Yes, I knew the image couldn’t be current. Just saw the forecast here – 3 days of rain to come, then big drop in temperatures on Tuesday. I guess you get the weather a day or two before us.
The normal pattern is that first it hits IndyLib, then CabinGirl, then you. The big exception is the albert clipper which makes a big U and misses the northeast entirely.
I prefer the high deserts of the colorado plateau but I love all desert hiking — it exposes nature in a way that you don’t get in mountains or forests.
Morning Andi and Ask!!!! Very wet weekend here. It has been raining everysince I woke up at 4 am. Suppose to be this way all weekend and then the temps are suppose to drop to the 20’s and 30’s on Monday and continue but with ice.
Are you off for the weekend or do yo have to go to work?
Looks like rain is a theme. I’m really sick of it and the ground is like a swamp but I will definitely take rain over ice. What I’d really like is some snow.
Jim and I have completely different approaches to getting up — when I’m up, I’m up but he gets to the awake state very gradually so that he has to get up an hour and half before he actually need to leave for school just to keep from being late.
LOL I get up feed the dogs, make coffee and then get busy with the days agenda… designing, podcasting, blogging or answering emails while laundry is going. LOL
LOL I always drive folks nuts cause I wake up and am ready to get going with the day immediately. I have learned not to travel with others because of it. I do not sleep in when on vacation. I still get up early, answer emails, blog and then am ready to start the day early. Both times I went to HI, I saw the sun rise every morning. LOL
I truly don’t understand people with the capability of waking up and actually feeling awake. Much less being able to pop out of bed and do something productive.
I’m still in bed, trying to convince myself that sitting upright would be a good first step. But at least today is better than the last 4 or 5 Saturdays when I decided I needed to go back to sleep .. and did. Which was kind of weird, I haven’t been able to actually go back to full sleep in years.
sounds like it’s time to get a puppy. They guarantee early wake ups and you can’t stay asleep very long standing outside in the frosty air while they pee in the predawn hours.
Um, unless you have a moral problem with it (I don’t, because I view at as keeping my dogs safe from cars hitting them), I think the invisible fencing might be cheaper than real fencing.
The designing will start in a few. I will be in and out as I am recording a new podcast right now. If you have skype on your computer I could interview you if you would like. LOL
the El Paso area, right? All of this region had a drop in temps yesterday with rain on and off expected. The desert gets pretty cold at night, dipping into the 20s. Yet the snowbirds still come! 🙂
Feeling very very much better today. Sun is filtering through milky clouds, leaf blowers in the distance, hot coffee in the press, dog eating cat shit out of the litter box. What could be better?
I’m living sort of a surreal existence, but it’s good. I did go back to my regular dose and I feel much more present today. Thank god! I think I’d rather lose a leg than my mind and yesterday I was afraid my mind had gone.
I know what you mean. I think of my two (now dead) grandmothers. One had perfect physical health almost until she died, but had Alzheimers. The other had health problems including strokes but was completely sharp until the day she died at 96. I’d rather have my mind.
Although frankly my grandmother with Alzheimers was probably happier once she got past the phase of knowing something was wrong with her.
I know you are right. When I worked in the group home I always felt the worst for the men who were only mildly retarded because they knew they were retarded and they knew they were missing things that other people had. The others were just blissfully unaware.
Switching topics, I’ve been reading the local paper (on line) about those 2 boys who were recovered yesterday.
All of this guy’s neighbors say he seemed perfectly normal. He was the manager of the Kirkwood branch of the local pizza chain for years. They give him glowing references. They all knew he drove a truck that matched the description for the Amber alert this week — but it never occurred to them that he could have done anything like kidnap a little boy.
Really, the world is a scary place, but the fact that things aren’t always what they seem is somehow the scariest.
There’s a story in the paper this morning of a local woman who came home to find her 4-year old daughter decapitated and they are looking for her husband. The paper describes him as deeply religious.
I went to yoga for the first time in a while. Oy. I feel like all the icky stuff stuck in my joints came out all at once…and now I’m relaxed to the point of spaciness.
I was making Joshua’s birthday cake yesterday and here’s a snap of it. It’s green and reptilian but not a frog, sort of an eater of frogs. I finished it last night when Josh was asleep and his first words this morning were that his cake is great but it doesn’t look very mean or ferocious. I guess I’ll have to work on making the mean ferocious cake but it’s hard because it’s cake and it’s chocolate too….I never met a chocolate cake I didn’t like or who didn’t like me. My right hand feels like it milked Holsteins last night though in my sleep.
here on the Left Coast — according to the weather widget it’s a balmy 39 degrees right now; it was 32 a couple of hours ago when the spouse got up. It’s supposed to make it up to 52 but I doubt it’ll get there. (Think I’d better change from the T-shirt I’m wearing now into a long-sleeved one…)
We get a weekly email from our parish’s Outreach group that list specific donation requests for the Food Closet and local Homeless Drop-In Center. Needs for both this week include cotton socks, so the spouse and I will drop by Target to pick up a batch. And with the cold weather, I’m sure they could use some warm sweatshirts so I’ll toss a few of those in the cart as well. (So glad we’re financially comfortable enough to do stuff for others!) Plus, now that I’m down a T-shirt size I can donate some of my “fat chick” (XXL) T-shirts. 🙂
Just “Dropping In” to remind every one to watch for the comet tonight. I posted pix & a map with the timeline in last night`s cafe. It`s a beautiful sight.
Just spent an hour serching for my box of checks and finally had given up. I finally found them after giving up and I am stunned at where I found them. They were in the bathroom cabinet of all places. I am going to lay in some supplies as they are calling for sleet tomorrow and monday and snow flurries through thursady so far.
LOL I had looked for the keys for 2 days and not left the house when I gave up and called a locksmith on Monday morning. That night after it was all over, I went to get something out of the freezer and my keys fell out on the floor. it was winter and I seldom use ice unless I am making a mixed drink.
She sleeps with us. :/ Nothing like having a cold wet nose in your ass – sounds pleasurable but really it’s not very. And the way she looks at us is just….embarrassing.
It was some fu fu kind of dog. I did think of that the one time we actually attempted any action with HJ in the bed. Usually she’s in her crate and merely growls to protect me. 🙂
I wanted to tell you that you are a better person than me. I couldn’t make a nice welcoming comment to someone who had said nasty things about me in another forum.
Oh crap. It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. And I miss you and your comments enough already. Oh, and brinnaine was banned when she posted my name on the site, so it IS a bannable offense.
Well frankly she (not Bri) posted some stuff about another blogger on line at MLW and MSOC deleted that portion of her post. I saw it before it got deleted. And someone else who posts here (an ostensibly new person) also did. MSOC deleted her whole post. I saw it before it was deleted too.
I’m conflicted about it, not because it was posted at MLW and not here, but because the person they posted about doesn’t post here anymore, so isn’t really a user here.
But if that person WAS a user here, it shouldn’t matter WHERE it gets posted. Here or somewhere else.
Yes NDD, You can see it just above where the sun set & it`s visible to the naked eye, for about 20 mins. Then it also sets. Here`s the sunset at my place tonight. I took this a few mins. before the comet, but went a way up with the F-stop because of the light. The comet will be visible at the top of this picture, for a reference point tomorrow night.
You seem to have a good lens judging from the sunset. It would seem that you would get the same pic with a “Zoom” lens from 70/200 or a 18/70. As far as the comet shots, those are taken with a 300mm. You can get a “Zoom” that goes to 300mm though. Maybe a 70/300. I`m just picking this number of the top of my head, but I know there are lenses like that. As far as the F-stop, going all the way up to 22 closes the lens down to allow less light in. Otherwise the light from the sun would have washed out the image. You can get similar results by shooting very quickly at a lower F-stop. There are a large number of compatible settings to achieve a like result, more so with a good camera like the D80.
The “Zoom” lenses are variable in that you can take wide angle shots like your sunset or tighter shots as well. Some of these lenses also incorporate a “Macro” setting for real close shots.
So far I was only aware of using the higher F stops for increasing the depth of field on landscape shots. But I see your point as to it working well for sunset shots too from the limiting of the light input.
I did have a zoom lens once years ago on a Pentax 35mm which had macro. But so far I have done no research on what is available for the D80 having just recently concluded that is the direction I intend to go.
Until I bought my Nikon Coopix 3200, 3.2Mp, I was using a Minolta xii, or is it xi, I forget now. I think that had a zoom from 80-210, but no macro feature. I’ve been amazed at what the little Coopix is capable of. But no adjusting for light, hence no knew knowledge gained, hence limitations in many circumstances, hence the D80.
my younger sister is waiting to hear where her new assignment is going to be and there’s a chance it might be in St. Paul. If it is and I get up there to see her, I’ll let you know. Since it isn’t that far for you 🙂
the “ha!” was just to clarify the possible meeting situation… in the likelihood that we might get together… with me taking into consideration your above state preferences regarding marriage.
Yeah, there’s some good BT-folk in MPLS area who I disappointed by not making it to a meetup held there. So I could make amends. 🙂
and, could have been the attorney part too I suppose, if I was to assume you’d had enough of that sort of interaction at the work place, however, I do believe your political action persona would fit well with his, so there’d likely not be much atty type talk.
Well, I don’t know when she’ll find out if that’s where she’s going (and she might end up in Boston instead), but I’ll let you know. I like the twin cities so I would definitely try to get up to see her there.
YOWZA, That`s a beauty, NDD. In the thumbnail, I pictured a dogsled with a team, then in the larger pic you can see forever. I hope you remember to look for the comet tomorrow. They`re pretty special.
It’s so damn cold (already down to 39, expected lows in the 20s) that I’m going to go to bed early and curl up under my nice warm comforter and wait for my bedwarmer (aka the spouse) to join me…night all…
Good morning.
It looks beautiful where you are 😉
We’re in for a rainy day (in fact, all weekend, they say).
the picture wasn’t from over a week ago. 🙁
It’s been raining here since yesterday morning and rain is predicted through Tuesday. Blecch.
Yes, I knew the image couldn’t be current. Just saw the forecast here – 3 days of rain to come, then big drop in temperatures on Tuesday. I guess you get the weather a day or two before us.
The normal pattern is that first it hits IndyLib, then CabinGirl, then you. The big exception is the albert clipper which makes a big U and misses the northeast entirely.
Good morning!
Our rain started in the night.
Good morning, CG.
Time for coffee and a DVD here. We’ll watch “Water” – an Indian production on the lives of young Hindu widows.
That sounds like a good rainy day plan. I’m going to have coffee and actually go to my yoga class for the first time in a while.
Saw the forecast for CBtE. I hope he gets the snow — snow in the desert is just gorgeous.
I’ll take your word on how gorgeous it is. I think the park they’re in is beautiful, although I’m not really a dry desert kind of person.
I prefer the high deserts of the colorado plateau but I love all desert hiking — it exposes nature in a way that you don’t get in mountains or forests.
Morning Andi and Ask!!!! Very wet weekend here. It has been raining everysince I woke up at 4 am. Suppose to be this way all weekend and then the temps are suppose to drop to the 20’s and 30’s on Monday and continue but with ice.
Are you off for the weekend or do yo have to go to work?
Looks like rain is a theme. I’m really sick of it and the ground is like a swamp but I will definitely take rain over ice. What I’d really like is some snow.
I am off work this weekend but have the second load of laudry going and am working on a new podcast and will do a new design to go along with it. LOL
I think I need to introduce you to my husband who gets up and then immediately goes and lies down on the couch.
Ha. CBtY does the same thing.
Jim and I have completely different approaches to getting up — when I’m up, I’m up but he gets to the awake state very gradually so that he has to get up an hour and half before he actually need to leave for school just to keep from being late.
Well, I get up at 4:30 to be at work by 7 am but I am busy from the time I get up till I leave. LOL
Umm, as far as I can tell you are busy all the time, except when you are asleep — which you never do. 🙂
LOL I get up feed the dogs, make coffee and then get busy with the days agenda… designing, podcasting, blogging or answering emails while laundry is going. LOL
Ha! I knew I liked Jim. That’s how people are supposed to wake up. In stages.
LOL I always drive folks nuts cause I wake up and am ready to get going with the day immediately. I have learned not to travel with others because of it. I do not sleep in when on vacation. I still get up early, answer emails, blog and then am ready to start the day early. Both times I went to HI, I saw the sun rise every morning. LOL
You know I hate people like you, right? You’re like a fucking jack-in-the-box. 😛
ROTFLMAO!!!! But I am nice about it. I leave the hotel room or move to another room and entertain myself and leave a note of where I can be found. LOL
That is very thoughtful. How’s your mom? I sometimes think about popping in to see her.
she is as onery as ever. LOL
I truly don’t understand people with the capability of waking up and actually feeling awake. Much less being able to pop out of bed and do something productive.
I’m still in bed, trying to convince myself that sitting upright would be a good first step. But at least today is better than the last 4 or 5 Saturdays when I decided I needed to go back to sleep .. and did. Which was kind of weird, I haven’t been able to actually go back to full sleep in years.
sounds like it’s time to get a puppy. They guarantee early wake ups and you can’t stay asleep very long standing outside in the frosty air while they pee in the predawn hours.
Fenced yard. Dog door.
You’ve got this all figured out. I’m actually going to get an estimate on fencing in the yard. What a boring thing to have to spend a couple grand on.
Um, unless you have a moral problem with it (I don’t, because I view at as keeping my dogs safe from cars hitting them), I think the invisible fencing might be cheaper than real fencing.
Just sayin’.
Good morning, rf!
Have you been busy designing this morning?
The designing will start in a few. I will be in and out as I am recording a new podcast right now. If you have skype on your computer I could interview you if you would like. LOL
Always busy, eh.
I’m at curly’s, no skype. Not that I have it installed either. Maybe a project for this afternoon when back home.
Sounds good. I can always have you on as a guest in a later show.
I think CBtE’s gonna get cold and wet this weekend.
LOL if he is in texas he is already wet and will be cold as hell if the reports hold true for the first of the week.
This should make him nostalgic for his nice warm cabin and loving mother 🙂
the El Paso area, right? All of this region had a drop in temps yesterday with rain on and off expected. The desert gets pretty cold at night, dipping into the 20s. Yet the snowbirds still come! 🙂
Prejudice, The Republican Party & even some Democrats
Feeling very very much better today. Sun is filtering through milky clouds, leaf blowers in the distance, hot coffee in the press, dog eating cat shit out of the litter box. What could be better?
That’s good. Did you go back to your regular dosage?
You sound more like your old self than yesterday 🙂
I’m living sort of a surreal existence, but it’s good. I did go back to my regular dose and I feel much more present today. Thank god! I think I’d rather lose a leg than my mind and yesterday I was afraid my mind had gone.
I know what you mean. I think of my two (now dead) grandmothers. One had perfect physical health almost until she died, but had Alzheimers. The other had health problems including strokes but was completely sharp until the day she died at 96. I’d rather have my mind.
Although frankly my grandmother with Alzheimers was probably happier once she got past the phase of knowing something was wrong with her.
I know you are right. When I worked in the group home I always felt the worst for the men who were only mildly retarded because they knew they were retarded and they knew they were missing things that other people had. The others were just blissfully unaware.
Switching topics, I’ve been reading the local paper (on line) about those 2 boys who were recovered yesterday.
All of this guy’s neighbors say he seemed perfectly normal. He was the manager of the Kirkwood branch of the local pizza chain for years. They give him glowing references. They all knew he drove a truck that matched the description for the Amber alert this week — but it never occurred to them that he could have done anything like kidnap a little boy.
Really, the world is a scary place, but the fact that things aren’t always what they seem is somehow the scariest.
There’s a story in the paper this morning of a local woman who came home to find her 4-year old daughter decapitated and they are looking for her husband. The paper describes him as deeply religious.
that’s disgusting. Who does that to his own child?
I’m glad to hear it! 🙂
I went to yoga for the first time in a while. Oy. I feel like all the icky stuff stuck in my joints came out all at once…and now I’m relaxed to the point of spaciness.
LOL Glad you are feeling better. You could always get rid of the cat and get another dog.
I was making Joshua’s birthday cake yesterday and here’s a snap of it. It’s green and reptilian but not a frog, sort of an eater of frogs. I finished it last night when Josh was asleep and his first words this morning were that his cake is great but it doesn’t look very mean or ferocious. I guess I’ll have to work on making the mean ferocious cake but it’s hard because it’s cake and it’s chocolate too….I never met a chocolate cake I didn’t like or who didn’t like me. My right hand feels like it milked Holsteins last night though in my sleep.
I totally love it…maybe if you put a barbies or something in it’s mouth, then could it be ferocious?
Dammit, MT – I have something for little dude that I’ve been meaning to mail. Bad, bad, SN.
Heh. You get a special dispensation this week. Now turn off that negative internal dialogue. 🙂
That’s adorable.
Tell him that not everything that’s ferocious looks like it. That makes them more dangerous. Think polar bears.
how cute!!!!
here on the Left Coast — according to the weather widget it’s a balmy 39 degrees right now; it was 32 a couple of hours ago when the spouse got up. It’s supposed to make it up to 52 but I doubt it’ll get there. (Think I’d better change from the T-shirt I’m wearing now into a long-sleeved one…)
We get a weekly email from our parish’s Outreach group that list specific donation requests for the Food Closet and local Homeless Drop-In Center. Needs for both this week include cotton socks, so the spouse and I will drop by Target to pick up a batch. And with the cold weather, I’m sure they could use some warm sweatshirts so I’ll toss a few of those in the cart as well. (So glad we’re financially comfortable enough to do stuff for others!) Plus, now that I’m down a T-shirt size I can donate some of my “fat chick” (XXL) T-shirts. 🙂
Hope everyone has a great day…
Just “Dropping In” to remind every one to watch for the comet tonight. I posted pix & a map with the timeline in last night`s cafe. It`s a beautiful sight.

is anyone around or did everyone decide to sleep the day away. LOL
Hey rf,
Bac2 h60e, w5th a f4n2y 2eyb6ard.
EOTFLMAO!!!!! I think you need to invest in a newkey board and throw that one out
Just spent an hour serching for my box of checks and finally had given up. I finally found them after giving up and I am stunned at where I found them. They were in the bathroom cabinet of all places. I am going to lay in some supplies as they are calling for sleet tomorrow and monday and snow flurries through thursady so far.
in the freezer. Sometimes that’s where I absentmindedly leave things.
LOL I found my house keys years ago in the freezer after having to have a new set made.
before I’ve had to have a new set made. Because now I know to look in the freezer first !
LOL I had looked for the keys for 2 days and not left the house when I gave up and called a locksmith on Monday morning. That night after it was all over, I went to get something out of the freezer and my keys fell out on the floor. it was winter and I seldom use ice unless I am making a mixed drink.
The two events seem to have some connection. Hmmmm, let’s see….alcohol + losing things….?
no wasn’t drinking. LOL I went in the freezer that monday to get out chicken breast to cook. LOL
That’s nothing. I answer the tv remote.
That makes one wonder what you do with the phone. LOL
That’s easy. The phone goes into the refrigerator. Duh.
and then when I find it, it’s in plain view somewhere. I blame it on the NSA 😉
I blame it on the dogs cause they knock it off the bed. LOL
Experts say you should never have a tv in the bedroom as it severely cuts into your sex life.
you had a big screen in your bed room. What decadance!
Ha Ha. It makes things look so much bigger!
Unless I can someday afford a house with a seperate game and tv room, I will never have a big screen tv. I hate them and think they destroy a room.
Me too. But I think maryb is implying that me and the mr. have no sex life, when in reality we hump like bunnies. Just not with each other.
who built a theater room in their lower level with the big screen in the wall and a row of recliners with surround sound on the walls.
They’ve never once invited me over to watch anything. 🙁
You might try one of these.

I would have to have a sex life before I worried about that. LOL
You and me both, sweetheart. But I do dream of screwing to My Name is Earl.
Everybody Loves Raymond. Because Ray never gets any.
LOL then how come all the kids???? Postman rang twice?
They used to do it. That’s how they got the kids. But now they have kids. So they don’t.
That’s usually the way it goes. These days it’s really the dog that puts the kibosh on anything.
that is why you need a fenced in back yard LOL
with a dog door.
She sleeps with us. :/ Nothing like having a cold wet nose in your ass – sounds pleasurable but really it’s not very. And the way she looks at us is just….embarrassing.
Best of Show?
I can’t remember what kind of dog that couple had who never had sex because it upset the dog. What is a poodle?
It was some fu fu kind of dog. I did think of that the one time we actually attempted any action with HJ in the bed. Usually she’s in her crate and merely growls to protect me. 🙂
I wanted to tell you that you are a better person than me. I couldn’t make a nice welcoming comment to someone who had said nasty things about me in another forum.
I’ve had alot of practice this week. I’ll tell you some time privately. It’ll make you happy that you’re not married.
I’m happy I’m not married even when I’m around loving couples. I’ve never wanted to be married.
Living together but still maintaining separate houses .. maybe I could handle that.
You know you can e-mail me any time. Especially since I’m not around a lot anymore.
I may do that. 🙂
I’ll second that. I couldn’t say nice things about someone who did that or disclosed others’ personal information…so I didn’t.
I thought disclosing a blogger’s personal information was a banning offense here too?
Not if you email it to others and pretend you didn’t.
I don’t understand.
Maybe I don’t want to understand — all it does is make me more uncomfortable posting here anyway.
Oh crap. It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. And I miss you and your comments enough already. Oh, and brinnaine was banned when she posted my name on the site, so it IS a bannable offense.
Well frankly she (not Bri) posted some stuff about another blogger on line at MLW and MSOC deleted that portion of her post. I saw it before it got deleted. And someone else who posts here (an ostensibly new person) also did. MSOC deleted her whole post. I saw it before it was deleted too.
I’m conflicted about it, not because it was posted at MLW and not here, but because the person they posted about doesn’t post here anymore, so isn’t really a user here.
But if that person WAS a user here, it shouldn’t matter WHERE it gets posted. Here or somewhere else.
Of course he doesn’t. He’s too whiny.
Here`s a comet for you. Shot today at 5:15 PM

Oh, it’s gorgeous! I forgot to look for it.
Here`s another one.

last one I saw was a few years ago in the 90s in N CA. I forget which one that was.
We had a big party here in ND for Haley’s, even had a couple of scopes, one a 5″ Celestron.
Is this comet visibile in ND?
Yes NDD, You can see it just above where the sun set & it`s visible to the naked eye, for about 20 mins. Then it also sets. Here`s the sunset at my place tonight. I took this a few mins. before the comet, but went a way up with the F-stop because of the light. The comet will be visible at the top of this picture, for a reference point tomorrow night.

That’ll help for sure.
So what’s “way up in the F stop”, 22?
I think I’ll be buying a Nikon D80 soon, any recommendation on lens for shooting these types of photos?
You seem to have a good lens judging from the sunset. It would seem that you would get the same pic with a “Zoom” lens from 70/200 or a 18/70. As far as the comet shots, those are taken with a 300mm. You can get a “Zoom” that goes to 300mm though. Maybe a 70/300. I`m just picking this number of the top of my head, but I know there are lenses like that. As far as the F-stop, going all the way up to 22 closes the lens down to allow less light in. Otherwise the light from the sun would have washed out the image. You can get similar results by shooting very quickly at a lower F-stop. There are a large number of compatible settings to achieve a like result, more so with a good camera like the D80.
The “Zoom” lenses are variable in that you can take wide angle shots like your sunset or tighter shots as well. Some of these lenses also incorporate a “Macro” setting for real close shots.
So far I was only aware of using the higher F stops for increasing the depth of field on landscape shots. But I see your point as to it working well for sunset shots too from the limiting of the light input.
I did have a zoom lens once years ago on a Pentax 35mm which had macro. But so far I have done no research on what is available for the D80 having just recently concluded that is the direction I intend to go.
Until I bought my Nikon Coopix 3200, 3.2Mp, I was using a Minolta xii, or is it xi, I forget now. I think that had a zoom from 80-210, but no macro feature. I’ve been amazed at what the little Coopix is capable of. But no adjusting for light, hence no knew knowledge gained, hence limitations in many circumstances, hence the D80.
I`d been using a COOLPIX 5400 till I broke it last month. I`m sending it in for repairs. It`s one of the better cameras I`ve used.
Is that what you were using for the fish tank shots?
Yes NDD, & I can`t wait to get it back.

(poster reserves right to drop in next cafe if this one dies soon.)
No new cafe from me. I haven’t been a froggybottom since right before Christmas.
Besides I’m kind of liking this off the beaten track cafe. It’s like a speakeasy. Only people who know to look for it show up:)
How have you been?
got a boost this last Nov 7th, ha!
Don’t think I’ve ever seen one cafe that lasted from early morning to late at night on a Sat before.
How’s things goin’ for you? Back to some musical entertainment now that it’s winter?
Yeah, November 7 was a real attitude booster. I’m still smiling 🙂
Now, if they can only all hang together and get some stuff done.
I haven’t done anything musical in a while. Don’t know why. How about you?
friend, Art, to hear the St Paul Chamber Orchestra, so that should be fun. Haven’t heard yet what they’re playing, but it’s always good anyway.
my younger sister is waiting to hear where her new assignment is going to be and there’s a chance it might be in St. Paul. If it is and I get up there to see her, I’ll let you know. Since it isn’t that far for you 🙂
Yeah, you should do that.
have a brother (married) [ha!] who lives there, (attorney) and a few others I know, so I’m always looking for an excuse to visit the big city.
is the ha! because he’s married or because he’s your brother 😉 Or because he’s an attorney? (Or is it that he’s married to an attorney?)
It would be fun to meet the northern contingent — including Scribe and NL.
the “ha!” was just to clarify the possible meeting situation… in the likelihood that we might get together… with me taking into consideration your above state preferences regarding marriage.
Yeah, there’s some good BT-folk in MPLS area who I disappointed by not making it to a meetup held there. So I could make amends. 🙂
and, could have been the attorney part too I suppose, if I was to assume you’d had enough of that sort of interaction at the work place, however, I do believe your political action persona would fit well with his, so there’d likely not be much atty type talk.
Well, I don’t know when she’ll find out if that’s where she’s going (and she might end up in Boston instead), but I’ll let you know. I like the twin cities so I would definitely try to get up to see her there.
YOWZA, That`s a beauty, NDD. In the thumbnail, I pictured a dogsled with a team, then in the larger pic you can see forever. I hope you remember to look for the comet tomorrow. They`re pretty special.
yeah, that’s a fitting scene for a dogsled all right. Ha!
I’ll have to call my N CA friends and ask them which comet we were looking at, (memory kaput here lately).
I was in N CA during the winter months from 90″ to 00″ so it could be either of the two from that time.
It’s so damn cold (already down to 39, expected lows in the 20s) that I’m going to go to bed early and curl up under my nice warm comforter and wait for my bedwarmer (aka the spouse) to join me…night all…
Rest of Tonight
Partly cloudy late in the evening then mostly cloudy. Lows 5 to 10 below. Light winds becoming northwest around 10 mph after midnight.