(Reich-wing Democrat) “Sen. Bob Casey Jr. said Wednesday he is open to the idea of a temporary troop increase in Iraq….”

Throughout the primary and general election I took endless garbage from Democrats for my pointing out that Bob Casey has never disavowed either the Iraq War or escalating that war. I refused to support Casey for this reason. Instead I supported the ONLY candidate who absolutely opposed the Iraq war, Green Party candidate Carl Romanelli.

The Democrats spent millions of dollars to keep Pennsylvanians who oppose the Iraq War from ever hearing the alternative perspective of Carl Romanelli. They smeared him. They slandered him. They demagogued and attacked bitterly those of us who saw reality and opposed Bob Casey.

Now you idiot sycophant Democrats have a U.S. senator in Bob Casey who will absolutely get more of Pennsylvania’s children killed in the sand and cities of Iraq.

Congratulations Pennsylvania Democrats. You are officially the dumbest voters on the planet.

Support for the Iraq war is an act of treason against the national security, public health and public safety United States of America!