I am not encouraging anyone with an account at Redstate to respond there, but I think it’s an interesting question.

Redstate Front Page

WHAT SHOULD HE SAY?  A Prebuttal to the President’s Iraq War Speech.

Dear Readers:

With the President set to address the nation on Wednesday to announce his plans for a renewed commitment to the war in Iraq, RedState’s contributors will be participating in a “prebuttal” of the speech. You too can participate.

Tomorrow, put up a blog post relevant to this idea: what do you want to hear the President say on Wednesday. We’ll be using this space to provide links. Tomorrow, we “prebut” the speech with what we want President Bush to say and do to win the war.


The Mgt.

Not at all meta, unless you consider the cross blog pollination.
I’m conflicted about this post.  I have a record at other blogs and my rigid rule is no cross pollination.

Rigid.  Heh.  I have defended dKos at Booman, where I have an account.  I have crossed swords with Leon at My Left Wing where I also have an account.  That was about my belief in Online Integrity.  I have an account at Redstate too and this will reflect on me I’m afraid.

Except I think I’m being fair.

Do I think this question is that important?  Yes.

I expect you to answer this question appropriately for The Booman Tribune, it will probably be linked, this is a public forum.  Be honest, but respectful.

At Redstate the language would pass any department of Standards and Practices.  If you say- BushLied™, they shut their ears so if your intention is to persuade I suggest you avoid it.

My personal feeling is this- the war in Iraq, such as it is, is lost.  When we leave there will be mass sectarian violence.  Whenever we leave.

Iraq is already a breeding ground for terrorists.  There is no prospect at all of the puppet government granting oil rights that any successor government feels bound to respect.  We are bleeding our economy faster than our opponent.

Likewise we can not prevail in a wider war. The action of attacking Iran is suicidal for our military and the Republican Party.  We have the power to close Hormuz, but not keep it open.  Apples fall down.

The only difference between now and then is how many United States soldiers and Iraqis die.

Their concern is the terrorists will follow us home and seize the oil and ruin our economy.  Millions of dead from weapons of mass destruction and forced conversion to Islam.  Chadors anyone?

I was going to write a snarky channeling of an argument in favor because I am so vain that I’ll trade sides at Monopoly and kick your butt.  My family won’t play with me any more.

In this case I won’t trade.

Mister President, Saddam Hussein is dead.  We have won this war.  Time to come home.

Cross posted at Never In Our Names
Cross posted at My Left Wing
Cross posted at The Daily Kos