If any are interested, you can hear my voice at http://www.blackopradio.com. Go to their archived shows and mine’s right at the top – I was on last Thursday.
Also – you can see me (eek, you may be sorry you did!) on a Discovery Channel program on CIA Mind Control. It’s re-airing at these times/dates:
I don’t own any pj’s. LOL The last pair I had was one my mother gave me for Christmas when I was 15 and I broke the news to her that I slept in the bude. LOL
Yeah, it was 71 here today, and people were driving around in their convertible mini coopers with the top down. Bizarrre. If I hadn’t had to go shopping, I would have snuck my kayak out for an afternoon paddle…
We have everything for CBtE now, except shampoo, I think. Just need to make sure we can squeeze it all into his bag…
And we just got back from helping my girlfriend unpack and settle into her new apartment. And lots of us are high-fiving each other (okay, me, her mom, my kids and her daughter’s friends) that the icky husband is history.
My mom had chickens that she raised for eating one time, an the first one she killed (put a broom handle over their necks and snap them), she snapped a little too hard and the head came off. Ewwww.
Congratulations to your friend. You’re a good friend to help her unpack. Although I’d rather help unpack than help pack.
Just make sure the shampoo isn’t more than the carry on size.
When we were flying back from wisconsin on sunday, the TSA confiscated my sister’s clarifying lotion because it was in a 6 ounce bottle. It was only a quarter filled, but I guess they don’t do math.
Luckily, her brother and sister-in-law and neighbor did the load and move part, so we went over to help sort and move around and put away and celebrate her new place. Plus, I took her a set of dishes since she had none.
I think we’re actually just going to check his bag to avoid dealing with the liquids problem. I can’t believe it’s almost time for him to go already.
Just reposting my unreadble comment from over there on the right:
Luckily, her brother and sister-in-law and neighbor did the load and move part, so we went over to help sort and move around and put away and celebrate her new place. Plus, I took her a set of dishes since she had none.
I think we’re actually just going to check his bag to avoid dealing with the liquids problem. I can’t believe it’s almost time for him to go already.
So it’s even better to check his luggage so he doesn’t have to drag it around with him. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine, airports aren’t hard to navigate. What airport is he connecting at?
Well of course. He looked at me like I had 10 heads when I told him had to call me when he landed at Dallas…couldn’t understand why I would want him to do that. Oy.
CBtY and I were originally thinking we’d love the quiet while he’s gone, but CBtY is actually worried about how much he’ll miss the elder now.
I’m sure we’ll think of something to do, and my mom was telling CBtY she wants to do something special with him while CBtE is gone. I think I’ll do a day trip thing with him too.
Yeah, I remember when the boys first got their own bedrooms…CBtY was astonished and dismayed at the idea, because he had never had his own room before.
Yeah, he went out with my friend’s daughter and her friends tonight, and when it was time for me to pick him up from the center of town on my way home, I had to call and meet him across the street so he wouldn’t have to be uncool with mom picking him up. He’s definitely pretty normal that way. 🙂
We’ve been in both Dallas airports zillions of time. The DFW is out in the middle of nowhere. It’s big but very very well “signed”; he shouldn’t have any trouble there at all.
The other Dallas airport, Love Field, is small, easy to see virtually all the gates and places to go without any great trouble at all.
He’ll be fine. The boys have been flying alone since they were 13 and 11 with no problems. Even changing planes isn’t hard – and the airline will usually help minors if you ask them to.
Nothing much. Went to Costco and stocked C up for another semester at college. All the necessities – bottled water, granola bars, shower gel, fruit cups, deodorant, Raisinets.
Tonight`s early moon. So I don`t miss out on the moon being clouded over later on when it`s sharper, I take shots to cover my full cycle goal, even though they aren`t the best shots that night. I go out when most of you are sleeping except the west coasters, to take shots when it`s brighter & much sharper or crispier.
Teach & I are up, but barely on line. We saw “our” moon rising about 2.5 hours ago, near the horizon (ok, we were up on the top of a big overpass), and it looked huge. We both said “Knucklehead’s Pacific Moon” at about the same instant. Looked like your picture, except we had wispy clouds, very pretty – until you remember that it was likely from the medical waste incinerator that burns only at night. Grim beauty.
The moon this time of year does make me wish our small telescope weren’t up in the attic collecting dust.
Hi, Kidspeak,
Everyone loves “KidSpeak`s Flight”. So far I`m batting 1000 on my goal to “shoot the moon” for a full cycle. It`s nice you were together on an overpass. I`ve spent many nights alone, at or under overpasses, in my many cross country hitch-hiking tours. I remember many of them by reflecting on the people I met or the sky on a particular night. Then there were some very strange & some terrifying nights out there, that I`ll never forget.
Re folks under overpasses: I’ve never been afraid to travel alone – but not by hitching! And after working with a few folks who were living under various overpasses when they were brought into the hospital, I’ve found most to be utterly harmless, except for two or three who I used to have nightmares about. I can well imagine who you might have met.
Free foot massages here in the 24/7. Special offer.
Oooh, please, I could use one now!
It’s a shame we’re virtual isn’t it?
A nice foot massage cures all ills.
Would you consider massaging any other body parts?
I would consider it … but I make no promises.
Hi B2, your art fair was very nice.
Thanks for your comments in the thread.
I only could comment — I don’t have an artistic bone in my body 🙂
If any are interested, you can hear my voice at http://www.blackopradio.com. Go to their archived shows and mine’s right at the top – I was on last Thursday.
Also – you can see me (eek, you may be sorry you did!) on a Discovery Channel program on CIA Mind Control. It’s re-airing at these times/dates:
Conspiracy Files: CIA Mind Control
Sun, Jan 7, 2007 at 1:00 PM (ET)
Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 8:00 PM (ET)
Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 2:00 AM (ET)
Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 10:00 AM (ET)
Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 1:00 PM (ET)
Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 2:00 PM (ET)
cool! thanks for the information.
I will check it out!!!
Hey, is this still a pajama party?
well, I’m still in my pj’s so I suppose … yes. But you missed the hair braiding and toe painting.
It’s about time for the boys to show up and make fun of us 🙂
Damn! Ok, but when the boys get here, I can hit them, right?
Only the ones you like.
since the other cafe closed shortly after I did the post I will post it here also. LOL
Madam Speaker Sounds Good but Madam President Sounds Better!!!
I feel like I broke up the Pajama paty the women were having. LOL
The PJ party is still going on. I’m wearing my rubber ducky PJ’s. What do yours look like?
I don’t own any pj’s. LOL The last pair I had was one my mother gave me for Christmas when I was 15 and I broke the news to her that I slept in the bude. LOL
oops that was suppose to be slept in the nude.
well this isn’t THAT kind of party, so you’d better put something on 😉
No shirt, no massage.
LOL okay boxers and a tshirt
My sleeping attire actually consists of a rooster costume a la Foghorn Leghorn.
aw, you’re so cute
Wow! You are quick.
<blush> Yes, I am.
Your reputation is secure for another day.
I always knew you really did like chickens.
Are you calling boran2 chicken?
I like little fried chickens. Have you eaten any of yours this winter? 🙂
Heh. My girls are too good for that.
How are you doing? Did you get snow yet?
According to my dear departed grandma, wringing their necks is easy. It’s the plucking that’s hard 🙂
No snow. It’s been way too warm. We had the ice storm a few weeks ago, but since then … nothing. It’s a weird winter.
Did you get all of CBtE’s things bought today?
Yeah, it was 71 here today, and people were driving around in their convertible mini coopers with the top down. Bizarrre. If I hadn’t had to go shopping, I would have snuck my kayak out for an afternoon paddle…
We have everything for CBtE now, except shampoo, I think. Just need to make sure we can squeeze it all into his bag…
And we just got back from helping my girlfriend unpack and settle into her new apartment. And lots of us are high-fiving each other (okay, me, her mom, my kids and her daughter’s friends) that the icky husband is history.
My mom had chickens that she raised for eating one time, an the first one she killed (put a broom handle over their necks and snap them), she snapped a little too hard and the head came off. Ewwww.
Congratulations to your friend. You’re a good friend to help her unpack. Although I’d rather help unpack than help pack.
Just make sure the shampoo isn’t more than the carry on size.
When we were flying back from wisconsin on sunday, the TSA confiscated my sister’s clarifying lotion because it was in a 6 ounce bottle. It was only a quarter filled, but I guess they don’t do math.
Luckily, her brother and sister-in-law and neighbor did the load and move part, so we went over to help sort and move around and put away and celebrate her new place. Plus, I took her a set of dishes since she had none.
I think we’re actually just going to check his bag to avoid dealing with the liquids problem. I can’t believe it’s almost time for him to go already.
No, chicks, not chickens.
Good night all! The boran2boy tired me out today.
g’night. good to know the boran2boy is keeping up with his duties as a son.
Hello and goodnight, B2!
Just reposting my unreadble comment from over there on the right:
Luckily, her brother and sister-in-law and neighbor did the load and move part, so we went over to help sort and move around and put away and celebrate her new place. Plus, I took her a set of dishes since she had none.
I think we’re actually just going to check his bag to avoid dealing with the liquids problem. I can’t believe it’s almost time for him to go already.
Hope he (and you) have this work out well, CG.
Thanks, kidspeak. He’s actually kind of looking forward to it, which helps.
I’m not sure how much I’m expecting from the whole thing, but that’s partly because I don’t want to expect too much.
That sounds like a pretty positive attitude, actually. Should make it easier for you or him, whatever he thinks about it afterward.
The load and move is the worst. Providing sets of dishes is the best. She’s probably exhausted but happy tonight, staying in her new place.
Checking is a good idea. Does he have a direct flight or does he have to change planes?
He changes planes with a 2 hour layover. I’m trying not to have a conniption (sp?) about that…
Where is he having to lay over?
So it’s even better to check his luggage so he doesn’t have to drag it around with him. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine, airports aren’t hard to navigate. What airport is he connecting at?
I’ve never connected in Dallas, but I’m sure it’s no different from any other airport.
Are you going to make him call you on his layover 🙂
Well of course. He looked at me like I had 10 heads when I told him had to call me when he landed at Dallas…couldn’t understand why I would want him to do that. Oy.
LOL! Layovers are so boring, he’ll be glad to have a phone call to make.
Do you and CBtY have plans to keep you occupied so you aren’t missing CBtE too much?
CBtY and I were originally thinking we’d love the quiet while he’s gone, but CBtY is actually worried about how much he’ll miss the elder now.
I’m sure we’ll think of something to do, and my mom was telling CBtY she wants to do something special with him while CBtE is gone. I think I’ll do a day trip thing with him too.
It’s cute that he’s worried he’ll miss his brother. But it will be nice for him to be an only child for a while.
Yeah, I remember when the boys first got their own bedrooms…CBtY was astonished and dismayed at the idea, because he had never had his own room before.
I wish it weren’t so late. I’ve got to go to bed.
‘Nite, CabinGirl. Dream well.
OK, that proves he is normal! I can’t imagine a kid his age who would just smile and say “Sure, mom!”.
Yeah, he went out with my friend’s daughter and her friends tonight, and when it was time for me to pick him up from the center of town on my way home, I had to call and meet him across the street so he wouldn’t have to be uncool with mom picking him up. He’s definitely pretty normal that way. 🙂
We’ve been in both Dallas airports zillions of time. The DFW is out in the middle of nowhere. It’s big but very very well “signed”; he shouldn’t have any trouble there at all.
The other Dallas airport, Love Field, is small, easy to see virtually all the gates and places to go without any great trouble at all.
Either place should be an easy place to transfer.
That’s good to know. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but it feels funny to be sending him off on his own so far away.
He’ll be fine. The boys have been flying alone since they were 13 and 11 with no problems. Even changing planes isn’t hard – and the airline will usually help minors if you ask them to.
I’m sure he’ll be fine, and since he’s 14, they have somebody from the airline handing him off at the other end.
What have you been up to today?
Nothing much. Went to Costco and stocked C up for another semester at college. All the necessities – bottled water, granola bars, shower gel, fruit cups, deodorant, Raisinets.
Wow, sounds almost as exciting as my shopping trip today! 🙂
I have it on good authority that Raisinets are excellent vermin repellants. Always a necessity in any college dorm/apartment.
Tonight`s early moon. So I don`t miss out on the moon being clouded over later on when it`s sharper, I take shots to cover my full cycle goal, even though they aren`t the best shots that night. I go out when most of you are sleeping except the west coasters, to take shots when it`s brighter & much sharper or crispier.

Teach & I are up, but barely on line. We saw “our” moon rising about 2.5 hours ago, near the horizon (ok, we were up on the top of a big overpass), and it looked huge. We both said “Knucklehead’s Pacific Moon” at about the same instant. Looked like your picture, except we had wispy clouds, very pretty – until you remember that it was likely from the medical waste incinerator that burns only at night. Grim beauty.
The moon this time of year does make me wish our small telescope weren’t up in the attic collecting dust.
Hi, Kidspeak,
Everyone loves “KidSpeak`s Flight”. So far I`m batting 1000 on my goal to “shoot the moon” for a full cycle. It`s nice you were together on an overpass. I`ve spent many nights alone, at or under overpasses, in my many cross country hitch-hiking tours. I remember many of them by reflecting on the people I met or the sky on a particular night. Then there were some very strange & some terrifying nights out there, that I`ll never forget.
Re folks under overpasses: I’ve never been afraid to travel alone – but not by hitching! And after working with a few folks who were living under various overpasses when they were brought into the hospital, I’ve found most to be utterly harmless, except for two or three who I used to have nightmares about. I can well imagine who you might have met.