lol! You have to think of something you USED to do but circumstances appear to lead to the conclusion that you won’t be doing it in the near future. So, you would have had to have partyed with George at some point …
But I’m willing to believe that you partied with George 🙂
There’s a patron saint for everything. It’s hard to keep track of them. Recently I called upon the patron saint of blown car radiators, St. Bubba I think it was, and my minivan fixed itself while I slept.
I have one design I did that I am not sure if I should put it in the Gay family section at one store or the rainbow design section at another. LOL Help me decide.
Clean tables and no broken margins. Drinks and food are free.
Come on in.
Where’d ya go?
Oh I’ve been around. Trying to learn multi-tasking. 🙂
Did the gas guy ever get out of the basement today?
I’ve always thought I’d like to have one of those fully self sufficient homes. The kind where they’re buy electricity back from you.
You sure that is electricity they are buying or gas? LOL
Nope a house that produces enough electricity to sell back. I saw something like it on tv before.
He was here yesterday and was only in the basement for the 10 minutes it took him to do his job.
I guess grocery boys would take longs have to unload all that stuff. Did you hit the switch for the disco ball and the music for the gas man. 🙂
My new year’s resolution was a vow of chastity. And I’m not a tease.
::cough cough:::gag:::sputter:::choking:::
I like to pick easily achievable resolutions.
Like me resolving to give up partying with George Clooney. Gotcha.
You used to party with George Clooney?
Now you’re just taxing my mind to be mean. I was trying to think of something that I wouldn’t do anyway so it wouldn’t be hard to give it up.
I just might beat you on the chastity thing though.
lol! You have to think of something you USED to do but circumstances appear to lead to the conclusion that you won’t be doing it in the near future. So, you would have had to have partyed with George at some point …
But I’m willing to believe that you partied with George 🙂
So I guess chastity really fits for me! Or…going to church? Maybe I should go and pray to the patron saint of regrown hymens. Do you know who that is?
I’ve never known which saints are for what. But I think Hymen was the goddess of marriage in ancient greece.
There’s a patron saint for everything. It’s hard to keep track of them. Recently I called upon the patron saint of blown car radiators, St. Bubba I think it was, and my minivan fixed itself while I slept.
I can’t believe you’re still up.
I shouldn’t have eaten all that chocolate earlier — too much caffeine.
Heh. Now I feel guilty for saying that I’m going to bed.
See you, maryb. Great to see you around more these days!
g’night SN. I’ll be back next weekend.
Evening Folks!!! Been a busy day with designs, blogging some(not here- waiting to do a more detailed dairy), house work and then a late nap.
Rainbow Family
I have one design I did that I am not sure if I should put it in the Gay family section at one store or the rainbow design section at another. LOL Help me decide.
I like them Refinish. Don’t know what to tell you on which of which.
Well I’m outta here. I’m about nod off at the computer.
See Ya’ll later.
sweet dreams familyMan!!!
-whip up some non-albacore canned tuna with mayonaise and lotsa black pepper.
on bread, layer thusly:
cheddar cheese
cream cheese
Wait a minute. Cheddar cheese and cream cheese? My ass is expanding just thinking about it.
Don`t let it expand too much, otherwise you`ll be a little bigger than a half-moon.

This is tonight`s lunar probe photo.