Let the AP in the NYT break the news:
Harriet Miers, President Bush’s failed Supreme Court nominee, has submitted her resignation as White House counsel, the White House announced Thursday.
White House press secretary Tony Snow said the president reluctantly accepted her resignation, which takes effect Jan. 31. He said a search for a successor is under way.
I don’t think that it heralds a spate of White House resignations, either.
I think it means that Bush is lawyering up. Against Congress.
She dropped outta sight like the weekly garbarge after that embarrassment.
She’s one of Bush’s enablers, right? Now Negroponte is overseeing State for yet another enabler, Condi Rice.
Things are gonna get interesting between the enablers and Daddy’s henchmen.
But I still think that they are lawyering up.
They’re definitely lawyering up. Absolutely.
Oh, and Condi “welcoming” Johnny boy? Please! Who leaves as top dog of one agency to be deputy somewhere else unless you’ve got all the power and none of the public responsibility.
This is a first. I found myself agreeing with Tucker Carlson this afternoon. Miers is completely unqualified, and the White House knows that all $%^&* is about to break loose.
Miers’ resignation today is no coincidence. She would be completely unqualified to represent the president in any serious hearing. I see it as a sign of panic–like a puddle on the floor.
I look for her to be replaced by a well-connected blue-blood attack dog. She is a Barney.