My little hamster wheel has been spinning white hot ever since I read that John Negroponte is leaving his position as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to take a position as Deputy Secretary of State. This is some really, really strange stuff. There are some very deep politics beneath this.
First we have to examine John Negroponte. He currently has a very prestigious position. He is in charge of coordinating all U.S. intelligence activities and, most importantly, he has the job of briefing the President each morning. The people that serve the President can be loosely defined into three groups. There are the principles (Cabinet members, plus Vice-President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, and DNI Negroponte), and their deputies, and everyone else. You might remember that Richard Clarke complained about being demoted under Bush to a deputy level. That meant he could not directly get the ear of the President. Richard Clarke was stuck jibber-jabbering with Richard Armitage, Scooter Libby, and Paul Wolfowitz rather than talking to Powell, Rummy, and Cheney). Why on earth would Negroponte agree to move from the adult’s table to eat at the fold-out kiddie’s table?
The official explanation is completely disingenuous:
Mr. Negroponte previously served as ambassador to the United Nations and to Iraq, and administration officials say Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had been trying to recruit him to bring more Iraq expertise to her office.
Mr. Negroponte’s move to the State Department has been rumored for months. [ed. note: I haven’t heard a peep] Ms. Rice was pushing to bring Mr. Negroponte in as her deputy, and officials in Washington speculated that the career diplomat might be more comfortable returning to the State Department.
Can you imagine George Tenet leaving the CIA to be Powell’s deputy? Can you imagine Rumsfeld leaving the Pentagon to be Rice’s deputy? If Rice had suggested to Negroponte that he be her deputy he would have looked at her like she had two heads and told her to ream herself.
So far I have come up with two scenarios that might explain this entirely unprecedented development. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Scenario One: Condi Rice cannot handle her position as Secretary of State but there is no position to move her to. It would be too big of a blow for Bush to fire her but he cannot get rid of her by retasking her. Negroponte is being brought in to run the State Department, while Rice will remain a figurehead. After a period of time Rice may take a job in the private sector citing burnout or ill-health or something. Negroponte has been assured that he will take over the top spot at some not too distant point in the future, or has been satisfied that he will be in the principles meetings and this is just for show.
Scenario Two: This is another part of a Poppy Bush coup. First they forced Porter Goss out of the CIA, then they moved Robert Gates into the Pentagon, now they move Negroponte into the State Department and put former NSA chief (under Poppy Bush and Clinton) J. Michael McConnel in as Director of National Intelligence. Poppy’s people know that Rice is untouchable, but they will use their old-hand Negroponte to control State and reassure our Sunni allies.
Why are they selling this as something that Rice wanted? Because it clearly indicates that she is unable to do her job and it undermines her authority. They are trying to blunt that perception by making it look like it is her idea.
The big questions are: how did they convince Bush to go along with this, and how did they convince Negroponte to go along with this? And who recommended J. Michael McConnel.
And here is a bit of connect the dots trivia for you. McConnell is currently Vice President and Director of Booz Allen Hamilton’s Infrastructure Assurance Center of Excellence. Booz Allen Hamilton has a longstanding relationship with our intelligence agencies, with former employees including R. James Woolsey, Jonathon Bush, Dov Zakheim, and Miles Copeland Jr. Here’s a little tidbit from Copeland’s career in-and-out of the CIA and Booz Allen.
In 1953, Copeland returned to private life at the consulting firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton, while remaining a non-official cover operative for the CIA. In this role he traveled to Cairo to offer Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had overthrown King Farouk and taken power in Egypt, U.S. technical assistance in their ongoing border conflicts. At the time, the U.S. considered the new state of Israel a threat to oil industry interests in the region.
In 1954, Syria merged with Egypt in the United Arab Republic; and in 1955 Copeland returned to the CIA. During the Suez Crisis, the United States decided to block France and the United Kingdom, which had invaded, and back Egypt’s independence and control of the Suez Canal, a move said to have been advocated by Copeland with the goal of ending British control of the region’s oil resources, and forestalling the influence of the Soviet Union on regional governments by placing the US on their side. Nevertheless, after the crisis Nasser moved closer to the USSR and accepted massive military technology and engineering assistance on the Aswan Dam. Copeland, allied with John and Allen Dulles, worked to reverse US diplomatic policy on Egypt at this time.
After King Faisal II was deposed by Iraqi nationalists, Copeland admittedly oversaw CIA contacts with the regime and internal opponents including Saddam Hussein and others in the Ba’ath Party. With Egyptian assistance, Hussein was aided in the failed assassination of Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qassim, who had blocked union with the United Arab Republic, a goal of the Ba’athists. Hussein fled to Cairo and bided his time under Egyptian protection until a coup against Qassim — which blindsided American officials — occurred in 1963. Seizing the moment, Hussein, said to have been provided with U.S. weapons, took part in massacres of suspected Communists as the new regime consolidated power, and rose in the Ba’ath power structure. [2]
So, you see? Bringing in a new Booz Allen guy to replace Negroponte is just in keeping with our rich history of getting it right in the Middle East. Same old guys doing the same old shit.
Deep. Very Deep.
also available in orange.
Condi in over her head?
Ya think?
it sure seems that way. She’s also not too popular with the Get-Iran crowd, but I don’t know where Negroponte stands or where his primary loyalties lie.
What if they were preparing for someone that may be leaving the White House soon? And what if they wanted to replace that someone with the first black woman to ever become Vice President? Would it help them avoid a President Pelosi?
I know that it is way out there, but?
Very possible, it certainly signals that Condi may not last the term. If I were Bush, I would be fighting tooth and nail to get Cheney to stick around. Millions more would immediately jump on the impeachment bandwagon if the evil replacement stepped out of line.
Not that Junior is bright enough to realize this on his own, obviously, but key members of his staff who don’t want to lose their jobs might recognize the danger. And those same people very well might see having a black woman V.P. as even better protection than the evil bloodsucker, especially in their racist excuse for a party.
Great diary BooMan.
Some game is afoot at the highest levels. There is conflict in BushCo. These are interesting times.
I see Dick Cheney’s hand behind this one-two punch.
What maneuver is this to escape accountability by new Congress? To fill the gap left by Bolton at the U.N. or perhaps he needs this position to clean personal history files: death squads in Central America and as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I tend to agree with your scenarios, but there is one possibility you didn’t mention:
Negroponte’s orders were to neuter the role of DNI and hand as much control of intelligence as possible over to DoD (Rummy). Now that he’s done that, Negroponte is sick of his worthless job and ready to move onto something else even if it theoretically would be a demotion. Plus, Condi really is incompetent so as long as he is promised continued access Negroponte’s power wouldn’t decline.
I really haven’t been following the power struggle over intelligence closely, so I don’t know how likely that possibility is. Regardless of scenario, I think we’re seeing the first step in provoking a war with Iran sometime this year (wars increase Presidential popularity and the White House is desparate for a boost, though I doubt it will work again for this moron-in-chief). Negroponte has the guile and ingenuity to fake some kind of provocation where Condi clearly doesn’t.
Condi has been in over her head since ‘it might have said “Bin Laden determined to attack UC”‘…
My tin foil hat shuffle:
Bush , inspired by Nixon/Ford appoints Condi as the healing VP when Cheney is rocked with controversy and resigns as a result of his testimony during Libby’s trial… Dub then subsequently resigns under growing threats of impeachment as Iraqi war funding is dried up under a unified congress… Condi makes a lame joke as the new temporary president about how she is a “rice plant” and not a “bush”… the Peter Principle is fulfilled, as she makes a peace offering of used Ferragamos to the Iraqi people that they are able to swat the Baghdad mozaic of the face of GH Bush with…
There is a possibility that they are planning a heart attack for Cheney. On the other hand, could it be that Condi is planning to run for the nomination or is already considered a shoe-in for the 2008 VP nomination so will have to do a lot of campaigning between now and then?
I have not talked recently with my fundamentalist wing-nut relatives about their choice for an 08 Pres. candidate, but I know they HATE McCain, are not very fond of Guiliani, and I’m sure they’d be uncomfortable with Romney. But a few years ago they were exited about a possible run by Rice. They were having fun imagining a Rice/Clinton battle.
I don’t think the fundamentalist wing-nut crowd understands all the intrigue of the neocon/realist battle in the Republican party and I don’t think they are consulted about these matters. But I know they love them some Condi!!
I think that is exactly what this is about. The going from DNI to an undersecretary is a huge demotion. If it was just about getting Negroponte more involved in policy they could just ask him. I definitely think this means Cheney is going Agnew on us in less than 6 months.
The Libby trial is coming up with Cheney as a witness. I think it will play out….
I’m not sure about Condi running in ’08 but I’m almost certain she’s headed for VP.
Well, this schenario does fit in with their policy of promoting and rewarding incompetence (at least where Condi’s concerned).
The DNI may technically be a “principal”, but in fact it doesn’t sound like a great job. The DNI isn’t directly in charge of much–the position is really to be more of a glorified briefer. In fact the job was set up to separate the DCI (who actually runs an intelligence agency) from the job of presenting the PDBs.
So I could see why Negroponte, a career diplomat, would want do move to DepSec, where he would actually be doing something, and have the possibility of moving up to Sec later. Doesn’t mean Rice is necessarily going to resign immediately, but a lot can happen in 2 years. And if she does move out (possibly to VP, but possibly just out of gov’t), they will have an easier time getting Negroponte confirmed. Even a dem senate isn’t going to turn down Negroponte if he’s already been DepSec.
Also, look at the following two factors:
These factors put Negroponte into a very interesting position of running his own mirror agency (complete with instant strike teams and trainers for death squads) that wouldn’t have any ties back to the CIA.
(Both points made over in the orange version of this thread.)
Negroponte being brought to State because Condi can’t/won’t lead the war with Iran?
The Bush administration has nothing but contempt for the State Department and the concept of diplomacy. They send people to State who have failed the administration. The administration hates to admit failure so instead they give people who fail them jobs in the State Department.
There’s a very simple reason why Negroponte is taking a “demotion”: Karl Rove has chosen Condi Rice to run for President, and he needs to line up her replacement so she can resign in March – before she has to answer subpoenas from Joe Biden – and begin her campaign.
You read it here first.
Standard practice in this admin–chop Sec State off at the knees with a Cheney-bot. Negroponte=Bolton.
I’m shocked that no ones brought up the doomsday scenario.
The second carrier task force in the Persian Gulf; the destruction of Baghdad in the attempt to destroy the Mahdi Militia, or the infiltration of Iranian Revolutionary Guards to defend brother Shiites; all will spin out of control.
The Intel Chief’s scenarios must include nuclear attack within the USA. How else to get the Draft to get the boots on the ground to pursue the Middle East oil Neo-Colony? For the one in the know, it is time to move on to be second fiddle to Condi at State.