A fine sight to start the new year: wet dog!
We’ve had over an inch of rain in the last 24 hours. Woo, and might I add Hoo!
Of course, she’s being an in/out/in/out (with lots of towling required) pain-in-the-butt this morning, but every sliver lining has its great big furry cloud.
Hi keres.
Glad to hear you got the rain, but not for the toweling of Luna.
Here, the end is in light.
Nice . . . uh, angle.
between this and albert’s pictures, it is Cute Overload day at BT.
Getting his bum blow dried.
Falling felines (Out of bed, right forelegs straight, heads down)

Joint eyes right (Paws together, heads right)
Joint prepare (Bring heads up, squint your eyes, paws together)
Joint salute (Heads up, paws together, lasers on!)

Surely, the next Olympic sport.
Of course! Since this is such a close match to synchronized swimming, it’s a natural.
Failing that, perhaps an event to go along with Doubles at tennis.
Because of the last image in your sequence, I woke up with the words tapetum lucidum in my head.
Brains are strange that way.
I have one of those brains also, though not sure it is the equal of yours. It is useful at times, and at others, simply baffling.
And I will never forget the $600 (!!) bill from the veterinary ophthamologist that our ordinarily sane vet sent me to when Leo (cat) did not reflect light equally from both eyes. Spent our time in a completely irrelevant discussion of luciferase.
Cat was fine, eyes now equally reflective.
It’s sooo nice to animals working together to achieve a common goal.
Funny! And darling kitties.