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Protesters disrupt press conference on lobbying reform

Washington Business Journal – 3:07 PM EST Wednesday
by Kent Hoover
Washington Bureau Chief

House Democrats tried to unveil their lobbying reform package today, but their press conference was drowned out by chants from anti-war activists who want Congress to stop funding the Iraq war before taking on other issues.

Led by Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a slain soldier, the protesters chanted “De-escalate, investigate, troops home now” as Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., began outlining the Democrats’ plans to ban lobbyist-funded travel and institute other ethics reforms. The press conference was held in the Cannon House Office Building in an area open to the public.

Emanuel finally gave up trying to be heard over the chants, and retreated to a caucus room where Democrats were meeting.

Sheehan says she has nothing against lobbying reform, but she and her fellow anti-war activists want Democrats to know they will keep pressuring Congress to end the war in Iraq.

“We wanted the Democrats to know they’re back in power because of the grass roots,” Sheehan says.

The anti-war activists held their own Capitol Hill press conference earlier in the day before deciding to attend the lobbying reform press conference as well.

Before the chanting started, Sheehan got a hug from Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee

Representative Conyers, too.

Go get ’em.
We must stay on the case of these DemRats.

People like Emmanuel are literally working for the Oil/Israeli interests. The war will NEVER end if they remain in control.

They are in the catbird seat now, the DemRats. The Democratic Party is pretty much controlled by them.

But we can still knock out enough of their mockingbird feathers with well placed slingshot hits like this one to make them show their true colors under pressure. Enough to keep the pot of truth keep the pot of truth boiling.

Bet on it.

Cindy Sheehan has damned good reason to protest.

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As will we all if this insanity does not stop in time.

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As will we all.

You GO, girl.

You GO!!!