Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i just dont have the hunkier guys around long enough for them to need brains.
when im done i dont want intelligent conversation…i want them to leave so i can watch charlie rose and eat chocolate covered pretzels in my nice comfy bed.
Come now, B2! I thought that “rule” only applied to shoes … at least it did in Serial Mom, where Patty Hearst got whacked by Kathleen Turner for just such an infraction. Highly recommended howler of a film if you haven’t seen it (even if it’s not Waters’ best IMO).
As a parent of a disabled adult, I am constantly amazed and shocked at the attitudes of Americans. We think we can add a ramp or a bar and salve our consciences, then something like this appears.
Look a little farther today. They won’t use stem cells to cure my son’s paraplegia, but they can sort and sell them!
Whenever I can’t think of something to buy for my wife for her birthday, which is nearly every year, I get her a big pile of Johnny Depp movies and paraphernalia. Works wonders.
and I saw the top of the fedora, I thought you were going to highlight a wizened Harrision Ford reprising his role as Indiana Jones (next year, they say; they always say next year). Then when I scrolled down, I got such a pleasure from looking into that man’s eyes.
If only I were younger… and he was unattached… and I had a way to meet him…
He’s wearin’ white after Labor Day. For shame.
boran2, it is clearly before Labor Day.
Johnny Depp, chains around the neck, white T, smoky eyes…so what’s the big deal?
He is nice on the eyes, and on the mind, but I’ve got hunkier brainier guys on tap.
You do? Can I come over to your house to play?
so dream on, sardine…
the chain smoking turns me off
and im wondering why hunkier guys need brains?
I get B O R E D
with just eye-candy 
Good sex requires brains, too.
i just dont have the hunkier guys around long enough for them to need brains.
when im done i dont want intelligent conversation…i want them to leave so i can watch charlie rose and eat chocolate covered pretzels in my nice comfy bed.
Talking to someone else is infinitely better.
Imho, without brains you might as well use batteries.
You are on a roll tonight, Swamp Siren – it’s those hot folks back in the Cats calling, or something. . .
Me? I’m just cheerful.
or 110v. Or 220v.
I don’t care what he wears or doesn’t wear for that matter-you can never ever go wrong with a picture of Depp.
Is that hunk Depp?? I could have sworn it was our own Man Egee! ;>)
I was thinkin’ BooMan had lost himself some weight. 🙂
although it would be nice to have that much hair. mine is retreating quicker than bush’s poll numbers. :-/
Come now, B2! I thought that “rule” only applied to shoes … at least it did in Serial Mom, where Patty Hearst got whacked by Kathleen Turner for just such an infraction. Highly recommended howler of a film if you haven’t seen it (even if it’s not Waters’ best IMO).
One of my favorites.
if i had time.
As a disabled person myself, this is so wrong in so many ways, I can’t even begin to comprehend this madness.
I agree. This was a bizarre thing in so many ways.
As a parent of a disabled adult, I am constantly amazed and shocked at the attitudes of Americans. We think we can add a ramp or a bar and salve our consciences, then something like this appears.
Look a little farther today. They won’t use stem cells to cure my son’s paraplegia, but they can sort and sell them!
Culture of life? My foot.
Whenever I can’t think of something to buy for my wife for her birthday, which is nearly every year, I get her a big pile of Johnny Depp movies and paraphernalia. Works wonders.
Johnny Depp and Quentin Crisp — Captains Fedora.

and I saw the top of the fedora, I thought you were going to highlight a wizened Harrision Ford reprising his role as Indiana Jones (next year, they say; they always say next year). Then when I scrolled down, I got such a pleasure from looking into that man’s eyes.
If only I were younger… and he was unattached… and I had a way to meet him…
Ah, the younger Harrison Ford was so hot, wasn’t he?
Love the new look, Boo. The sheik thing was so 70’s.
Oh yum! Just what I needed after a long week at work.
Thanks BooMan!
You know your audience, don’t you?
I’ll take the hat.
After an astoundingly uplifting, productive week, I stopped by Manny’s place (PR alert! 😉 and melted at the site of dear Bud.
My final stop on the way out the door was BT, and lo and behold…it’s….it’s….Fedora Depp.
Life is good. Thank you Manny and Martin. :^)
good night and best wishes for
love, hope and serenity to all,