Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
FM is maybe you host.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Newcomers and lurkers come on in. We have anything you want to drink or eat and great conservation.
Does everybody have a life all of a sudden? Time for some beer and popcorn.
Family Man, Happy New Year!
It feels like end of Spring going into Summer. Yea, unreal in northern VT. We’re putting out the BBQ.
FM, my stein needs a refill. What was I drinking? Not to worry, I’ll take whatever you’re pouring.
Toast, Good Health to all. Have a round on me.
Hi idredit and same back at ya.
Whatever you want we can fill the stein with. I’ve heard predictions that the north east will be getting snow during Jan and Feb. Don’t give up hope.
It’s freakishly warm here and getting warmer by the day. The plum trees are blossoming. I’ve got little yellow blooms on my forsythia bush. All the dogs at the park are humping, thinking it’s spring.
I think we’ll have more cold before the spring. Everything blooming will just die off again and the plants will get really confused.
I wish it would get cold enough to kill all the mosquitoes and fleas or we’ll have another bumper crop of them. Oop, I mean skeeters.
For mosquitoes (as we call them down here) and fleas I agree with you. 🙂
FM, whoever made those predictions, snow in Jan and Feb, is drinking double single malt. Spring rain it is. And after Feb.15, winter goes quickly downhill, this year without skis. The ground is still very warm and we do not expect the lakes will freeze over.
Happy happy hour you two. Is this a private party or can I join in?
It wouldn’t be a party without you SN.
How’s the day gone and how’s Mr. Nature?
Mr. Nature had way more sleep than I did and is feeling fine. I spent the afternoon with my pasty yet somehow sexy British dog park friend and his two ridgebacks. Now we’re having french toast for dinner. Just about perfect day.
Glad to hear you day has gone so well. Are you sure it’s the pasty and sexy or is it the accent. 🙂
The accent is quite sexy. Everything sounds so much more dignified when he says it. It’s a welcome change from “Skeeter, you git yer sorry ass over here!”
Well I guess so. Your using lower Southern speech. In higher Southern speech it would be “Skeeter, please come over here so that I may talk with you, you sorry piece of **”
I love the concept of higher southern speech. 😉
Yeah I wonder if they have that up North. 🙂
Up there it’s called just plain speech and everyone knows it’s higher.
Well it’s the same way down here. So you’re telling me that someone from Cleveland sounds the same as someone from New York. Up there ya’ll have so many different dialects that you don’t know who is from where. Down here we all sound the same, so I vote for Southeast dialect to be the national dialect. 😛
I doan raghtly know if’fn that’ll ever happ’n, FM. You speck so?
Just as long as youse guys would try to learn to speak correctly.
Ya’ll goin ta larn us how?
Sounds like you’ve got a handle on it already. I see you used ya’ll. Hah!
Alright, I cave. People are going to think I’m being mean to you.
Nah no more than usual. 🙂
Oh, I have to differ on that one. No, indeed, there are several Southern accents. The tarheel stuff that SN hears is not at all like the Alabamanian accent that you might be hearing there in the black belt of Alabama, where no one eveh says an ah in any wohd.
My real name begins with an R. And when I lived in B’ham, it was a thial to the natives! Now, in East Texas, it was said quite differently, actually as Ray.
Hi KS.
I agree with you completely. I’m just trying to get SN to start using ya’ll, or at least admit she does. 🙂
If she regularly has been using “you guys”, her goose is cooked on a daily basis!
I don’t know because I don’t know how people from Cleveland who have had to pick up some of the Southern accent would sound. 🙂
Unless SN totally avoided African American’s in Cleveland, she certainly would have heard some Southern accents before she moved South. It should not have come as a big shock.
When I lived in Germany, my landlord told me that the dialect was different even 50 kilometers away. I thought how odd back then, but I guess it’s the same here except with a little more distance.
Mr Nature now knows that only “hard” part about a colonoscopy is the “soft” part that comes before.
I love french toast for dinner.
Yeppers. And let me tell you, the whole concept of a “master bath” in the bedroom is very very gross. Basically it’s a crapper in the bedroom. And Ryan was home last night so I couldn’t sleep in her bed.
After so many babies it would seem like you were used to it. What ever happened to the concept of sharing. 😉
Sorry, there is no comparison between baby poop and 52 yo man doo doo. Plus my kids were breast fed and their poop didn’t stink.
Spoken like a true mother. My kids poop don’t stink. 🙂
I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I guess you’ll never know unless you follow the same diet. 😉
Way past my time for that. I guess I’ll have to take your word for it. 🙂
It’s good on cheerios.
What about for making ice cream though. 🙂
Never tried that. But if I ate a hershey bar they got chocolate milk that night. And if I jumped up and down it was a milkshake.
What a thoughtful mother. 🙂
from my comment. I’m glad I could get it started though.
The raunchy ball has lots of momentum once it gets started.
I thought that was the purpose of the cafe.
it’s too early to bust the margins.
and he’s got a steering wheel shoved down the front of his trousers.
The bartender has seen some strange things, working as he does at the bar that all these odd people in jokes walk into, but this is stranger than most.
“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice that you have a steering wheel shoved into your trousers.”
“Aye, matey,” said the pirate, “an’ it’s drivin’ me nuts.”
Arr arr arr arr arr . . .
Aaaaah. Music to my ears.
OK I’m here, were are ya’ll?
I went to eat dinner.
You ate dinner in 15 minutes. You’re fast! I’m one of those people who is always the last to leave the table because I really take my time. It’s a hassel sometimes.
Once dinner is made, how long can it take to eat it?
Well you have people who just shovel it down. You have people that eat slowly, and you have poeple who in between bites talk.
I’ve been out with friends before that I’m trying to shovel it down as fast as possible, but no matter, I’m always the last one through.
No for how long it should take. If you had a hotpocket, then not long. 🙂
like you, I’m a slow eater…one of the best pleasures of cooking/dining is savouring the food, wine, and the conversation that accompanies it.
personally, I hate to be rushed when eating, anytime.
Well there’s our problem — no conversation and no wine.
that’s all part of being the second most boring couple in america…
<ducks and goes for a fresh beer>…:{)
of being reminded of our single greatest achievement.
I have a feeling you two are anything but boring!!!!
that you aren’t always right. 😀
I am always right and I would be thrilled no honored to spend time talkling with either couple !!!
What Refinish said. Well about the spending time talking with both couples. 🙂
and if you had come to Chicago, you could have done just that.
I would have been there if I could have afforded it., LOL Maybe if you guys do a meet up this year I can go.
I should also add that in a campaign year the only traveling I do is for political evfents. LOL
Hah! What Andi said.
like you would come to any meet-up
You mean you didn’t see me! I must have been with the wrong group.
I guess we could all do a road trip to Bama. We know he feeds people well. LOL
Yep always a pimento cheese sandwich waiting for ya. 🙂
comfort food!!!!
Nothing but. 🙂
and if it is on toasted wonder bread all the better. LOL
Oh refinish never toasted. When you bite down on a toasted pimento cheese sandwich, the pimento cheese goes out the side. 🙂
LOL always toasted and then you lick the edges. LOL
Nah toasting just adds one more step. Simple and easy is the way I like it. 🙂
No, NO. That is Teach and I. Definitely.
Sorry but we’re older than you and we’ve been married longer than you — we’ve had this title for decades. But we’ll let you claim third most boring.
So we can safely say that both couple are pretty boring? 🙂
“Pretty” applies only to our livestock, and occasionally to our yard and once a year or so to our old house. That’s about it.
Excuse me. I should have said quite boring. 🙂
You’re forgiven. Just don’t do that ever again.
Hey BTW, where’s Teach this evening. Did you hid his computer? 🙂
That should have been did you hide his computer. Arrg.
No. Much too big to hide. He’s on the computer, doing stuff, I’m not sure what.
For some reason I pictured you both with lap tops sitting on the couch.
No, we did have two laptops, but they both got dropped – something we don’t talk about. Fixing cost more than replacing. They’ll be replaced, some day. Meanwhile, we do each have a desktop here, which are linked to the same system about 4 feet apart. (in our old old house, phone service is an ongoing problem. Getting someone to work on it is even harder to deal with.)
We had frittata and green beans so more time than a hotpocket but a lot less than a five course dinner.
saw this pic today, and for some inexplicable reason, thought of FMom…
clik to enlarge
performance art by Angie Hiesel, h/t BBC
guess it keeps her out of mischief, eh? :{)
greetings yawl…wuzup
Wuzup dada.
I’ll show this picture to FMom, but of course I’ll tell her we would have to hire a crane to get her up there. That should piss her off. 🙂
I’m not worried. She’s one of the few people I can out run. 🙂
I Love this picture!!!!
Speaking of dinner. I’ve got to go and prepare ours.
Back in awhile.
Hi Folks!!!! Today is a great day!!!!! I am so looking forward to the changes that are on the way. Here are two designs I did once I got home today for our First Woman Speaker of the House!!!
Nancy Pelosi for President ’07
Madam Speaker
Nice slogans. Wishful thinking but still nice.
Thank you Miss Andi!!! I can dream. LOL
Froggy Bottom Café Happy Hour II here