As if I wasn’t already shaking in my shoes at the possibilities that we’re going to escalate the killing in Iraq and that plans are in place to “nuke” Iran, then I have to deal with getting sick to my stomach by hearing that the New York Times is celebrating the The Invasion of the Alpha Male Democrat.
The article is written by Ryan Lizza and here’s a taste:
Nancy Pelosi’s carefully crafted introduction to the American people last week seemed to reinforce some stereotypes of the so-called mommy party. On the day she made history as the first woman to be elected speaker, she appeared on the House floor, surrounded by children and bedecked in pearls.
But even as this nurturing image dominated the news, the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday was notable for another milestone in gender politics: the return of the Alpha Male Democrat.
The members of this new faction, which helped the Democrats expand into majority status, stand out not for their ideology or racial background but for their carefully cultivated masculinity.
“As much as the policy positions is the background and character of these Democrats,” says John Lapp, the former executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee who helped recruit this new breed of candidate. “So we went to C.I.A. agents, F.B.I. agents, N.F.L. quarterbacks, sheriffs, Iraq war vets. These are red-blooded Americans who are tough.”
Mr. Lapp even coined a term to describe these manly — and they are all men — pols: “the Macho Dems.”
I don’t bring this up because I have any problems with the candidates they are talking about. The Testers and Webbs of the world might actually hold some promise for helping us get out of the hole we’re currently in. But it will NOT be their “Alpha Maleness” that saves the planet from its current course of destruction.
As Lizzy points out, this “masculization” of the Dem party started three years ago:
The roots of the Macho Dem strategy can be found in the party’s 2004 losses when Democrats decided that their post-9/11 candidates needed to exude strength above all else.
“Presidential politics, but also the rest of national political leadership, has a lot to do with the understandable desire of voters for leadership, strength, clarity and sureness,” says Jim Jordan, John Kerry’s first presidential campaign manager. “Frankly, in the post-Vietnam era, Democrats have come up short by those measures too frequently.”
And in the past, when Democrats believed their candidate was a true hero — well, just remember how the Republican Party was able to portray John Kerry. It could be a warning sign for Democrats: live by the Macho Dem creed, die by it.
Yeah, the militarization of John Kerry worked out real well for us, didn’t it? Does anyone else think that maybe the US public has had enough already with “machoness?” I know that I have. Hasn’t that been exactly the emphasis that has gotten us into the mess we’re in now? How about the possibility of defining the alternative? What would that alternative look like? And how would a dose of that make sense to you?
I’ll start with a portion of a poem by Marge Piercy titled “For Strong Women”
A strong woman is a woman who craves love
like oxygen or she turns blue choking.
A strong woman is a woman who loves
strongly and weeps strongly and is strongly
terrified and has strong needs. A strong woman is strong
in words, in action, in connection, in feeling;
she is not strong as a stone but as a wolf
suckling her young. Strength is not in her, but she enacts it as the wind fills a sail.
What comforts her is others loving
her equally for the strength and for the weakness
from which it issues, lightning from a cloud.
Lightning stuns. In rain, the clouds disperse.
Only water of connection remains,
flowing through us. Strong is what we make each other.
How does one describe the particular rotteness that overtakes a patriarchal society when it can no longer even distinguish between alpha males and those who merely play them on TV?
I’m just so incredibly sick and tired of the “alpha male” approach. Just so sick of:
And now to hear that what will make the Dems more successful is to take on the “alpha male” approach…just makes me sick!
Yeah, just what the world needs – more testosterone! That’s the approach that’s currently working so well. The proponents of this “alpha male macho BS” evidently don’t know some of the women I know.
There’s the woman who was the first woman firefighter on my fire dept. Imagine the courage she had to break into one of the ultimate good-ole-boy macho male fraternities in existence. It takes a lot of fortitude just to do the job, let alone be viewed an outsider. This women did it with style, grace and competence rather than bluster and contention.
There’s the feisty mom who was one of the best county commissioners my county ever had, who overcame personal adversity and fought for the people even though in the political minority (while raising two teenage girls).
There’s my state senator, Vi Simpson, one of the hardest working, most savvy legislators I have ever known. She has spent most, if not all of her long senate career in the political minority, but still gets things accomplished. She is highly respected by both Democrats and Republicans at the statehouse.
My s-i-l has worked with poor, abused, addicted and abandoned kids for decades, beginning in county welfare child protective services. She was the only woman juvenile officer of the court for a few years and most recently was involved with foster home care placement and follow-up for a multi-county region. Those of you here who are similarly involved know what it takes to do these things, accomplish anything and manage to retain a piece of sanity for yourself.
I have enormous respect for these women and those many more like them. Its time they had a chance. Democrat leaders, are you listening ?
that the Democrats are derided as “the mommy party”…when in most families, it’s the mother (or the woman) that does all the work.
The “mommy” is:
And I’m not even counting stuff like childcare, cleaning, etc.
And in many families these days, she’s doing it on her own…think of the women who have their husbands in Iraq and Afghanistan for umpteen many tours of duty, or the single mother raising their children, or even these days the grandmother taking in their grandchildren.
If people looked at the mess the Bush misAdministration has made of this country, they’d know that what we need is some good old fashioned organization — hell, my mom-in-law would pack Bush et al off to clean up the mess, and no going out to play until it’s done! 😉
I think part of this is simply a Chuck & Rahm lovefest.
See how they brought the democratic party back from the dead?
See the wisdom and strength of the clintonistas?
Shouldn’t we follow their path?
As Bill the Cat used to say ACCCK!
I think Nancy Pelosi is a lot a shrewder than people give her credit for. I also think she’s playing a flexible defense within the party or taking a judo approach to strategy. Yield, Yield, Yield and then BAM! use your opponents own strenght to put them on their back.
And underneath those pearls? Steel and brass knuckles.
It might be worth noting that the writer of this piece, Ryan Lizzo, is a senior editor at The New Republic… nuf said.
I think it is kind of hilarious that Lizza objects to the pearls and the kids.
What would he have written if she had worn a man’s suit and necktie?
What would he have written if she had worn leather, carried a whip and surrounded herself with rottweilers? Hell that might have turned him on.
What I find truly offensive, is that this is in the Week in Review section of the NYTimes, a section read by many as their sole sampling of the most important national and international news and interpretation over the past week. This article was highlighted as if it represented one of the past week’s most important events.
This article turns politicians into caricatures of action figures: On this side, the steroid-enhanced men. And on the other side, complete with Pelosi “surrounded by children” as a contrast, must be the Barbie model for women – unappealing to the two men who apparently got to choose Senate and House candidates for the entire country! Schumer and Emmanuel are given the credit for picking winning “macho” candidates, but somehow readers are left with the impression that losers lost because they were female.
This is straight puffery, another step towards People Magazine rather than sound interpretation, much less reporting!
Where was any real statement about the likely change in agenda that new members of Congress and Senate would emphasize? That was the real news that should have been discussed.
well, I DO have a problem w/ the Sestaks and the Webbs, and ESPECIALLY with Heath Schuler. THESE MEN DESPISE THE LEFT. In some ways, especially Webb and Schuler, Murphy and Sestak, these men are as bad or worse, more corrosive to having a political left in this party, than the old dixiecrats. Classist, misogynist, militaristic.
Oh, yes, I DO have a problem with these people, and the continued fostering of a faux “strenghth” that continues to divide, that fosters a culture of bullying and death. THESE MEN ARE NOT REMOTELY OF THE LEFT, and they will cross the aisle at every opportunity on one issue or another to continue Republican rule in effect if not in name.
Rahm and Schumer need to go. THESE MEN NEED TO GO. When Iran is in flames, these people will be hooting and pounding their chests even louder than the Republicans.
Marisacat chimes in as well.
Where do you get this shit about Patrick Murphy?
You are going on one thing, and that is that he chose to caucus with the Blue Dogs. He’s pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and he ran for office because he opposed the war.
You can be against THIS war and still be a militarist, which was kinda the point of Lizza’s piece. “We’ll KILL people, we’ll just be smarter about it!”
You ARE NOT “pro-choice” is you promote language like this:
THAT is NOT “pro-choice”. That is paternalistic garbage advancing the idea that woman are children who can’t be trusted to make their own choices. Women are either free to work w/ their doctors, or they’re not.
If you caucus with the Blue Dogs, you are BY DEFINITION anti-liberal, anti-progressive. He is also anti-immigrant.
I didn’t realize that I’m not pro-choice…because I actually agree with that position, especially the comprehensive sex education part…silly me, guess I’d better go change my registration to Republican… 🙁
I believe “pro-choice” means believing abortion should be legal and, thus, an available choice for women and couples.
Also, I think location has to do with how progressive you are. Barney Frank is progressive in MA. He’s off the radar in SC, and so on…
that’s all it means to you? Wow, that’s truly sad, and completely snowed by decades of the right’s propaganda.
“Pro-Choice” means that you believe women are autonomous, fully equal human beings. “Pro-choice” means that you support the idea that what choices they make about their bodies, lives and healthcare is THEIR business. “Pro-choice” means that you recognize that they are fucking adults, and that lecturing them about having the “wrong” kind of sex, or getting pregnant when they can’t afford it, or telling them they’re too young to make rational choices once they’ve become sexually active, or any of the other restrictions that people put on women facing these hard choices is WRONG.
Safe, legal and rare is paternalistic garbage foisted on women by the wealthy and self-righteous. It’s got built into it that it’s only not “rare” because women are too stupid, that abortion rates have NOTHING to do w/ treating women like children, that it has nothing to do w/ refusing them options and education and access to affordable medical care. It should be safe and legal, period. The rest is nobody elses business, and pushing laws that “encourage” adoption (which is FAR from a cure-all, talk to an adopted person or two and the problems it can cause), or laws that tell them to go home for 24 or 48 hours after being given a pamphlet of lies and distortions, or laws that close clinics so that there is only one in entire states … pushing TRAP laws and other restrictions is being ANTI-CHOICE, and anti-woman, and anti-human being.
as for your location argument, some of the most egregious conservatives come from ‘liberal’ states like CA, while politicians like LBJ are from fucking Texas. Politics is about building consensus around a system of values (at least it should be … too often it’s a racket to get money), and very liberal and progressive people can succeed anywhere if they make their case. Feingold is one of the most liberal members of the Senate, and WI is a decidedly “purple” state, yet somehow he wins easily the last couple of campaigns, and he’s NOT a big pork-barrel kind of Senator.
There is nothing in my comments that implies any kind of paternalism towards women.
Safe: to me it means that when abortion is legal, abortions are more likely to be safe.
Legal: it means that abortion is a legally available choice.
Rare: Unwanted pregnancies can be avoided through contraception and education. I believe it is better for safe sex to happen instead of unwanted pregnancies, which would lead to abortions.
I agree wholeheartedly with this:
“Politics is about building consensus around a system of values “
And I realize that people who try to “match the district”, like Rahm Emmanuel, do a disservice to the progressive cause. Nevertheless, a politicians ideas occur in a certain context and, in order to move the debate to the left (to a greater or lesser degree) a politician must work within that context. Feingold works wonderfully within his WI context whereas, say, Lieberman, who would be a tolerable democratic senator from Oklahoma, is an atrocious senator from CT.
In Colombia we are not fighting to keep abortion legal. We are trying to MAKE it legal in cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother. When we get there (we’re close), we’ll start talking about full legal abortion when we get there.At the same time, the opposition to the neoliberal economics that is crippling the poor and the country as a whole will probably be an alliance between the left (formerly marxist) and the catholics, in a revival of social-democrat or social-christian politics.
well, “paternalism” was referring to MURPHY’S statements about women’s health, not yours, and I think disqualify him from being truly “pro-choice”.
So, Boo, why did he choose to caucus with the Blue Dogs if he is what y’all say he is?
murphy and sestak are worse than the dixiecrats?
in what way?
the Dixiecrats were overt in their racism, and thus easier to identify as a problem. The Blue Dogs, like the Republicans and those famed “angry white man” Reagan Democrats, have learned to couch their militaristic, pro-exploitation beliefs in pretty Hallmark language and sports-team-like chest thumping. It makes them more dangerous to actual progressive policies.
I can’t wait until your heroes cross the aisle and screw Americans over again. It’s only a matter of time.
im not arguing with your definitions or fears….im trying to find out why you put sestak and murphy in that category.
dont talk to me about heroes….i voted for my hero instead of casey (paul scoles)
by the way i would definitely put casey in your crappy democrat category…im just trying to find out why you would put sestak and murphy in it.
They choose to be identified that way merely by caucusing with the odious Blue Dogs.
For Murphy, primarily for his anti-woman pushing of the “safe, legal & rare” formulation, for his anti-immigrant stand and frankly for his emphasis solely on middle-class voter’s entitlements while pushing the “fiscal responsibility” meme. This is Clintonian language, and promises more of the same, as far as stealing from the poor to make the middle-incomed more comfortable (as the rich can afford lobbyists to protect them, and he’s apparently not interested in cutting back on military spending, ONLY on spending on that one war).
Sestak seems to have many of the same problems (though his website is MUCH less clear about where he stands on issues like abortion, which immediately raises my suspicions). In fact, other than calling for more health care and getting out of Iraq, it’s hard to see what he stands for, other than the cult-like calls for “fiscal responsibility”. He’s singularly unimpressive in television interviews.
We had Clinton, and he caused incredible damage to the social infrastructure of this country while lining the pockets of the investor class. The last thing we need is more of him.
Frankly, caucusing with the Blue Dogs at all is a declaration that one is a creature of the Center-right, and until I see different I’m going to assume that you are, at best, somewhere around Senator Spector. Frankly, former military men who, IIRC, voted Republican in the past, are likely to be AT LEAST that far right, if not further. Another pro-business, pro-military celebrator of corporate America. No thanks.
I’d rather have the “safe, legal and rare” than the Republican option of “unsafe, illegal and commonplace if you can afford to go overseas”…
this on enables the other.
Absolutely none. This is something where we have to hold fast and not give an inch.
Look, I know Patrick Murphy and worked very closely with him for 5 months. He’s no misogynist, nor is he a sexist. He hired women for top positions in his campaign and only treated them with the utmost respect and seriousness.
As for being a classist, if you knew the street where he grew up, and tiny row house he grew up in, you’d know which side he’s on in any class war.
When you grow up a working-class kid like Patrick, the Army is one chance you have at making a career and climbing out of poverty. Fault him for that, and you are faulting hundreds and thousands of poor and lower middle class kids for trying to make a better life for themselves.
Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton BOTH came from modest, challenged means, and BOTH of them worked to screw over the poor and the working class to enrich the wealthy and Wall St. traders. Means nothing. History is littered with poor men who go on to screw over people who live in the same environment from which the sprung.
If you caucus with the Blue Dogs, you are anti-worker, anti-poor, anti-woman and anti-immigrant.
Look, I know Patrick Murphy and worked very closely with him for 5 months. He’s no misogynist, nor is he a sexist. He hired women for top positions in his campaign and only treated them with the utmost respect and seriousness.
We’re not talking about the personal opinion of a stranger who worked for him for 5 months. We’re talking about the fact that he’ll caucus with the Blue Dogs. And the public policies of the Blue Dogs (and the Catholic church) are indeed misogynist and sexist.
I was Patrick’s field director for 5 months. We spent hours together in the freezing cold talking about progressivism and the direction of the country. We got lost driving around the pitch black fields of upper Bucks County in winter trying to find they way to the next Democratic committee meeting. When I had the opportunity to run for State Representative — at a very crucial point in his race — he told me to run, and not to worry about his campaign. My state is ranked 45th in terms of women’s representation, and Patrick’s endorsement very much needed boost. Had I won (I narrowly lost by 300 votes), I would have also been unequivocally the most liberal person in the PA House of Representatives.
I don’t think that makes me a nameless volunteer.
I do disagree with his decision to caucus with the Blue Dogs. This was his choice, and possibly he sees it as being more in line with some of his conservative constituents.
However, I saw every day what a rock solid progressive Patrick Murphy is — both in action and in words.
If he votes in favor of credit card companies or privatizing Social Security, I’ll be the first person to demand a primary challenge — but until that point, please cut him some slack.
you are the company you keep.
I don’t think that makes me a nameless volunteer.
I didn’t say you were a “nameless volunteer”, I said you were a stranger which you are. It’s too bad that you didn’t discuss the Blue Dogs and his desire to caucus with them when you were bonding in the freezing rain.
However, I saw every day what a rock solid progressive Patrick Murphy is — both in action and in words.
So, why is he CAUCUSING WITH THE BLUE DOGS? This is not something an elected official does to express ‘progressive’ values. Indeed the Blue Dogs are antithetical to those values & nothing about his decision to caucus with them indicates “a rock solid progressive”.
If he votes in favor of credit card companies or privatizing Social Security, I’ll be the first person to demand a primary challenge — but until that point, please cut him some slack.
Is there something wrong with you? Perhaps you don’t understand the purpose of political discussion blogs?
This doesn’t exactly sound like hatred of progressives:
Class Struggle
Blue Dogs Urge Speaker to Push Bankruptcy Reform
NOTHING is more anti-progressive than pushing such a policy.
An attitude like this seems to be pretty typical:
and THIS is just a pretty way of saying “shut up, we hate you loud-mouthed city folk”:
In other words, the faux-victim language of the right. The “left” are “intolerant” if they won’t agree to roll over and give into bigots & misogynists, which turns the whole damned world on its head. The last thing the world needs is more rich white militaristic men pandering to the intolerant. Blue Dog is “dixiecrat” in a Hallmark package, and wrapping it up and hiding what they really are is bad news for the party of the left.
My specific point, Madman, was that you were tarring Webb as being a Blue Dog. For a new Senator to go into the lair of the corporate minions (WSJ) and write an anti-corporate power piece like Webb did so soon after his election should tell you he isn’t a Blue Dog.
I agree with most of what you are saying about the Blue Dogs. For example, I withdrew my support from Debbie Stabenow, my Senator, over her support of the vile bankruptcy bill, in a state that is going to exceed all others in bankruptcies by the time the auto industry finishes its US meltdown. I just think you are wrong to lump Webb with some of the others that you rail against.
I assume you have poked around at Webb’s site. This is just the page iwth his WSJ articles. His article on Quotas is one. We know wade Connerly very well out here. Here he is on the Carter pardon and amnesty for those who fled from service in Vietnam.
There is a page with links to his articles in the Weekly Standard, American Enterprise Institute, Parade. And so on. Washington Times hails his speeches. One of which was at the Confederate Memorial. Nowhere at the site is any revision of early – and later – harsh stances (such as he tried to claim in his run). His in memoriam to Cap Weinberger is esp gag worthy (its on the SWJ list), if one lived thru that era. He writes of Clinton, protestors, and so on.
Well the site is there, and has been for a good while. He is a thorough going militarist, who disliked the Iraq engagement, disagreed with it and, imo, went to a massive fit of pique that he was ignored.
He supports and will push the long global war against Terror. It is just the new Communist threat – no one says it is not real, but it is fast consuming us.. No point expecting better schools anytime soon. Or sex ed in a country strangling under religious assault, or increased reproductive services, etc, or health care – anything other than an insurance sell out for health care… to briefly touch on the embrace elswwhere in this thread of the Reid (“Prevention First”) and Democrats for Life (”95/10”) propaganda which is to help reduced access to abortion go down. Good lord, funds for food stamps and WIC are under assault in this country. Medicaid at the most desperate level is under assault (see MS and TN, one R governor one D governor). There will not be good federally underwritten child care anytime soon. Women must have free and unfettered access to the rull range of reproductive choice.
I am sorry, it (“Class Stuggle”) is not enough in a terrible time. Placed iwth friends. Who know very well about framing.
I may not be a Democrat anymore, but I just don’t/won’t applaud or defend his sort. We have suffered under and from them. And we still do. Even as they sprinkle a bit of ‘wing of the dove’ over their weaponry.
Why would I swallow what is carefully prepared and served to me.
regarding both women’s rights and militarism. I’ve read his infamous article “Women Can’t Fight”. It’s horrendous – not only because of the sexism, but because of his equation of masculinity, and male sexuality, with combat. I find that the most disturbing aspect of the article, but nobody ever mentions that.
Webb has never satisfactorily backed off of the sentiments and attitudes expressed in that article. I have a difficult time believing he went through a miraculous conversion at some point in the intervening years.
The abject ignorance of writers like this one render me nearly speechless. (And nauseous as well.) But not surprised.
“REAL men” are not threatened by evidence of a womans strength or power: they respect it.
Testosterone-driven “macho-men” are scared to death of it and flip right into frenzied chest-beating attack mode, immediately escalating the W.O.W. (War On Women)
MEN who gain seats of power are never attacked for their biological gender status. Speaker Pelosi will be relentlessly attacked for hers, as all women are when they dare to enter the hallowed halls of Macho Alpha Male Supremacy.
Just as as any male politico will be, who dares step one toe outside the “code” of alpha macho maleness.
NL, thanks for pointing this out. My head is about to explode — but then I’m just an emotional female.
I thank the universe for emotional females!!
The name of the group of veterans running for Dem office was “Band of Brothers”. In spite of the fact that the group included women.
Sad fact.