The best part of watching the election, swearing in, and speach of Nancy Pelosi was the sourpuss looks on the Republicans. Right after Nancy got done speaking, the ranking member on the Rules Committee, David Dreier of California, rose and began whining in real earnest. The gist of it was something along the lines of what is good for the goose is not really very good at all for the gander. Pelosi relished the irony. Ms. Pelosi is feeling it. Yesterday she got just a little carried away.

“We will not just break through a glass ceiling, we will break through a marble ceiling,” she said. “In more than 200 years of history, there was an established pecking order — and I cut in line.”

After calling herself “the most powerful woman in America,” Mrs. Pelosi flexed her right muscle like a weight lifter to much applause at an event yesterday titled a “women’s tea.”

“All right, let’s hear it for the power,” she screamed as the jubilant applause continued.

She used that marble ceiling line again today in her acceptance speech. I loved it. And the best part is that it is causing even more whining, this time from right-wing blogs and blowhard Broderite, Andrea Mitchell.

Speaking of David Broder, I noticed a minor triumph for Booman Tribune in David Broder’s wiki. Even though I am misattributed as a “Daily Kos editor”, my definition of ‘Higher Broderism’ in an official part of Broder’s biography.

In addition some, especially liberal bloggers, have criticized his moderate views and the term Higher Broderism entered the blog vocabulary. An editor writing in the Daily Kos wrote:[1]

Higher Broderism believes that the only acceptable politics is centrist. It’s not so much where the center is at any given time, it’s the centrism itself. Therefore, politicians that occassionally buck their own party, like Joe Lieberman and John McCain, reside on the Mt. Olympus of Higher Broderism.

I love that. I hope someone fixes the reference, but I just love knowing that Broder has to live with that definition. Screw Broder, Mitchell and the rest of the Georgetown set.

And just to keep your juices flowing, here’s a bit from the New York Times:

Ms. Pelosi made it quite clear earlier that her party intends to flex its newly acquired muscle, as she presided over the swearing-in of the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus, headed by Representative Kendrick Meek of Florida.

“The Democrats are back, and the C.B.C. is in the lead, in the lead!” Ms. Pelosi exulted. Throwing a dart at Republicans, she envisioned “a new direction that is there for all of the people, not just the privileged few,” a direction that “builds and strengthens the middle class.”

And let me just finish with some more whining from Sister Toldjah.

Let’s just hope the “most powerful woman in America” can get her minions back in line. After all, yesterday they scuttled away from the podium in the ‘retreat heard round the world’ – if your party can’t stand up to being confronted by hostile moonbat ’supporters’ like Cindy Sheehan what does that say about your ability (or lack thereof?) to stand up to Al Qaeda?

I’m loving this.