It was good to see Patrick Murphy, Joe Courtney, Hank Johnson, Gabrielle Giffords, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Sestak, and other freshmen serving on the Armed Services Committee today. It really brought home all that we helped accomplish over the last year.
What’s on your mind?
I’d like to humbly (I know, out of character, but …) suggest that Senator Feingold be elevated to the front page.
Just a thought.
I have mixed feelings…I think it is definitely deserving of being FP’d, but at the same time I like him over there mingling with the rest of we common folk π
Andy Pettite was officially welcomed back to the Yanks today.
There’s hope for my little world afterall.
I hear Clemens is probably coming back next year, and the only two teams he would pitch for are the Yanks and Astros (he also said Boston, but they’ve already blown a lot on pitching so I’m guessing they’re out).
I thought I saw him at the Social Security Administration building asking for his retirement benefits. I kinda doubt the Yanks would go a second round with Rocket. Then again they wasted a lot of money on David (oh my aching back, I can’t pitch in the Series) Wells a second time, so who knows.
I think he’ll sign with the Astros. The Yankees might pay him more, but there is no way he would dominate AL hitting like he has NL hitting.
hopefully, he will recover fully and resume his duties in the senate.
I’m wondering, since the Washington Note is reporting
if a Tonkin Gulf situation will pop up soon?
I had to read it twice: “Meanwhile, after a meeting at the White House, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., expressed both doubts and optimism about the strategy.”
What a guy.
(My colleague caught it in the AP story.)
while he’s against it.
Feingold is up next on Countdown.
I booked my flights, will be there on the 27th!
AWESOME!!! I can’t wait man. It’s been hard to focus at work the last few days.
went to bed so angry last night that when i woke up this morning, began checking for deals to get out there so i could register my displeasure in person.
After the speech last night, I got a new feeling : this march is going to be BIG. I didn’t think that before.
Manny – logged on, went to “Recent Comments” and there you were – my first real smile since hearing Mr. Bush’s speech last night – many thanks!
for helping to keep the protest on everyone’s radar screen. i’m looking forward to meeting you all. [smiles back]
The thanks should go to Supersoling for the November posting and Wilfred who did the first one in January. π
Thank you Manny
forward to working out my frustration and hanging out with my favorite peacemongers. π
As serious as our need to be there is I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t excited to meet with my friends and kindred spirits :o)
Ditto π
I’m also excited to finally set foot in DC.
Ditto Ditto π
Peace begins within and it is made stronger by sharing it with others.
Olbermann Special Comment coming up.
Whooeee. And it’s a good one.
“The President who cried wolf.”
Fucken A
A veteran of the Washington Monthly flamewars ( the comments thread is moderated now ! ) has drafted some co-commenters to work up an organized online overview of what politicians are doing by electoral district ( I think that’s the breakdown ). It looks to have a lot of potential. Watching Those We Chose is the brainchild of