From Fox 61 news and courtesy of Scarce at MLN:
Everyone wants to know about THE LIST…
And as a side note… Ken Krayeske writing about the death of Hunter S Thompson at Counterpunch:
I’m sad that Thompson fed his head with lead. It makes Bush’s America that much more difficult to deal with. As I try to soldier on, I know one of my heroes determined the act of writing political commentary was meaningless in the face of a depraved would-be dictator.
Fortunately for us there are plenty of different bottles to chose from and none of what anyone writes about in trying to stop the crazies in the GOP will ever be meaningless. And I, for one, choose to continue to drink liberally from the many different offerings available in this great big Blogorific world, and to write just as liberally, until this nightmare ends.
Soldier on dude… You aren’t alone in this.
Soldier on!
This is an issue that needs to get some tender loving national attention. Whether you Blog or are a citizen journalist, or even if you are just a political activist…
It is just another Homeland Security nightmare waiting to happen again. And you could be the next Krayeske.
Can you give an explanation of “the list” or link to an article or transcript for those of us on dial-up who can’t watch the video?
I diaried about this a few days ago so… Sure thing:
Here it is!