This morning more than a thousand people gathered at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach to spell out a message to our Representative Nancy Pelosi that the criminals in the White House should be impeached. It turned out to be a clear sunny and not-too-cold day, perfect for a fun little demonstration.

The organizer, a nice cabdriver/ world traveler/ author/ activist named Brad Newsham, did a good job in putting it together. We lay down, got up, waved, walked to the seawall, walked back and lay down again, and finally filed off to the shoreline on cue while some photos and video were shot from a helicopter. Two TV stations sent news gangs including another helicopter. ABC-7 just led off with it in their evening news — we looked great! — and followed up with an “expert” who droned that unfortunately we can’t impeach a president for incompetence. Yeah yeah yeah, what about the crimes?

The first batch of pictures are here. You can see my daughter’s day-glow orange mittens about a third of the way down on the second stroke of the M!