(Reich-wing Democrat) “Sen. Bob Casey Jr. said Wednesday he is open to the idea of a temporary troop increase in Iraq….”
Throughout the primary and general election I took endless garbage from Democrats for my pointing out that Bob Casey has never disavowed either the Iraq War or escalating that war. I refused to support Casey for this reason. Instead I supported the ONLY candidate who absolutely opposed the Iraq war, Green Party candidate Carl Romanelli.
The Democrats spent millions of dollars to keep Pennsylvanians who oppose the Iraq War from ever hearing the alternative perspective of Carl Romanelli. They smeared him. They slandered him. They demagogued and attacked bitterly those of us who saw reality and opposed Bob Casey.
Now you idiot sycophant Democrats have a U.S. senator in Bob Casey who will absolutely get more of Pennsylvania’s children killed in the sand and cities of Iraq.
Congratulations Pennsylvania Democrats. You are officially the dumbest voters on the planet.
Support for the Iraq war is an act of treason against the national security, public health and public safety United States of America!
Hey, I didn’t vote for that idiot either. Maybe you should post this at the big orange, where the Casey supporters all hang out?
I was censored and banned from Young Philly Politics today for posting this same note there.
Real Democrats, Pennacchio and Sandals, were treated like SHIT by Ed Rendell and the right-wing Democrats who supported Bob ‘I’m a pro-life Democrat’ Casey. These same authoritarian ‘Casey’ Democrats goose-stepped over the Green Party and their staunch anti-war candidate Carl Romanelli in the courts.
Now, before he is even sworn in, Casey turns his back on the one and only mandate that came of the 2006 elections: get America out of Iraq.
It’s no surprise, for me, that Democratic Party propaganda blogs like Young Phony Propaganda (Young Philly Politics) is censoring people to keep from losing the voters that they so cynically lied to and manipulated in the elections.
the frothy mixture of anal juices and lube that leaks out of your ass just in time to be Rendelled – that lingering sting you feel after being ass fucked non consensually by someone you thought was your friend.
I hate to use such rhetoric but the only way to describe what Ed Rendell and Bob Casey have done to the people of this state, who voted for peace, is they butt fucked everyone with a lit blow torch.
It will be no different with this state legislature. Their special criminal justice session will result in one thing only, they only thing that the single-minded right-wing Democrats and Republicans have ever done when confronted with the ever increasing crime that is a DIRECT RESULT OF THE ECONOMICS OF THEIR UTHORITARIAN DRUG WAR, they will escalate.
Just as escalation has not fixed Iraq so too every time they have escalated the drug war police state the only outcome has been more crime. More Drugs. More addiction.
I eagerly anticipate the pro-constitution/pro-democracy revolt that is surely coming to this fascist America.
Two words: Chuck Penacchio. A Democratic candidate that was worth supporting but the name recognition provided by a former governor was apparently more important.
Pa. Democrats Pick GOP House Speaker
Democratic legislators in Pennsylvania pick a Republican leader in historic vote
I guess you didn’t see KosCo promoting that on their front page yesterday as a brilliant coup for the Dems of PA…since O’Brien is so good on mental health/retardation/autism. They conveniently forgot to mention that he is not only anti-choice, but also anti-family planning.
(I’ll just go get the knot out of my panties now…)
TO CabinGirl:
My note below was for you.
That crap abour O’Brian being anti-choice TOO is appalling. Here is the post I wrote yesterday about the PA Democrats. Ed Rendell’s GOP success story
O’Brian has been chairman of the PA House judiciary committee. That means that he is a major player in the prison population apportionment and gerrymandering schemes that have given rural Republicans an unfair electoral edge in Pennsylvania in recent elections. SEE: Pennsylvania -democracy incarcerated-
They conveniently forgot to mention that he is not only anti-choice, but also anti-family planning.
Of course he is.
They also forgot to mention the fact that the ‘Democrats’ in PA have a majority in their House. (which actually is the story) The other curious thing was that I found no mention of this travesty on any of the blogs (including this one) owned by folks who actually are living in PA.
But the article from Rep. Cohen trying to spin this pathetic result as some sort of grassroots triumph was beneath contempt
Yes Colleen, the silence was deafening.
I wrote about it on the 3rd at my blog, LeftIndependent. No one reads me because I am anti-partisan. I attack the concept of political parties. They are nothing but organized mobs to give groups inordinate control over what should otherwise be a democracy.
Ed Rendell’s GOP success story
3 Jan 2007
The Democrats could be sooo much more than they are. They are a never ending disappointment for me.
I am proud to say that, in 2004, Daily Kos banned me from participating of their blog for my criticizing right-wing Democrats like drug warrior John Kerry.
George Washington, in his farewell address as the first president of our nation, tried to wan us about these party thugs.
George Washington: “Let me now take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally.”
The Democrats are so capitulated to the right-wing of America that they simply don’t know what they have become. They don’t tell truths. they no longer know truth. They peddle propaganda and disinformation on sites like Daily Kos and Young Philly Politics.
I hope the FEC comes down on all of these phony blogs that are not independent of the two dominance political parties. Too many of these blogs are nothing more than propaganda and disinformation organs for the Democrats or Republicans.
Perhaps you think this is a Philly or a PA blog? It’s not.
I’d also suggest that you be careful about portraying the Democratic party or persons who vote Democratic as a monolithic, unified group, where every individual member is marching in lockstep. That’s a page right out of Karl Rove’s playbook.
Of those here who are from PA, I have’t seen a single person writing or commenting on behalf of Casey as their preferred candidate. Quite the opposite. Instead, I’ve seen a great deal of anger at having Casey chosen behind closed doors, and presented as the defacto candidate with virtually no public ability to influence that choice.
But neither have I seen members of our community be very successful at insulting everyone who wasn’t willing to make complete disavowals of the Democratic party, either. Some here are Democrats, some are not. Thus far, however, I haven’t seen us stand for wholesale calling of Democrats idiots, dumb, or sycophants. I think you need to find a way to use that anger you have more productively.
first. I have no idea what you are trying to say in that silly geographic issue that you brought up. for right-wingers its any flacid excuse to denounce and demonize critics rather than discuss the issues.
Try talking about the issues rather than using the typical Democrat/Republican demagogue tactic of attacking the messenger. One of the many reasons I quit the Democratic Party, as a third generation Democrat, was because I got tired of the Democrats using right wing demagogue tactic on me. Your note proves that nothing has improved among Democrats in the past dozen years since Bill Clinton, Ed Rendell and the DLC drove me and millions of others out of the Democratic Party with their incessant whoring for the right-wing of America.
I don’t support right wing political parties. I have that right. the Democrats are a right wing party and I denounce them for it. They betrayed my progressive/liberal/left-wing constitutional values and instead pander to right-wing, divisive and moralistic family values. There is damn good reason for millions of good constitution loving Americans to hate the Democrats as much as we hate the Republicans for your authoritarian subversion of MY constitution and democracy.
Hating you right-wing Democrats is the healthiest and most patriotic political thing that I can do with my anger.
I have neither denounced nor demonized you. You are the person using the strong language: “flaccid excuse”
“typical. . demagogue tactic of attacking the messenger”. That’s pretty inflammatory language you’re using there to describe what I said to you.
I was and am trying to give you a message. It appears that you are attacking me when I’m trying to give you a message. Is it demagoguery to point out to you that people in this community were quite upset about Casey? Is it demogoguery to suggest that along with human rights and civil rights, you may want to think about how these relate to treating the people, even those you disagree with, humanely and civily, e.g. not making personal attacks?
I raised the issue of Pennsylania, because your diary seemed entirely focused on that state. Getting people to leave or dislike or join you in hating the Dems because of Ed Rendell or Chuck Schumer’s co-opting of citizen input in PA doesn’t mean much to the rest of us here. I am not nearly as worried about that happening in the state where I live.
I’ll get very concrete. Try persuading people about what is good and desirable about the Greens or whatever set of political beliefs and goals you think U.S. citizens should be following rather than endorsing any candidate or policy or idea put forth by Democrats.
Consider that simply announcing that you hate Democrats – and, for example, moving from saying “the Democrats” to saying “you Democrats” and “your authoritarian subversion”, is not a good way to persuade people, assuming that’s what you want to do. You are assuming that I’m a Democrat, which is information that you do not know. Even if I or any reader here is a Democrat, you make it sound as if every Democrat is authoritarian and is subverting the Constitution. Make a case for why having a Democrat in the Senate like Casey means that having Democrats in Congress like John Conyers should not give some positive feelings about the Democratic party.
In any case, seeing that you group Democrats into a set of people that you target for hate, whether accurate or not, puts people off who are not prepared to join you in that hatred. Having you say that you hate something is not a compelling reason to get me to hate that thing, if indeed that’s what you are trying to accomplish.
Somewhere in your original message, there is the idea that you think people should be doing something else other than participating in the Democratic party. Focus on getting people to see that. Surely you had rather move people to a better set of ideas. Perhaps you might read a little about how successful persuasion is done,
You apparently saw my previous post as attacking you. That was not my intention. You saw it as not discussing real issues. The issue I was discussing previously is how and why you are writing here. Who is your audience? What is your purpose in speaking to that audience? If persuasion is really what you are after, I don’t think your way is going to succeed. That’s what I’m saying to you. That’s my message.
You should read more than one essay by a person before making such blanket and defensive assertions.
Instead of attacking my rhetoric why not discuss the issues underlying the rhetoric instead of dismissing it as unimportant.
I write about what I write about. Does everything posted on Booman have to be of some deep personal interest to you personally? If I can’t write about your interests and only about your interests I should not write?
All that long diatribe of yours is nothing but rationales and excuses why I should not upset you. Why I should conform to your tortured browbeating.
LOL! You don’t know this leftist American.
The Democrats have screwed this country up by NOT BEING MORE PROGRESSIVE! I determined years ago that the only way left to get through to Democrats and help them to understand the error of their ways is aggressive confrontation because anything else is perceived as sycophantic appeasement by the Democrats and quickly ignored.
I am trying to incite people to move the Democrats away from Jim Crow authoritarianism and back to constitutional democracy. You see this and do not like it.
I don’t give a damn what you think of my expression. I know my writing will have just the opposite effect on others. Its a zen thing. (;^>)
Take your anger somewhere else. We are not here to be a handy dumping ground for your bile. You seem so proud of your bannings, why doesn’t Booman just ban you now and reinforce your proud victim status without us having to put up with this crap.
Why don’t you learn to address issues rather than attacking the messenger.
Your intolerance of my differing perspective is unbecoming of this “PROGRESSIVE” web blog.
If you don’t want your politicians criticized move to China.
I will be real interested to see if Casey will vote for the money to surge.
Online speculation now is that Bush put an admiral in charge because the invasion of Iraq will be done by sea since no country will host us for it. Probably not even Iraq.
Booman, being a real progressive, would not ban a person for their political expression. Unlike you right-wing Jim Crow Democrats.
Call it tough love.
Until the Democrats return to being the pro-human rights, civil liberties, social justice, (constitutional values), party of my liberal youth I will grace them with the embrace of my electoral affection. Until then I refuse to support a right-wing party that has used the criminal justice system to destroy the lives of millions of good Americans.
Bob Casey, Ed Rendell and the Pennsylvania legislature speaker snafu all serve to prove my point. Thugs. Republicrat thugs!
I denounce and attack ALL American politicians who support the crime fostering, terrorism funding, addiction promoting drug war regardless of party affiliation. Bill Clinton inspired this attitude when he bragged and thumped his chest over his world record prison population.
If you want to defend these indefensible cretins you are welcome to do so. Its your credibility that you bargain with.