I am seriously considering sending each of the front runners a product with one of my ndesigns for htem and infoprmation on how they can become an affilliate and make money off the designs if they do link backs. LOL Nothing like being pushy.
I usually sleep in clumps if I sleep but last night I was having weird dreams so I got up to see if I could lose them before sleeping again. I will admit I feel exhausted this am but with lots of coffee and determination I will make it through the day. LOL
I didn’t have a good clump of sleep from 1981 until last year. Cat naps don’t work for me either. Studies show that you don’t ever get into that deep, restful sleep.
I went through several years of not being able to sleep well during peri-menopause/menopause. Not being able to get some solid sleep is, I think, one of the most misery-inducing things there is.
I don’t nap well at all; I’ve got to be absolutely exhausted in order to nap.
Between babies, then toddlers, then having to use the powder room (aren’t you pleased with my discretion?)every 35 minutes it was a drag.
Speaking of drag, I dropped the Mr. off for his colonoscopy and the waiting room smelled like lots of people in gastric distress. And the tv was tuned to a xtian station so I turned it to CNN and then left for some fresh air and coffee. I’m a bad wife.
It was fine — mom was delighted to have us visit plus we fixed some things at the house that needed doing and we went out to dinner at a really good greek restaurant.
And the phone and power were back on when we got home.
That’s exactly right. Real vacations need at least 3 weeks: one to “de-work, next to enjoy, then the 3rd to deal with that rising anxiety/anticipation of all the work that hasn’t been done while you were gone.
That goodwill is proportionate with the length of leave, and all good corporatins and organizations should try to maximize such worker sentiments.
Nothing planned and we didn’t do the plan we had planned. We didn’t go to Dayton (Jim wasn’t feel quite up to snuff so 6 hours of driving wasn’t very appealing).
Doing nothing much has been very enjoyable, though.
And speaking of catnaps, I’ve got to get one before I start running again. Been practicing that upright sleeping, Andi, but somehow, without the uncomfortable airport seats, it isn’t the same. Also, having 4 cats trying to sleep on top of Teach and I doesn’t work so well either.
Actually was up, showered and dressed before 9am…who knew?
Spouse is watching the assorted Congressional ceremonies; I’m listening (my back’s to the TV — I’m on the big computer today). A bit damp outside right now, but supposedly will clear up this afternoon so we can get some grocery shopping done.
John Dean had some interesting comments on “Countdown” last night regarding the possibilities of impeachment — I diaried it both here and at Big Orange.
Aha! Can’t believe I am up before you, Andi.
Or maybe it’s the beasts confronting the full moon. “it’s light! It’s time to eat! Feed me, feed me, no, FEED MEEE!
Oh, and good morning.
Morning Kidspeak!!!!
I slept all the way till 6:15 — it’s like a miracle! My body finally accepts I’m on vacation when it’s just about over.
You mean the pack finally lets you sleep in a little. LOL
Morning Miss Andi!!! Here is a design I did this am.
John Edwards Has My Vote
I am seriously considering sending each of the front runners a product with one of my ndesigns for htem and infoprmation on how they can become an affilliate and make money off the designs if they do link backs. LOL Nothing like being pushy.
Nice work, RF! I like that a lot better than anything Edwards has linked from his site.
I”ve decided that you never sleep, RF.
well, I slept 10:30 till 1 am and then from 2:30 till 4:30. LOL No I don’t sleep a lot.
So you’re really a cat and just sleep in bursts.
I normally get about 6 hours a night but I like ’em clumped together; otherwise I don’t feel rested.
I usually sleep in clumps if I sleep but last night I was having weird dreams so I got up to see if I could lose them before sleeping again. I will admit I feel exhausted this am but with lots of coffee and determination I will make it through the day. LOL
I didn’t have a good clump of sleep from 1981 until last year. Cat naps don’t work for me either. Studies show that you don’t ever get into that deep, restful sleep.
I went through several years of not being able to sleep well during peri-menopause/menopause. Not being able to get some solid sleep is, I think, one of the most misery-inducing things there is.
I don’t nap well at all; I’ve got to be absolutely exhausted in order to nap.
Between babies, then toddlers, then having to use the powder room (aren’t you pleased with my discretion?)every 35 minutes it was a drag.
Speaking of drag, I dropped the Mr. off for his colonoscopy and the waiting room smelled like lots of people in gastric distress. And the tv was tuned to a xtian station so I turned it to CNN and then left for some fresh air and coffee. I’m a bad wife.
Jim dropped me off for mine and came back when I was “done”. There’s no point in hanging around.
That makes me feel better.
How was Indy(anapolis) yesterday?
It was fine — mom was delighted to have us visit plus we fixed some things at the house that needed doing and we went out to dinner at a really good greek restaurant.
And the phone and power were back on when we got home.
You’re making me hungry. I guess it’s time for my bowl of Crispix.
🙂 See everyone later.
Good morning, morning crew.
Good thing it’s a short week (no smirks, Andi).
Short week for everyone but me. LOL Morning Ask!!!!
Morning, rf.
You mean you didn’t even take off Monday?
I worked 4 hours on Monday and will be working 4 hours of overtime this saturday.
I’m not smirking — vacation is almost gone and no matter how long it was, I’m still not ready to go back to work.
I know – it takes about a week just to wind down before any true vacation feeling sets in. By then, it’s often the time to go back in.
That’s exactly right. Real vacations need at least 3 weeks: one to “de-work, next to enjoy, then the 3rd to deal with that rising anxiety/anticipation of all the work that hasn’t been done while you were gone.
That’s my theory as well. It takes at least 3 weeks.
at least 4 times a year so we can feel refreshed and full of good will toward work.
That goodwill is proportionate with the length of leave, and all good corporatins and organizations should try to maximize such worker sentiments.
and now I think we know why neither of us are CEOs.
To make things worse, I went to lunch with some old friends last week and two of them are retired as of January 1. It made me jealous.
I’m still having the not feeling like working problem, and I’ve been back at it since Tuesday.
I agree with you and ask…we need 3 weeks of vacation at a time, 4 times a year.
Though in your case, I suppose it would work best if only you got the all 3 weeks of vacation and the boys got the middle week.
That sounds about right. A week to ready myself for the onslaught, a week of school vacation, and them a week to recover.
Got any more fun planned for the next couple of days before you go back?
Nothing planned and we didn’t do the plan we had planned. We didn’t go to Dayton (Jim wasn’t feel quite up to snuff so 6 hours of driving wasn’t very appealing).
Doing nothing much has been very enjoyable, though.
Morning Ask.
Time for me to shower and get to work. I will try and check in from work or tonight when I get home. Everyone have a great day!!!!!
Same here, time to get ready.
Everyone have a great day.
And speaking of catnaps, I’ve got to get one before I start running again. Been practicing that upright sleeping, Andi, but somehow, without the uncomfortable airport seats, it isn’t the same. Also, having 4 cats trying to sleep on top of Teach and I doesn’t work so well either.
I realize that made no sense at all. I still can’t breathe very well (bronchitis at infinitum), so I’m up far too much.
Have a good day, ask, andi, rf, and anyone else who’s up now.
Hope you get some rest. I don’t know if this will help but I find I can sleep upright on a couch much more comfortably than on a chair.
Yuck. I hope you feel better soon, kidspeak.
Actually was up, showered and dressed before 9am…who knew?
Spouse is watching the assorted Congressional ceremonies; I’m listening (my back’s to the TV — I’m on the big computer today). A bit damp outside right now, but supposedly will clear up this afternoon so we can get some grocery shopping done.
John Dean had some interesting comments on “Countdown” last night regarding the possibilities of impeachment — I diaried it both here and at Big Orange.
Okay, off to try and accomplish something…
Froggy Bottom Café Happy Hour here