The revolution is currently being televised on C-SPAN. Pelosi is leading the vote for Speaker of the House 228-199. It’s noisy down on the floor. This is the fruit of our labors. Enjoy it.
Update [2007-1-4 13:45:36 by BooMan]: Final tally is 233-202.
After twelve long years, we own the House!!
This is how RedSox fans must have felt winning the World Series. It feels strange, after being accustomed to losing, to win such a huge victory!
I’m worried about Senator Johnson though – I heard he’s still unable to speak, although he’s responding to family so they know his brain is functioning. New reports say his recovery will likely take several months.
I wish Senators could vote by proxy. Or maybe I don’t wish that – ugh. It seems silly to have to insist that someone be physically present to vote – but I imagine they leave that rule there deliberately so when something comes up they don’t want to take a stand on they can be conveniently absent….
me gusta su inscripción.
Yo tambien.
Muchas gracias mi amigo š A veces, simple es mejor.
Yeah, now the real work starts.
Ready for the showdown? (via Thinkprogress)
Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) “Plans To Deny Bush Funding For Troop Escalation.”
an ear mark! His legacy will be one of the reformed ear marker turned peace promoter who ended the worst war America ever started instead of relentlessly inhumane major rubber stamping fuck up from hell to the grave like those (R) guys and girls.
i heard at a peace march in the early eighties
the sun never shines so bright as the morning after the revolution
i dont know who said that….but springsteen said this;
everybodys wrecked on main street….from drinking unholy blood……….
that song is what i cant get out of my mind today as i watch the dems take over the house.
And the poets down here write nothin at all, they just stand back and let it all be
And in the quick of a knife they reach for their moment and try and make an honest stand
We did it friends. We made sure we got a majority. Now comes the true test to see that those we elected fullfill their campaign promises. I know we cannot get every issue heard. That will never happen. But, our votes were votes against this illegal occupation of Iraq and the cabal that lives in the White House to be held to account for the havoc they have reeked across this nation and globe. Let’s make sure we keep their feet to the fire and get this country truly back. I’m in!
Rush Holt has immediately contested the seating of Vern Buchanan Fl-13.
Pelosi is seating Buchanan but pending review.
The new members are being sworn in.
Does this mean that I have to stop whining?
David Dreier is sure being all whiny and stuff about being in the minority…..
He says he’s “troubled” that “promises were made” and then broken, about the rules of the House. :p
Oh, but I am SO enjoying this. Buck up, Dave.
At least he pretends to have more class than Boehner. But don’t be too hard on them. Reality is setting in. They’re not accustomed to it.
I have been watching the transition and swearing in ceremonies of the House on C-SPAN today. I wanted to see how the handover of the gavel was handled. Ugh. John Bohner is a real dick. For starters, I was under the impression that the former SPEAKER of the house, Denny Hastert, would do the hand-over, but he was sitting way back in the audience, wobbling in his seat. Was he too drunk to go in front of the House?
Anyhoo, stand-in John Bohner did the long speech before reluctantly handing over the gavel to Nancy. He rambled on so long that Nancy felt the need to sit down and wait for him to finish. Along the way, he referred to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party.” Those are fightin’ words and he knows it.
She handled it beautifully though. Once she got the gavel and took care of a couple quick pieces of business, she invited all of the children in the chamber to join her up there and check out the gavel, etc. Instant prop. Brilliant. Even the Republican members’ children raced up there and their parents probably didn’t realize that they would stay up there as a backdrop for the new Speaker while she proceeded to swear in the new House members and other opening day business.
Now, David Dreier is speaking to the empty house (meaning the cameras) crying like a little baby about how already the Democrats aren’t playing fair. And awesome Louise Slaughter is arguing back that he is whining and crying about the former (Republican) House rules which they are continuing to operate under until the end of the 100-hour spree of new Democratic legislation, when they adopt the new, fairer rules that actually allow the minority to participate in the process. So the Republiicans are just gonna have to sit tight and shut up for a week or so, as the Dems have had to do for the last 6 years. I am sure everyone will feel pity for the Republicans.
No kidding. You’d think he could saved his “Democrat party” thing–which always makes rethugs sound as if they can’t speak properly–until later.
But oh well. Get used to it, Min. Ldr. Boehner.
Was in Dothan for my son’s dental stuff today and went grocery shopping before leaving town. They sell Yeungling there, I just bought a 12pack and put it in the fridge. I hope my husband likes it. It was the best dollar a glass beer I’ve ever had when I was in Philly.
Hey girl, when do you leave for the surgery? How’s the little guy making out?
I had to take a moment for all spouse wrestling. It’s a love thing that happens after stressful days, I can’t explain it but we usually stress together over Joshua and then wrestle afterwards…’s bizarre. We don’t slap box anymore because when I was pregnant with Josh I dodged and he accidentally elbowed me in the nose and I got so mad at him for being “overly competitive with a pregnant woman” that I launched on him and sat on him. He’s scarred for life now. On Monday they will decide what needs to be done and I’m going to attempt to set things up in Birmingham. I love San Antonio but it is a long trip in ways and we just returned. If they are able to fix things in Birmingham then we will probably do just about everything else from here on out in Birmingham unless he needs a replacement. We like having the inventor overseeing him so we haven’t pushed for Birmingham to handle anything with him. They are new at it but they did send a surgeon who was trained. I have a cardinal at my bird feeder. My whole life I have longed for a cardinal at my feeder but didn’t get one til I moved here. He’s really throwing a fit right now, wonder why..really upset about something…..too cold for an oak snake raid on his nest. A bunch of SOMEBODIES have to look and analyze Josh’s xrays though, you know how that goes sometimes for big things.