This is a thread for discussing the President’s address to the nation. Feel free to comment on his wardrobe, jewelry, figure, etc.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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for shrub’s speech.
Republican Spelling Bee Ash Grey T-Shirt
Republican Spelling Bee
I like em Refinish. Good job.
Thanks. Now if we could get shrub to read them. LOL
Hey, I’d be happy if he could READ them!
I like that one. 🙂
Thank you!!!!
The Brits have the headlines: A March of folly
Robert Fisk: Bush’s new strategy
leads the Headline in tomorrow’s Independent: “so into the graveyard of Iraq, George Bush, commander-in-chief, is to send another 21,000 of his soldiers. The march of folly is to continue…”
Patrick Cockburn: The man who now holds Iraq’s future in his hands
Last Chance – Out by Easter
PM’s policy turns to dust
“Tony Blair gave the clearest hint yesterday that he hopes to announce British troop withdrawals from Iraq by Easter. But he was warned by one of his former cabinet ministers that the war and its aftermath could turn his legacy to dust.”
Rupert Cornwell: “This is a gamble of massive effrontery to the voters, the politicians and even the generals.”
‘There is one thing that is certain: this war, from now on, is President Bush’s war alone’
curly and I are watching Olbermann and debating whether we have the fortitude to actually watch the delusional madman (not our Madman 😉 ).
We’ll watch the beginning, at least…
If there is too much nausea, we’ll bail.
doing the same thing. usually have to just come back after he finishes talking.
I’m going to watch as much as I can. I’m already having a problem controlling my anger. Having a heart attack will not help. Remember its like Jim Lovell said on Apollo 13 something like “We can bounce off the walls for thirty minutes but after we are still going to be here.” Not exactly but you get it.
I usually turn the tv on in the other room and just listen…otherwise the smirking smugness just makes me alternately want to scream and vomit.
Although lately, the shrillness and panic in voice has made me want to see the look on his face…stupid crazy man in the White House.
Although lately, the shrillness and panic in voice has made me want to see the look on his face
That’s our motivation as well. Still, it will take major effort to get through.
I will watch till the Diva Dogs are barking too loud and growling so much I am afraid the neighbors will complain. LOL
This will be the biggest test of everyones emotional stability since Katrina.
is it a bad omen? happens LBJ addressed the nation on Vietnam Jan. 10, 1967
Attywood has a comparison of the LBJ/GWB speech for similiarity of tone and positioning – we call it spin.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say yes.
the 2005 elections in Iraq were great but the 2006 elections here were better
You think he can read?
He looks like a nervous wreck. I can’t even hear what he says.
He sounds NERVOUS!!!
The failure in on tv right now
Interesting. He just said that the ‘responsibility lies with me’.
Of course, he was talking about setting the new policy, not responsibility for the mess that Iraq has already turned into.
And – ‘ emboldened to launch a tax on our nation’.
He can’t even pronounce attacks.
Actually, he just knows his base fears a new tax more than they fear an attack.
I keep on hearing Iran . . . not good
stark warning..The march of folly is here.
He needs more than a silhouette against a library to convince me of his intellect and knowledge.
He just mentioned 9/11.
let’s talk about 9/11 again even thougfh Iraq had not one damn thing to do with it.
Guess the first two strategies were not right? Interesting!!!
Yes, let’s send more women and men to die in a civil war. He is a fucking idiot!!!!!
It sounds very familiar to previous efforts. It is not new, just the same pig with different dress
“a well defined ad-mission”
interesting parapraxis
Iraq PM said . . . right! Doing the same things and expecting different results is insanity!
he is very fond of the word “sectarian”
I was noticing that as well. He is using the phrase sectarian violence over and over to avoid saying ‘civil war’.
so American soldiers will be used to do an ethnic cleansing in another country? Bush has lost his mind what little he had
Well, it has taken fours years to figure this out!! I am so pissed!! This is pure “cover your ass” speech!
He has been rehearsing a lot. so far he hasn’t stuttered once. They must have a mike in his ear telling him what to say.
he did. i noted it above.
elections, constitution and oil revenue: these are the same accomplishments he touted two years ago. in fact, all the goals he enumerates were goals he claimed we attained before. this is ridiculous.
Give more money to haliburton to rebuild and rip off Iraq and America
exactly, and it will be supervised by someone appointed by condolleezza rice.
Her personal shopper for shoes?
I think it would be an interesting youtube excercise to completely recreate this speech using video clips from previous speeches. I am sure it could be done.
But then again there is no way in hell I could tolerate watching that much video of his speeches.
Oh Yeah… more intel reports. did cheney write the damn thing
I see George is still confusing ‘Iraq’ with ‘terrorists’.
Same song, different verse . . . notice he keeps on saying the commanders believe . . . cover his ass and it is so sad to watch!!
H ekeeps naming Iran & Syria. Is the fool trying to start two more wars besides iraq and afganastan?
Think of it more as an expansion of existing wars. But yes, to the greater point of your question.
Yes, he is . . bet your bottom dollar
Don’t forget Somalia
Iraq = Vietnam
Iran = Cambodia
Syria and Iran . . . we are heading for the big showdown . . . in spades
what is a “patriot air defense group?”
a moron’s dream of glory even though he is a coward and a deserter
22 yrs in the navy and i am not sure . . LOL
I think I remember this from the first gulf war: Patriot
“decisive ideological struggle of our time”
“destroy our way of life”
“hateful ideology”
Iraq did not make a choice but had democracy shoved down their damn throats.
the shithead is wearing on his lapel?
He disgraces our founding fathers and their vision of enlightenment when he is seen near a US flag.
This speech is prep for Iran and Syria . . . I can see that . . . his definition of victory is so high but his actions ensure we fail . . so much BS
Maliki is going to let him go into sadr City evidently. We will slaughter a lot of people there to even out all the Sunni we have slaughtered. Your never more free then when your dead. We are going to have a lot more blood on our hands. This fucking sucks. The same fear of a Vietnam Domino Affect to scare people into supporting this insanity. Yes they hate us we have now gotten a couple hundred thousand Iraqi’s killed. Stop now just STOP and begin to make amends.
“victory” will not look similar to past victories
so we do not know what victory will be. interesting. obfuscation at its best.
he considered nothing cause he is an arrogant asshole
Iraq is depend on the US … you finally figured that out after 4 yrs . . OMG!!!
Holy Joe makes the speech!
I should add that he will be part of the President’s bipartisan approach, which apparently means that the Republicans are now working hand in hand with the Connecticut for Lieberman party.
bi-partisan working group . . . well that is a joke if I have ever heard one!
build nations???? he is planning more wars.
Yes indeed
other views are called “criticisms”
joe lieberman is mentioned. bipartisan, and cross party lines. thanks, joe. thanks, hadassah.
we will increase troops in order to bring them home sooner. bush is apparently a fan of paradox.
“freedom is the call of our time”
Now he is referring to realists as pessimists. What a joke.
“defied the pessimists and seen our faith in freedom redeemed”
OMG this speech was so much BS I can not even express it! This man needs real mental help!
Heh. Olbermann just NAILED the Lieberman mention!
Good Deal! He just shows that Holy Joe is no friend of the Democrats and ties him directly to the Republicans! Best part of the speech!
Are the networks not going to carry Durbin’s response?
It’s on now.
NPR is not. But I guess Sen. Kerry will respond on NPR.
I guess not – Deal or No Fucking Deal is more important to the network O’Reilly has labelled leftist.
It’s on MSNBC.
Ok, we need to see if Sen Obama is real or fake!
Watching on MSNBC . . . Obama is speaking.
Durbin is on my MSNBC.
Sorry and you are right it was Durbin, I am in my home office and have the volume on the TV on low . . sorry for the mistake!
No worries…apparently Obama is about to speak 🙂
Well, he saying the right things . .but will he back it up with actions? Only time will tell.
I liked what he did in the first minute : Use the phrase ‘civil war’ and say that this is not what Americans demanded in the November elections. That’s good stuff, and short and sweet sound byte.
Simple and no fancy terms . . clear and concise . . great job!!!
Booman put a new thread up here