pay his pell grant back for not finishing the year and then he had to have the yellow sports car to go with the new girlfriend a few months back and his insurance alone starts at $200 a month. Tonight at dinner it was announced that he quit his UPS job and spent the day job hunting. My husband smiled gently into my eyes waiting for me to choke on my shrimp. It was a little stressful though at work at UPS you see and he just doesn’t need that. I think my husband and I should just get stupid idiot drunk after Joshua goes to sleep and take turns locking each other out while the outsider has to sing “OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOpen the door, I’m a loser baby, so why don’t kill me?” Hmmmmm……I know it’s the Air Force and my husband said that they won’t call your momma too many names to your face in bootcamp but when they do you still can’t do a damn thing about it. Then there is Iraq…..such a stressfree job! Hey, it is better than last year when I couldn’t say or do anything right and she told me that she ought to tie me to my bed and set the house on fire. Now I’m back to being this wonderful loving fantastic mother just watching two young blissful semi-adult lovers bash themselves head first without mercy against a very very thick wall of bricks and then stand back and stare into each others eyes and giggle. Ah, the sweet sweet bliss of young love.
Welp.. I logged onto say happy new year’s to all, but i think you Tracy need it the most π
HNY to one and all Bootribbers…
Soj, you might want to check your link, to make sure it`s not just me. I get “fatal error” for your site.
Happy New Year
No get through
OMG. You need a drink. Or better yet, a frink.
I don’t know what to say about the young lovers except maybe they’ll opt for a long engagement and things will go the way they usually do and they’ll break up before getting married.
Hopefully she won’t get pregnant(!)in the meantime. Poor Tracy.
The godfather phoned in a Happy New Year. Isn’t it terrible that we would look for opportunities for a break up? My husband says that being a young man fresh out of bootcamp and in uniform is a very attractive thing around San Antonio…..then I look at him and tell him he’s sick, then I ask him if he really means that… it hard to stay with one girl when you are a young soldier all polished up? She’s very good about taking care of her woman things so I don’t anticipate that she will get pregnant. She has told me that she wants to be married for a few years before she has a baby. I most definitely need a frink though. I’ve had about two ounces of wine and the New Year is starting to look a little better…as long as the wine holds out LOL!
It looks as if you have an interesting 2007 shaping up. Have a frink on me. Hope it all turns out for the best. Happy New Year!
I might get a little frunk by twelve chimes.
Frunk is good sometimes;-)
I can certainly vouch for what your spouse says about guys in their first visit on-the-economy in SA, following basic training. While I lived in SA, the young trainees were extremely obvious. They, in their sheep-shorn haircuts, and libidos hanging out so prominently as they drooled on the sidewalks, were very very visible. And so were the young women who went after them.
And that’s the air force, but I suspect the story is the same lots of places:
Over the holidays, we learned that the just turned 19 son of my almost-in-law has broken up with his younger fiancee after completing his basic training. He has now taken up with his Sergeant’s daughter at Quantico – with that man’s explicit suggestion and approval and pacing :). Mother and father of said son are very pleased!
Here’s hoping your daughter will refrain from marriage before he joins up.
Here’s worse true confessions. There has been a young man hanging around here for over a year now. He has been very good friends with my daughter. I like him very much. He sticks out like a sore thumb here in small town Alabama because he is half Puerto Rican, he is twenty one and I don’t know his whole family story but several local families took up raising him. His name is Angel. I have always had a spot for him and I told my daughter last year that I was sure he felt more than friendship for her but see, Angel is twenty-one and he thought that my daughter was still too young to ask out. He has been hanging around with her though and her boyfriend. He thought that the romance was a youthful one and nothing to really worry about. Since the engagement though he wouldn’t take any of my daughter’s calls until the other night. Finally he told her that he is upset about the engagement and spilled all the beans. He has started his own small construction company and right now they do more demolition of small buildings than build things but people here love him and he is reliable and honest. His roommate is a local police officer. If I’m going to have to have this son-in-law too damned early God Damn It I should get to pick shouldn’t I? I pick Angel damn it!
Oh damm. I wiah I had words of comfirt to offer but I will send cyber hugs and good thoughts instead.
For all the members of the tribe, hang on , this flight is going to get bumpy before we land. Here`s the moon taken at 7PM.

Happy New Year Head!
A little mother hen & her chick for the new days ahead. Happy New Year Olivia.

I love it Head … π
Another impressive moon shot! Now, not that you would really photoshop a plane, but was that plane really there?
Hey Kidspeak, I ran around the yard a while ago trying to get the planes, that pass overhead in the flight pattern to LAX, in the right position for the shot. I ran up the hill , a little to the right, over there, too much to the left. If the planes kept the exact same path I could have it wired quickly, but I could see a mist coming in so I used a plane I took in frustration & inserted it in. I`ll keep trying & you`ll be the first to see it, when I`m sucessful. Here`s another frustration plane.

Happy New Year
What a photo op you have where you are.
I’m almost done with my frink and I thought you really took these until my husband demanded that I click on them to make them larger. No Fair messing with people frinking.
I guess not, I just opened the first bottle of wine from this years local grape, grown at my friends ranch. I just tasted it with him & his wife, who stopped in. I don`t drink anymore [ya, I know, you don`t drink any less] but I did taste it with them & they were very pleased with my wine making, so that`s all I have to say about frink,, drinking.
Thanks Military Tracy, I must wish you & your`s a much better year ahead. I always read your comments in hopes of hearing good news & constantly dreading the bad. Reading Riverbend`s writings shows how much we all have to lose if we all don`t insist on a better new year.
Please “Keep on Truckin`” You are inspirational, Thank you.
In all honesty, I have never been so happy to see another year end as this last one for political and personal reasons.
2007 has got to be better. On to bigger and better things.
Have a froggy frink on me!
Happy New Year Tracy! I’ll pass on the frink but please, you have one for me. Happy Blue Year girlfriend. I am going to the couch now. The kids fed me crab legs and jumbalia tonight and man am I ever stuffed. Be well my friends.
Sending best wishes for a better year!
I had to laugh at this one – because in thumbnail, it looks just like one toy plane with fake moon I saw at a store today. Of course, in full pic, it doesn’t look like that at all. You are a photo wiz, for sure.
And we just wasted over an hour trying to directly scan in our “worst Christmas present ever”. I may have to shoot a picture of it, though I’m not certain the fake gold on it will photograph clear enough.
Some of us have beautiful targets for pictures, and the rest of us have only humorous ones.
MA! KNUCKLEHEAD’s moonin’ us again!
Nice moon ya’ got there. Happy New Year!
Hey, IndianaD, I’m so glad you showed up!
A quicky serious question: Do you think Lugar will retire when he’s up again in 2012? (He’ll be 80ish). Any successors waiting in the wings among the Repubs?
And my apologies for a serious question on NYs eve!
Hi Kidspeak, Happy New Year to you and Teach if he’s lurking. I haven’t heard a thing on Lugar. Mitch continues to steal the show around here.
Personally, I think Lugar may be setting himself up to retire soon on the biofuels revenue boom.
Happy New Year, ID. Hope Lugar will retire, just curious.
It’s 3:30pm New Years Day, and I still haven’t gotten fully dressed (I couldn’t bring myself to put on pants just yet, not when boxers are so comfy by themselves).
Today has been a slackfest FM would be proud to call his own.
Let’s celebrate all the frog-marching that went on in 06 (Ava Lowery’s tribute to 06)
Good evening and happy new year to all!
I have been running about a bit and Miss Laura + a wild open thread + a drinking game on News Years Eve = I’m too scared to participate even if the word Military is in my screen name.
Wanted for “First Footing”: Old Scots tradition. The first guest of the New Year is to be a single/unattached male, good-looking. And maybe bringing something very very good to drink. The First Footer brings good luck.
In Scotland, such men are in high demand on New Year’s Day. We may have others here who fit the bill – Family Man? Manny? Any others here??
We need that good luck!
Women! You marry them, you stay home with them on New Year’s Eve, and the first thing they do is go looking for a handsome, unattached male with his own booze to show up at the door for “good luck.” Happy 2007 from the chopped liver.
It’s your heritage, dear Teach, and the First Footer is being summoned for the Pond, not for our house.
Don’t stop the smooching on my account.
Happy New Year to everyone!!!!
of the Old Year.
Got me some Segura Viudas Brut Reserva Cava to toast in the New Year.
Making quiches for tomorrow. Watching Poirot.
Nothing like starting another year!
Happy New Year to all Tribbers from curly and ask. Just stopping by briefly and hope everyone is having a great time tonight.
Happy double-oh-seven!
I’m about to get dressed and go to a club where the music will be loud enough I’d better take earplugs. My young friends from around the corner will be playing in their respective bands there.The maybe man couldn’t get extra tickets for the hottest show in town despite his considerable best efforts-he even went to the ballroom and checked out possible ways to sneak in (he’s actually pretty good at that). But I’ll see him tomorrow and that will be good enough.
Blessings to all-your kind words helped make a tough year bearable.
Good night, everyone. Happy New Year, Central Time, and others as it comes.
Care to join me at the after hours bar?
Here in the Rocky Mountains we are still counting down to the magic hour. . .
I just wanted to stop by and wish you all the best of New Years. . .I have a feeling about 2007. . .
Truth is, I have fallen in love with all of you all over again so how can that not be a great foretelling of a new year?
Amazing Hugs, Loves and kisses to all