photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
What’s on your dance card today?
I am already at work. I have a toastmaster’s meeting at 5 and then will go home and do designs and that type of thing. LOL What does your day look like?
Morning, Andi & RF. What a lovely flower! Now, don’t tell me that it is blooming now – at least not outside.
Oh, now with glasses on, I see it is one of Olivia’s lovelies. Of Course!
Morning Kidspeak!!!!
You can read about the flower here and here to find out why it’s blooming outside Olivia’s house now.
Yep, with those multiple stems, I can see its a tazetta. We had one a few years ago, and also couldn’t stand the intense perfume! Heavier than walking through a cosmetics section of a department store where they have clerks out trying to spray you with new fragrances.
OK, I know some of us haven’t really had winter yet.
This is the garden that Teach built from old cobblestones.
even though I haven’t actually had a chance to miss warm weather, I’m delighted by the picture — it’s a lovely garden and so nicely designed.
Thanks. Now, of course, three years later, it resembles the wooley and overgrown jumble that he intended. This pic is far, far neater than our yard ever stays! We don’t rake leaves, for example, so all of this is covered gradually by a mat of maple leaves. I think it actually makes it look better.
since I live in the middle of many, many acres of humus, I’m very much in agreement that leaf little is quite attractive.
I’m off to the races – er, to clean up after the thundering horde, and otherwise start working. At least it isn’t Monday anymore!
Hope your day goes well.
It is beautiful!!!! I know how to do that type of thing and use to but haven’t in years. LOL I am too busy with other stuff. I am lucky if I cut the grass now.
Hi, RF & Andi. I did see you both here, but the beast jumped off my lap at the wrong time, and it was either leave off greetings or type something I didn’t want to put into print!
Morning everybody! It’s actually a (gasp!) chilly day here today….
and since you are forming coherent sentences, I’m assuming that CBtE did as well.
Guess I won’t admit to sleeping most of yesterday afternoon and having a killer sinus headache (which is still lingering), then. 🙂
Yeah, he arrived safely in El Paso, and called me as he was beginning his 5-hour journey through Nowhere, Texas to where they are backpacking and rockclimbing and canyoneering and stuff. Said it was “flat and boring”.
And now I won’t hear from him until the end of the month.
maybe you can get CBtY to do some surly for you so you won’t miss him quite so much. 😉
Oh, CBtY has been giving us “Snark n’ Surl”, his own unique brand of snippiness. Happy to take over his borther’s spot, I guess. 🙂
I think it’s probably a good thing that they drive the kids through miles of nowhere on the way to their destination, so no one is tempted to try to walk home. 🙂 And I think I’m not even expecting a letter.
Probably wise to not expect the letter. When I went to camp, once a week they would require us to write a postcard home in order to get into dinner. OTOH, there were kids who wrote multi-page letters home everyday but they were definitely in the minority and tended to be the kids who just didn’t enjoy the experience.
content myself with looking at pictures of where he’ll be, out in the backcountry…sigh.
How’s Day 2 of back-to-work? I’ve been up and rolling since early this morning, but now I need to knuckle under and read and make notes so I can start writing.
Hi! How are you and the Divas this morning?
We are great!!!!!
Meant to say I hope you are but I see you have a lingering head ache. sorry about that.
Thanks. The headache is finally starting to fade, although it’s not completely gone yet.
So that we know he made out okay at his ‘appointment’ this morning … 😉
Morning everyone.
Ack! I’ve been sequestered all day, I’ll post a lounge in a sec