Americans predict the future:
Among other predictions for the U.S. in 2007:
35 percent predict the military draft will be reinstated.
35 percent predict a cure for cancer will be found.
25 percent anticipate the second coming of Jesus Christ.
What are your predictions for 2007?
I predict…
that GWB will continue following his failed policy in Iraq.
that my boss will continue to be “unreasonable.”
I can’t help but think that we are poised on a momentous year in history. And I can’t say I have a feeling about which direction things will go. Things that I see as possible:
Either way we’re in for a bumpy ride I think. The only scenario that doesn’t seem real to me is that Bush/Cheney back down and get reasonable. So it basically comes down to the question of whether or not we all can work together to stop them.
STOP this madness now!
AP – 5 minutes ago BAGHDAD, Iraq – The death of a Texas soldier, announced Sunday by the Pentagon, raised the number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq to at least 3,000 since the war began, according to an Associated Press count.
Spc. Dustin R. Donica, 22, of Spring, Texas, was killed Thursday by small arms fire in Baghdad, the Defense Department said. Donica was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I predict we will have another helicopters on the roof moment in Baghdad, maybe rather sooner than any of us imagine.
I predict both Bush and Cheney will leave office, maybe somewhat later than any of us want. I don’t know exactly what the mechanism will be, but I lean toward the quiet meeting in the Oval Office scenario. I know even less about who will replace them and under what circumstances. I really don’t think it will be a President Pelosi. The very best scenario I can imagine would probably be a President Danforth. May it come sooner rather than later.
Many, many more Iraqis will die. And they will not be alone.
After that, the crystal ball gets very cloudy.
We must share water
We must share water
Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha, why is this so hard for us to understand?
as I told Bill in Portland today, If Jesus stops by, offer some wine and herb and palaver about “The Good Old Days.”
I predict: [drumroll]
1, An American made plug-in hybrid car will be offered by the beginning of the 2008 model year, and it will be a damn good vehicle!
2, Karl Rove will be in trouble again.
3, The Iraq War will become increasingly untenable, casualties will mount and public disgust will be palpable. The fallout and disgust will hit the Christian Right hard. There could be violence of a kind not seen in this country before, the media will slowly begin to side with the anti-war voices.
4, Social Security may be disrupted due to fiscal woes in the Treasury, triggering widespread unrest and starvation in poorer parts of the country. The problem will be readily and quickly solved by the next President.
5, Iran will be attacked in a sleight-of-hand, by Israel. America will be momentarily blamed, but the secret will get out, straining US Israeli relations in a way not seen before. Bush will be in a complete quandry, totally lost as to what to do, but the troops in the field take a bad pounding because of Bush’s dilly-dallying. The situation will be grave.
6, If 5 happenes, Bush has a nervous collapse. Cheney will try to “iron hand” his way through the mess but he will fail worse than Bush has. The Administration will be in tatters and Congress will be close to open revolt. Cheney attempts a coup to hold on to power and save the administration, the government collapses and the military steps in.
7, Order is quickly restored. But, the military wants oversight on things until the 2008 elections. The situation in Iraq will be dire.
8, Food shortages blamed on “distribution difficulties and errors” will occur along with energy shortages. The economy is in tatters.
9, Old Bush pleads for his son to be relieved of responsibility due to a complete mental breakdown. His pleas will be so touching and heartfelt that Bush is granted his request, The military is at first reluctant to stand down, but a Congressperson and a Senator not desiring to run in a Presidential election step in and finish out 2007-08 with aplomb and good results. America has been scared spitless by the specter of a broken up country and foreign control, the population is unified like never before since 1941.
10, By mid 2008 the Iraq fiasco ends. Afghanistan restarts with more concentration. Tiring of the killing and after losing a family member, a local man in Afghanistan will kill the guerrilla leaders effectively ending the Pashtun uprising. Karzai however is deposed. A new Afghan government is formed and a sitting Loya jurga is formed to administer the government by ancient tribal ways and is successful. Afghanistan is at peace for awhile.
[Drumroll ends, Cymbals crash]
And I hope I am wrong about all but 3 of these predictions, can you guess which 3?
My prediction for 2007 is from Riverbend. We should all read Riverbend’s 2 recent posts, a day apart – especially go read today’ posts weighing on America’s flaunted democracy and the falsehoods on Saddam’s ‘lynching’ from CNN, BBC.
Quote from “End of Another Year” December 29th, 2006h
Quote from “A Lynching” December 31, 2006
(emphasis added)
and the day before. It’s always hard when there is a long silence from her, fear that she no longer exists and an important voice out there in this history and time and place is gone. I read her words out loud today from your post so that they could be heard in our house. So they may live in some form in the paint on the walls and in my children’s hearts. There is a oneness that I feel exists between her and my husband. She never expected perfection, just the ability to have and live some sort of life. Her family had already survived much before Americans made their show, but they worked together and figured out how to do that. Then there are the men and a few women wearing expensive suits talking large quantities of bullshit that is all so deep nothing human remains anymore but the eyes that live in the faces of those who live on the ground called Iraq. Some of those eyes come back to America to live as well. I see some of them every day, so confused, some struggling, some so broken they see nothing else but Iraq over and over again.
the true stats the cowards keep hidden.
Interesting is Professor Juan Cole on What the number 3000 hides
We are all fundamentally tribal creatures. And in a world of a global economy and global communications and global war machines we are headed for a global catastrophe if we do not learn, somehow, to transcend our tribalism.
We’ll begin to see a vague outline of the deep, vast changes in every aspect of human experience that is being brought about by the new communications technologies. It will be amazing, exuberant, and scary as hell all at the same time. What will the shape be like? I don’t have a clue. But it will begin for real to profoundly redirect our cultures, economies, environment, philosophies, and even our lowest-level perceptions, for better or for worse. It will be the final, ultimate, “interesting time” that the Chinese proverb warned us about. The human future will be the prize in a photofinish race between communications technology and a level of environmental degradation that may bring an end to human life on earth.
We are at the beginning of a new age, but seeing its stark reality remains for some undetermined future time.
aka my predictions, listed in order of likeliness:
ACK! No, please, not Mitch Daniels! But come to think of it… it would get him out of our hair…
Congratulations to Soj!
BUCHAREST (AFP) Jan. 1, 2007 – Bulgaria and Romania braced for a special double New Year’s celebration when the two former Soviet bloc states became the newest members of the European Union at midnight. Some 30 million new citizens will join the EU.
Only hours before accession at midnight, Bulgaria began closing down part of its only nuclear power plant, sacrificing valuable energy exports. The decision to close two reactors was taken reluctantly but is part of the price of entry to the EU which, with the New Year’s Day arrival of Romania and Bulgaria, will grow to 27 members.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
George Bush has done his best, but he’s only human. With Jesus on our side, we could slaughter billions of heathens and athiests and teach them once and for all to respect our power. That would be, like, so cool.
we are going to break all this to Jesus when he gets here. I fear the Bible will only get longer. After Revelations will come the book of Shalimar… account of Jesus’ second Ascension back into the heavens getting as far away from us as he can get.
They say one in four Americans think the Second Coming will happen in 2007. I’m all for it if he will do that money changers in the temple thing again.
Happy New Year’s and thank you to all the people who helped make a difference in 2006 and who will work just as hard in 2007!!!
Here is the link to my New Year’s Podcast. Fair warning it is long and I got carried away cussing in some parts. LOL
Happy New Year’s!!!!!
But a Happy New Year wish to all my friends here at the pond:
Good day, everyone. My predictions for 2007? The last step. Some “event” like 9/11. The installation of a military dictatorship. Checkpoints. Tanks in the streets. The Halliburton concentration camps put to use. Bush crowns himself a la Napoleon. And you and I will wish for real seasons, seeds which haven’t been genetically modified, and potable water.
Good luck to all!